Flamestar always thought he was doing great as the first leader of FireClan, the 4th clan in the Northern Clans. But when two new cats make an appearance, they may threaten the bond between the cats of FireClan, and it will be up to two cats: Rosekit and Frostkit, flawed at birth, to bring together a group of rebels from different clans to save FireClan: and their actions will effect the whole forest. Based on the Warriors books by Erin Hunter and a real Warriors RPG.
May 17, 2013
April 26, 2013
The Real Story of FireClan
The Real Story of FireClan
In my story all the characters were based upon my friends, so there's not a doubt that I owe them a lot. And, the events also took place as well. So, here is the real story:
When I joined the clan known as FireClan, Flamestar was on a vacation and Sharpfang, the deputy, had taken over and given me my name: Grayfur. Before, I had fought against Sharpfang with one of my friends. We had been in the enemy clan, but the leader was hardly on, so I joined FireClan. And Leafpool the medicine cat quit the clan, so Ashfeather took over as medicine cat, and I became Leafpool's replacement. Bluefur was also in the enemy clan I was in, but joined FireClan after me. I met many friends that we call "Original FireClanners" who I included in my story, but most I can't even remember because they're no more than lost memories. Fastclaw is one. Fastclaw also had another character, from him I got Wolfstar's name. But the character Wolfstar was really based on the leader of OwlClan: a cat who's name I can't remember, but his user was Wolf408. He also had another character: Ravenfeather, who became Raventail. I had to change her name because of TOO MANY FEATHERS. And another of my friends: one of her characters was Ivymist. There was another cat who's name I also can't remember that was leader of a clan known as StormClan. Ivymist had been leader of ThunderClan, so I made her the main character and switched ThunderClan with StormClan so it wouldn't be the same as the real warriors. And there was also a clan named CreekClan, which is now gone, where Streamstar came from: he was the leader.
Rosekit really was Sharpfang's daughter, but I made Frostkit up. Scarletpaw and Blooddrop are also made up. Snowfur, however, was real, and Sharpfang's mate, though she quit. And her personality was the same as in the story. Weed was made up at the last minute. As for DarkForest, 100% true.
One day, Fastclaw made another character: Skullstar. He created the DarkForest, and I joined as Mapleshade, though I changed it to Mapleleaf for the story. Rage and Maple were made up.
Also, one day Flamestar really did grow reckless. There were no patrols and way too many medicine cats. Sharpfang really did separate into ThistleClan and took the majority of FireClan with it, but I stayed with Flamestar in BlazeClan. That part was true.
And Flamestar really did switch off and on with the DarkForest. I always allied with Flamestar.
Darkfeather was another of my good friends that left. I based a main character on her with the same personality.
Thornclaw and Pebblestep. Completely true. They really were- and still are- mates.
Petalsplash was made up, but Doveheart was after a character named Dovefeather, and again, enough with the feathers. Dovefeather really was a misunderstood cat because of one crazy episode with Flamestar that left her with a bad reputation. But we became real good friends, and still are.
And one day, not too long ago, Flamestar re-made FireClan, but it isn't as good as the good old days a long time ago.
So there are still many more people that the characters and events were based upon, but it would take years to list them all. So I thank all my friends in the story and that I didn't mention.
And after a short break from writing, I'll create my prequel.
In my story all the characters were based upon my friends, so there's not a doubt that I owe them a lot. And, the events also took place as well. So, here is the real story:
When I joined the clan known as FireClan, Flamestar was on a vacation and Sharpfang, the deputy, had taken over and given me my name: Grayfur. Before, I had fought against Sharpfang with one of my friends. We had been in the enemy clan, but the leader was hardly on, so I joined FireClan. And Leafpool the medicine cat quit the clan, so Ashfeather took over as medicine cat, and I became Leafpool's replacement. Bluefur was also in the enemy clan I was in, but joined FireClan after me. I met many friends that we call "Original FireClanners" who I included in my story, but most I can't even remember because they're no more than lost memories. Fastclaw is one. Fastclaw also had another character, from him I got Wolfstar's name. But the character Wolfstar was really based on the leader of OwlClan: a cat who's name I can't remember, but his user was Wolf408. He also had another character: Ravenfeather, who became Raventail. I had to change her name because of TOO MANY FEATHERS. And another of my friends: one of her characters was Ivymist. There was another cat who's name I also can't remember that was leader of a clan known as StormClan. Ivymist had been leader of ThunderClan, so I made her the main character and switched ThunderClan with StormClan so it wouldn't be the same as the real warriors. And there was also a clan named CreekClan, which is now gone, where Streamstar came from: he was the leader.
