Flamestar always thought he was doing great as the first leader of FireClan, the 4th clan in the Northern Clans. But when two new cats make an appearance, they may threaten the bond between the cats of FireClan, and it will be up to two cats: Rosekit and Frostkit, flawed at birth, to bring together a group of rebels from different clans to save FireClan: and their actions will effect the whole forest. Based on the Warriors books by Erin Hunter and a real Warriors RPG.
May 17, 2013
April 26, 2013
The Real Story of FireClan
The Real Story of FireClan
In my story all the characters were based upon my friends, so there's not a doubt that I owe them a lot. And, the events also took place as well. So, here is the real story:
When I joined the clan known as FireClan, Flamestar was on a vacation and Sharpfang, the deputy, had taken over and given me my name: Grayfur. Before, I had fought against Sharpfang with one of my friends. We had been in the enemy clan, but the leader was hardly on, so I joined FireClan. And Leafpool the medicine cat quit the clan, so Ashfeather took over as medicine cat, and I became Leafpool's replacement. Bluefur was also in the enemy clan I was in, but joined FireClan after me. I met many friends that we call "Original FireClanners" who I included in my story, but most I can't even remember because they're no more than lost memories. Fastclaw is one. Fastclaw also had another character, from him I got Wolfstar's name. But the character Wolfstar was really based on the leader of OwlClan: a cat who's name I can't remember, but his user was Wolf408. He also had another character: Ravenfeather, who became Raventail. I had to change her name because of TOO MANY FEATHERS. And another of my friends: one of her characters was Ivymist. There was another cat who's name I also can't remember that was leader of a clan known as StormClan. Ivymist had been leader of ThunderClan, so I made her the main character and switched ThunderClan with StormClan so it wouldn't be the same as the real warriors. And there was also a clan named CreekClan, which is now gone, where Streamstar came from: he was the leader.
Rosekit really was Sharpfang's daughter, but I made Frostkit up. Scarletpaw and Blooddrop are also made up. Snowfur, however, was real, and Sharpfang's mate, though she quit. And her personality was the same as in the story. Weed was made up at the last minute. As for DarkForest, 100% true.
One day, Fastclaw made another character: Skullstar. He created the DarkForest, and I joined as Mapleshade, though I changed it to Mapleleaf for the story. Rage and Maple were made up.
Also, one day Flamestar really did grow reckless. There were no patrols and way too many medicine cats. Sharpfang really did separate into ThistleClan and took the majority of FireClan with it, but I stayed with Flamestar in BlazeClan. That part was true.
And Flamestar really did switch off and on with the DarkForest. I always allied with Flamestar.
Darkfeather was another of my good friends that left. I based a main character on her with the same personality.
Thornclaw and Pebblestep. Completely true. They really were- and still are- mates.
Petalsplash was made up, but Doveheart was after a character named Dovefeather, and again, enough with the feathers. Dovefeather really was a misunderstood cat because of one crazy episode with Flamestar that left her with a bad reputation. But we became real good friends, and still are.
And one day, not too long ago, Flamestar re-made FireClan, but it isn't as good as the good old days a long time ago.
So there are still many more people that the characters and events were based upon, but it would take years to list them all. So I thank all my friends in the story and that I didn't mention.
And after a short break from writing, I'll create my prequel.