Rosekit really was Sharpfang's daughter, but I made Frostkit up. Scarletpaw and Blooddrop are also made up. Snowfur, however, was real, and Sharpfang's mate, though she quit. And her personality was the same as in the story. Weed was made up at the last minute. As for DarkForest, 100% true.
One day, Fastclaw made another character: Skullstar. He created the DarkForest, and I joined as Mapleshade, though I changed it to Mapleleaf for the story. Rage and Maple were made up.
Also, one day Flamestar really did grow reckless. There were no patrols and way too many medicine cats. Sharpfang really did separate into ThistleClan and took the majority of FireClan with it, but I stayed with Flamestar in BlazeClan. That part was true.
And Flamestar really did switch off and on with the DarkForest. I always allied with Flamestar.
Darkfeather was another of my good friends that left. I based a main character on her with the same personality.
Thornclaw and Pebblestep. Completely true. They really were- and still are- mates.
Petalsplash was made up, but Doveheart was after a character named Dovefeather, and again, enough with the feathers. Dovefeather really was a misunderstood cat because of one crazy episode with Flamestar that left her with a bad reputation. But we became real good friends, and still are.
And one day, not too long ago, Flamestar re-made FireClan, but it isn't as good as the good old days a long time ago.
So there are still many more people that the characters and events were based upon, but it would take years to list them all. So I thank all my friends in the story and that I didn't mention.
And after a short break from writing, I'll create my prequel.
"Wow, Ivymist! You were leader of StormClan!" Cloudkit gasped. Berrykit's eyes widened. Ivymist smiled weakly.
"That's right," she said.
"I can't believe you gave up being a leader for a different clan!" Berrykit exclaimed. Ivymist shrugged.
"Sometimes being leader isn't the most important thing in the world. There are greater forces," Ivymist said.
Cloudkit and Berrykit exchanged a glance.
"I would've stayed leader," Cloudkit said.
"Same," Berrykit replied. Ivymist smiled. One day they might understand, she thought.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" Froststar yowled. Berrykit and Cloudkit looked at each other. There wasn't a doubt about what they were thinking.
"Our ceremony!" They screeched together as they raced into the clearing.
"Cloudkit and Berrykit, please step forward," Froststar said. Cloudkit and Berrykit scrambled up beside Froststar.
"Do you promise to obey your clan and to follow the warrior code as long as you live, even at the cost of your life?" Froststar asked them.
"I promise!" They shouted together.
"Than by the power of StarClan, I give you your apprentice names until you become warriors. Cloudkit, you shall be Cloudpaw. Your mentor shall me Shadefeather," Froststar said. Cloudpaw sent a triumphant glance at Berrykit, who glared at her brother.
"And Berrykit, you shall be Berrypaw. And I'm on one of my last lives, and I would like to fit in one more apprentice. I shall be your mentor," Froststar finished. Berrypaw gasped. Even Cloudpaw looked shocked.
"StarClan honors your bravery and courage," Froststar said.
Berrypaw had never felt better, maybe Cloudpaw had gotten Shadefeather, but Berrykit and gotten Froststar as her mentor, the Froststar, the cat that had been given the gift of reading thoughts besides the fact that he was deaf, the cat who's sister has died, the sister named Rosekit, and the mother that had been Snowfur, the father Sharpfang. Sharpfang, Flamestar's best friend.
"Cloudpaw! Berrypaw!" The clan cheered. The kits raised their heads high. And the loudest voice of all, a voice that not even Petalblossom could eclipse, the voice of Petalblossom's mother, the kit's grandmother, Ivymist.
The End.
Chapter 68: The Aftermath
Chapter 68: The Aftermath
About 2 moons since that last tragic gathering, the clans were finally into a routine again, but it's false to say that they were back to normal.
After the fall of Wolfstar, Bonetail vanished, and Scarletpaw consulted Grayfur about it, and it turned out Maple wasn't the only one with a younger version. With the clan in 100% agreement, Blooddrop became Bloodstar, gave Scarletpaw her warrior name, Scarletdapple. He also gave her an apprentice, and named her deputy.
Without Ivystar leading them, StormClan decided to have the fifth cat, Weed, as their leader. Weedstar gained the respect and control of her clan immediately, and they loved her as a result.
Petalsplash returned to StreamClan and was no longer punished for her curiosity by Pondlily, who never left her side. Doveheart even forgave WhisperClan and even Bladepaw, now Bladepelt, and Scratchwhisper. She was welcomed back into the clan and earned back the respect that had been lost before.
No one knew what happened to Raventail, but rumor spread that she had joined Wolfstar but retreated when she say him defeated.
ThistleClan rejoined BlazeClan and once more became FireClan. Ivystar decided to join FireClan with Flamestar, who gladly accepted her. Ivystar demanded a new name since she was beginning a new life. Flamestar named her Ivymist. Frostkit was given his warrior name, Frostscar, and Rosekit was named Rosetail, because it was long deserved. Frostkit was even named deputy.
And about 12 moons since then, in FireClan camp...
Froststar bounds up in front of his clan.
"I will always miss Flamestar, but as we've all learned, life must go on. But there is one thing I'd like to say on behalf of Flamestar and all of FireClan." Froststar says. Sharpfang nods sadly.
"We have faithful cats, loyal to StarClan until the end." Ashfeather grins.
"And clever cats, ones that can easily solve mysteries long lost." Grayfur smiles.
"Through the times we now call the Rebellion, we've lost more cats than I can list. Snowfur and Rosekit are two closest to our hearts." Sharpfang and Grayfur bow their heads.
"But our clan has survived, my clanmates reaction has been spectacular." Cats like Redvine and Kestrelwing smile.
"There are two conclusions I can, however, draw from this experience, the resolution to the story of the new FireClan, that when separate, we are lost." Bluefur and Sharpfang exchange a glance and look back up at Froststar.
"But together, together we're strong. Together we're undefeated. Together, we're FIRECLAN!"
To Be Concluded
Chapter 67: After the Battle
Chapter 67: After the Battle
Together the cats all head back to the gathering. The sight is enough to blind them. Flamestar is on the edge of crying. Frostkit hurries over to Rosekit's body. It is sad and cold, but Frostkit settles next to her anyways, and he gazes up to the stars. Snowfur's constallation is now accompanied by a new one: Rosekit.
Flamestar and Ivystar are next to Robinsong, along with Grayfur, who's using some wet moss to clean Robinsong's pelt. No one is beside Wolfstar, who isn't quite dead. That's when Ashfeather pads over to him.
"It's not too late, Wolfstar," she says. Wolfstar looks up at her.
"You can still join StarClan. They'll welcome you." Wolfstar nods his head in the slightest movement, then closes his eyes.
"And it's not too late for you either, Maple," Ashfeather says. Maple sighs.
"I can't leave Rage alone," she says. "I'll try to bring him back." Maple pads away in the direction Rage had left awhile back, and as Scarletpaw looks at the passing calico, she sees a much younger cat. Maple looks up at Scarletpaw. Her red eyes soften to a jade green.
"Thank you," she whispers. Maple pads away. Scarletpaw leans against Blooddrop, who wraps his tail around her.
The other clans just watch as the cats grieve. No one says a word, and there's no reason to. Everyone understands, everyone knows. The DarkForest is defeated for now, but not completely. They may return some time in the future, but enough time between for the clans to heal. Flamestar beckons to his clan.
"Come on everyone," he says. "Gathering dismissed. Let's go home."
Together the cats all head back to the gathering. The sight is enough to blind them. Flamestar is on the edge of crying. Frostkit hurries over to Rosekit's body. It is sad and cold, but Frostkit settles next to her anyways, and he gazes up to the stars. Snowfur's constallation is now accompanied by a new one: Rosekit.
Flamestar and Ivystar are next to Robinsong, along with Grayfur, who's using some wet moss to clean Robinsong's pelt. No one is beside Wolfstar, who isn't quite dead. That's when Ashfeather pads over to him.
"It's not too late, Wolfstar," she says. Wolfstar looks up at her.
"You can still join StarClan. They'll welcome you." Wolfstar nods his head in the slightest movement, then closes his eyes.
"And it's not too late for you either, Maple," Ashfeather says. Maple sighs.
"I can't leave Rage alone," she says. "I'll try to bring him back." Maple pads away in the direction Rage had left awhile back, and as Scarletpaw looks at the passing calico, she sees a much younger cat. Maple looks up at Scarletpaw. Her red eyes soften to a jade green.