In my story all the characters were based upon my friends, so there's not a doubt that I owe them a lot. And, the events also took place as well. So, here is the real story:
When I joined the clan known as FireClan, Flamestar was on a vacation and Sharpfang, the deputy, had taken over and given me my name: Grayfur. Before, I had fought against Sharpfang with one of my friends. We had been in the enemy clan, but the leader was hardly on, so I joined FireClan. And Leafpool the medicine cat quit the clan, so Ashfeather took over as medicine cat, and I became Leafpool's replacement. Bluefur was also in the enemy clan I was in, but joined FireClan after me. I met many friends that we call "Original FireClanners" who I included in my story, but most I can't even remember because they're no more than lost memories. Fastclaw is one. Fastclaw also had another character, from him I got Wolfstar's name. But the character Wolfstar was really based on the leader of OwlClan: a cat who's name I can't remember, but his user was Wolf408. He also had another character: Ravenfeather, who became Raventail. I had to change her name because of TOO MANY FEATHERS. And another of my friends: one of her characters was Ivymist. There was another cat who's name I also can't remember that was leader of a clan known as StormClan. Ivymist had been leader of ThunderClan, so I made her the main character and switched ThunderClan with StormClan so it wouldn't be the same as the real warriors. And there was also a clan named CreekClan, which is now gone, where Streamstar came from: he was the leader.
Rosekit really was Sharpfang's daughter, but I made Frostkit up. Scarletpaw and Blooddrop are also made up. Snowfur, however, was real, and Sharpfang's mate, though she quit. And her personality was the same as in the story. Weed was made up at the last minute. As for DarkForest, 100% true.
One day, Fastclaw made another character: Skullstar. He created the DarkForest, and I joined as Mapleshade, though I changed it to Mapleleaf for the story. Rage and Maple were made up.
Also, one day Flamestar really did grow reckless. There were no patrols and way too many medicine cats. Sharpfang really did separate into ThistleClan and took the majority of FireClan with it, but I stayed with Flamestar in BlazeClan. That part was true.
And Flamestar really did switch off and on with the DarkForest. I always allied with Flamestar.
Darkfeather was another of my good friends that left. I based a main character on her with the same personality.
Thornclaw and Pebblestep. Completely true. They really were- and still are- mates.
Petalsplash was made up, but Doveheart was after a character named Dovefeather, and again, enough with the feathers. Dovefeather really was a misunderstood cat because of one crazy episode with Flamestar that left her with a bad reputation. But we became real good friends, and still are.
And one day, not too long ago, Flamestar re-made FireClan, but it isn't as good as the good old days a long time ago.
So there are still many more people that the characters and events were based upon, but it would take years to list them all. So I thank all my friends in the story and that I didn't mention.
And after a short break from writing, I'll create my prequel.
"Wow, Ivymist! You were leader of StormClan!" Cloudkit gasped. Berrykit's eyes widened. Ivymist smiled weakly.
"That's right," she said.
"I can't believe you gave up being a leader for a different clan!" Berrykit exclaimed. Ivymist shrugged.
"Sometimes being leader isn't the most important thing in the world. There are greater forces," Ivymist said.
Cloudkit and Berrykit exchanged a glance.
"I would've stayed leader," Cloudkit said.
"Same," Berrykit replied. Ivymist smiled. One day they might understand, she thought.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" Froststar yowled. Berrykit and Cloudkit looked at each other. There wasn't a doubt about what they were thinking.
"Our ceremony!" They screeched together as they raced into the clearing.
"Cloudkit and Berrykit, please step forward," Froststar said. Cloudkit and Berrykit scrambled up beside Froststar.
"Do you promise to obey your clan and to follow the warrior code as long as you live, even at the cost of your life?" Froststar asked them.
"I promise!" They shouted together.
"Than by the power of StarClan, I give you your apprentice names until you become warriors. Cloudkit, you shall be Cloudpaw. Your mentor shall me Shadefeather," Froststar said. Cloudpaw sent a triumphant glance at Berrykit, who glared at her brother.
"And Berrykit, you shall be Berrypaw. And I'm on one of my last lives, and I would like to fit in one more apprentice. I shall be your mentor," Froststar finished. Berrypaw gasped. Even Cloudpaw looked shocked.
"StarClan honors your bravery and courage," Froststar said.
Berrypaw had never felt better, maybe Cloudpaw had gotten Shadefeather, but Berrykit and gotten Froststar as her mentor, the Froststar, the cat that had been given the gift of reading thoughts besides the fact that he was deaf, the cat who's sister has died, the sister named Rosekit, and the mother that had been Snowfur, the father Sharpfang. Sharpfang, Flamestar's best friend.