"Thank you," she whispers. Maple pads away. Scarletpaw leans against Blooddrop, who wraps his tail around her.
The other clans just watch as the cats grieve. No one says a word, and there's no reason to. Everyone understands, everyone knows. The DarkForest is defeated for now, but not completely. They may return some time in the future, but enough time between for the clans to heal. Flamestar beckons to his clan.
"Come on everyone," he says. "Gathering dismissed. Let's go home."
Chapter 66: The Last Battle (Continued)
Chapter 66: The Last Battle (Continued)
Then I remember where I am. Mapleleaf and Skullstar are strong fighters: they've nearly taken out Rosekit and Frostkit. Suddenly, Mapleleaf grabs Rosekit and slings her into a tree. Rosekit is blown into the tree with a sickening crunch.
"Rosekit!" Frostkit cries. Mapleleaf laughs.
"Now do you want to give up the bones? Or do you want to wait until all of your friends are killed?" Mapleleaf asks, her snout covered with blood.
"Now I get it," Grayfur growls. Everyone including Skullstar looks at her.
"There is no Mapleleaf or a Skullstar," Grayfur growls. Skullstar gasps.
"Are there, Mapleleaf? Or should I even call you that, Maple?" Grayfur snarls. Grayfur points her tail at Skullstar. "Those are your bones, aren't they, Rage?" Rage gasps. Mapleleaf cries.
"Sad, aren't you, Maple?" Scarletpaw and Blooddrop step up from the crowd.
"You caused this," Scarletpaw growls. Maple's eyes widen.
"What does the mean?" Rage looks at Maple. Maple bows her head.
"I didn't mean to," she says quietly.
"Mean to what?" Rage asks.
"I didn't know those were deathberries. I didn't know any of those herbs! They looked delicious, so I picked some, I figured they would feed the clan..." Rage gasps. His eyes soften to a calm blue.
"Oh Maple..." he says quietly. I look at Grayfur. She shrugs.
"How do you know this?" I ask her.
"Snowfur was poisoned by deathberries," Grayfur says sadly. "Putting two and two together... it makes sense."
"Well, this has been a surprising night, but it isn't over," Rage says. "I still need my bones back." Rage races off with Maple on his heels.
"Follow them!" Frostkit shouts. I take off after them. The two DarkForest cats enter the clearing that started it all.
"At last," Rage laughs.
"No!" Darkfeather cries. But just as Rage and Maple begin to run to the bones, a huge current of water crashes into the clearing. Rage and Maple are taken by surprise in the rushing currents.
Ba boom! Lightning crashes nearby.
"We have to help them!" Grayfur screams above the pounding rain. Ivystar jumps in the water after the cats. I race along beside the rushing water. The rebel group led by Frostkit and Sharpfang, Grayfur, Scarletpaw, and Blooddrop follow. Suddenly, another water force sounds nearby. Mist rises above the water.
"Ivystar! No!" I shout. "If you don't come back you'll drown!" Ivystar's eyes widen as she tries to swim back, but the current is too strong. Maple and Rage are stronger, however, and they cling to a branch, watching.
"We need the fifth cat!" Darkfeather shouts. "Scarletpaw?" Scarletpaw shakes her head.
"It isn't me," she says quietly. Suddenly, a yellow cat jumps into the current and grabs Ivystar, pulling her towards Maple and Rage. Maple latches onto Ivystar's scruff and pulls her to the branch.
"I know you!" Ivystar gasps. The yellow cat nods. Suddenly, a white blob rushes past them.
"My bones!" Rage shouts. He tries to reach out to them, but Maple grabs him and they vanish over the edge.
"They're gone," Rage whispers. For a moment, everyone is silent. The rain pounds on. We all take a moment to catch our breath as the reality of the night sinks in.
"My name is Weed," the yellow cat says quietly after awhile. "And I am the fifth cat."
Chapter 65: The Last Battle
Chapter 65: The Last Battle
The Clans gasp. Wolfstar smiles. He hops from DeathClan's boulder and walks right up to me.
"Give me the bones," he says.
"Never!" I growl.
"Then FireClan, say goodbye to your beloved leader, if you can call him that!" Wolfstar lunges at me.
"No!" Sharpfang shouts. I lunge at Wolfstar and we meet mid-air.