"Cloudpaw! Berrypaw!" The clan cheered. The kits raised their heads high. And the loudest voice of all, a voice that not even Petalblossom could eclipse, the voice of Petalblossom's mother, the kit's grandmother, Ivymist.
The End.
Chapter 68: The Aftermath
Chapter 68: The Aftermath
About 2 moons since that last tragic gathering, the clans were finally into a routine again, but it's false to say that they were back to normal.
After the fall of Wolfstar, Bonetail vanished, and Scarletpaw consulted Grayfur about it, and it turned out Maple wasn't the only one with a younger version. With the clan in 100% agreement, Blooddrop became Bloodstar, gave Scarletpaw her warrior name, Scarletdapple. He also gave her an apprentice, and named her deputy.
Without Ivystar leading them, StormClan decided to have the fifth cat, Weed, as their leader. Weedstar gained the respect and control of her clan immediately, and they loved her as a result.
Petalsplash returned to StreamClan and was no longer punished for her curiosity by Pondlily, who never left her side. Doveheart even forgave WhisperClan and even Bladepaw, now Bladepelt, and Scratchwhisper. She was welcomed back into the clan and earned back the respect that had been lost before.
No one knew what happened to Raventail, but rumor spread that she had joined Wolfstar but retreated when she say him defeated.
ThistleClan rejoined BlazeClan and once more became FireClan. Ivystar decided to join FireClan with Flamestar, who gladly accepted her. Ivystar demanded a new name since she was beginning a new life. Flamestar named her Ivymist. Frostkit was given his warrior name, Frostscar, and Rosekit was named Rosetail, because it was long deserved. Frostkit was even named deputy.
And about 12 moons since then, in FireClan camp...
Froststar bounds up in front of his clan.
"I will always miss Flamestar, but as we've all learned, life must go on. But there is one thing I'd like to say on behalf of Flamestar and all of FireClan." Froststar says. Sharpfang nods sadly.
"We have faithful cats, loyal to StarClan until the end." Ashfeather grins.
"And clever cats, ones that can easily solve mysteries long lost." Grayfur smiles.
"Through the times we now call the Rebellion, we've lost more cats than I can list. Snowfur and Rosekit are two closest to our hearts." Sharpfang and Grayfur bow their heads.
"But our clan has survived, my clanmates reaction has been spectacular." Cats like Redvine and Kestrelwing smile.
"There are two conclusions I can, however, draw from this experience, the resolution to the story of the new FireClan, that when separate, we are lost." Bluefur and Sharpfang exchange a glance and look back up at Froststar.
"But together, together we're strong. Together we're undefeated. Together, we're FIRECLAN!"
To Be Concluded
Chapter 67: After the Battle
Chapter 67: After the Battle
Together the cats all head back to the gathering. The sight is enough to blind them. Flamestar is on the edge of crying. Frostkit hurries over to Rosekit's body. It is sad and cold, but Frostkit settles next to her anyways, and he gazes up to the stars. Snowfur's constallation is now accompanied by a new one: Rosekit.
Flamestar and Ivystar are next to Robinsong, along with Grayfur, who's using some wet moss to clean Robinsong's pelt. No one is beside Wolfstar, who isn't quite dead. That's when Ashfeather pads over to him.
"It's not too late, Wolfstar," she says. Wolfstar looks up at her.
"You can still join StarClan. They'll welcome you." Wolfstar nods his head in the slightest movement, then closes his eyes.
"And it's not too late for you either, Maple," Ashfeather says. Maple sighs.
"I can't leave Rage alone," she says. "I'll try to bring him back." Maple pads away in the direction Rage had left awhile back, and as Scarletpaw looks at the passing calico, she sees a much younger cat. Maple looks up at Scarletpaw. Her red eyes soften to a jade green.
"Thank you," she whispers. Maple pads away. Scarletpaw leans against Blooddrop, who wraps his tail around her.