"Flamestar!" Ivystar shouts. Wolfstar's claws rake my back. I rake his stomach in response. We twist in turn, clawing for what seems like seasons. Finally, Wolfstar pins me to the ground.
"Say goodbye, FireClan!" Wolfstar laughs. I look into the faces of my closest clanmates. Grayfur, loyal to the end, Bluefur, who stands up for what she believes right, Scarstorm, my deputy until I went too far, Fastclaw, Krestelwing, and so many others I can't name. And last, Sharpfang.
"Flamestar, no!" It's Frostkit, followed by Rosekit, Darkfeather, Petalsplash, and Doveheart.
"Doveheart!?" Foxstar hisses.
"Petalsplash?" Pondlily gasps. A sickening laugh prevents further questions.
"You'll have plenty of time for a reunion after we're done," Mapleleaf says.
"That's right, Maple," Skullstar laughs. "I mean, Mapleleaf." I stare at him.
"Did you just call her, Maple?" Rosekit growls.
"What?" Skullstar growls. "No!" he leaps at Rosekit, and Mapleleaf at Frostkit. Wolfstar turns back to me.
"As I was saying," he says, "say goodbye to your leader!"
"You're mad!" I yell. Wolfstar just laughs. But just as his jaws are about to sink into my throat, something knocks him off me. A.. black wolf! I jump onto my paws.
"What the.." Sharpfang begins. The wolf sinks its jaws into Wolfstar's neck. Wolfstar grows limp. The wolf turns and looks me in the eye, and I see that scar. Is that the wolf that... Suddenly, Flamestar's vision went back in time, such a long time ago, when he was splashing in the river, the wolf appearing, the cat striking him right above his left eye...
A cream colored blur jumps from the shadows. She claws the wolf on the back, knocking it down. Sharpfang, Bluefur, and Grayfur leap on top of the wolf. It howls a sad, defeated yowl, and runs off. The cream colored cat looks at me, her eyes shining brighter than the stars.
"Robinsong!?" I gasp. She purrs.
"Oh Flamestar, it's so good to see you again," Robinsong purrs.
"Robinsong... you're alive," I gasp. She purrs and nods. Then I notice the massive wounds the wolf had given her.
"Oh Robinsong..." I say sadly. She's hurt bad.
"Don't worry about me, Flamestar. An omen I saw told me not to come back to you. I'm sorry I couldn't stay," she says as she smiles. Robinsong's laying down, her eyes shutting, her breathing slowing.
"I'll never forget you, Flamestar," she says. "I'll watch you from the stars."
"I'll never forget you either, Robinsong," I say to her. Robinsong's eyes flutter open and they meet mine for one last time. Then they close, and her body grows still. I can see Sharpfang's shocked expression out of the corner of my eye.
To Be Continued
Chapter 64: The Final Gathering
Chapter 64: The Final Gathering
"It's all leading up to this," Frostkit says. I nod sadly."We have to stop the DarkForest at any cost," Petalsplash says quietly.
"But we can't!" I say. All four pairs of eyes look at me.
"We haven't found the fifth cat yet!" I explain.
"You're right," Doveheart sighs.
"We can't give up yet!" Darkfeather says. "We'll probably meet the cat at the gathering!"
StormClan is leaving for the gathering. That phony Wolfstar is leading them. I decide to follow from behind, way behind, just in case. That's what the cat in the dream told me to do.
All the clans assemble. Tonight is the perfect night for DarkForest to strike, all 8 clans gathered at one place, in the pouring rain. It's been raining nonstop. I look around to see all eight leaders on each of the eight rocks.
"Attention clans!" Streamstar announces. "I'd like to go first. CreekClan has been thriving despite the rain. We have a new apprentice, Talonpaw."
"Talonpaw! Talonpaw!" The clans cheer. There's not a bigger honor than being announced in front of the clan-wide gathering. Too bad his day's about to be ruined.
"And WhisperClan has also been thriving. We had to exile one cat, but to replace her we have a new warrior, Bladepelt!" Foxstar says cheerfully.
"Bladepelt! Bladepelt!" The clans cheer. Again, about to be ruined.
"Look at the sky! StarClan is angry!" Someone shouts. Sure enough, the moon is covered with clouds.
Wolfstar laughs. "Angry indeed. By tonight, this forest will belong to the DarkForest!"
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