The other clans just watch as the cats grieve. No one says a word, and there's no reason to. Everyone understands, everyone knows. The DarkForest is defeated for now, but not completely. They may return some time in the future, but enough time between for the clans to heal. Flamestar beckons to his clan.
"Come on everyone," he says. "Gathering dismissed. Let's go home."
Together the cats all head back to the gathering. The sight is enough to blind them. Flamestar is on the edge of crying. Frostkit hurries over to Rosekit's body. It is sad and cold, but Frostkit settles next to her anyways, and he gazes up to the stars. Snowfur's constallation is now accompanied by a new one: Rosekit.
Flamestar and Ivystar are next to Robinsong, along with Grayfur, who's using some wet moss to clean Robinsong's pelt. No one is beside Wolfstar, who isn't quite dead. That's when Ashfeather pads over to him.
"It's not too late, Wolfstar," she says. Wolfstar looks up at her.
"You can still join StarClan. They'll welcome you." Wolfstar nods his head in the slightest movement, then closes his eyes.
"And it's not too late for you either, Maple," Ashfeather says. Maple sighs.
"I can't leave Rage alone," she says. "I'll try to bring him back." Maple pads away in the direction Rage had left awhile back, and as Scarletpaw looks at the passing calico, she sees a much younger cat. Maple looks up at Scarletpaw. Her red eyes soften to a jade green.
"Thank you," she whispers. Maple pads away. Scarletpaw leans against Blooddrop, who wraps his tail around her.
The other clans just watch as the cats grieve. No one says a word, and there's no reason to. Everyone understands, everyone knows. The DarkForest is defeated for now, but not completely. They may return some time in the future, but enough time between for the clans to heal. Flamestar beckons to his clan.
"Come on everyone," he says. "Gathering dismissed. Let's go home."
Chapter 66: The Last Battle (Continued)
Chapter 66: The Last Battle (Continued)
Then I remember where I am. Mapleleaf and Skullstar are strong fighters: they've nearly taken out Rosekit and Frostkit. Suddenly, Mapleleaf grabs Rosekit and slings her into a tree. Rosekit is blown into the tree with a sickening crunch.
"Rosekit!" Frostkit cries. Mapleleaf laughs.
"Now do you want to give up the bones? Or do you want to wait until all of your friends are killed?" Mapleleaf asks, her snout covered with blood.
"Now I get it," Grayfur growls. Everyone including Skullstar looks at her.
"There is no Mapleleaf or a Skullstar," Grayfur growls. Skullstar gasps.
"Are there, Mapleleaf? Or should I even call you that, Maple?" Grayfur snarls. Grayfur points her tail at Skullstar. "Those are your bones, aren't they, Rage?" Rage gasps. Mapleleaf cries.
"Sad, aren't you, Maple?" Scarletpaw and Blooddrop step up from the crowd.
"You caused this," Scarletpaw growls. Maple's eyes widen.
"What does the mean?" Rage looks at Maple. Maple bows her head.
"I didn't mean to," she says quietly.
"Mean to what?" Rage asks.
"I didn't know those were deathberries. I didn't know any of those herbs! They looked delicious, so I picked some, I figured they would feed the clan..." Rage gasps. His eyes soften to a calm blue.
"Oh Maple..." he says quietly. I look at Grayfur. She shrugs.
"How do you know this?" I ask her.
"Snowfur was poisoned by deathberries," Grayfur says sadly. "Putting two and two together... it makes sense."
"Well, this has been a surprising night, but it isn't over," Rage says. "I still need my bones back." Rage races off with Maple on his heels.
"Follow them!" Frostkit shouts. I take off after them. The two DarkForest cats enter the clearing that started it all.
"At last," Rage laughs.
"No!" Darkfeather cries. But just as Rage and Maple begin to run to the bones, a huge current of water crashes into the clearing. Rage and Maple are taken by surprise in the rushing currents.
Ba boom! Lightning crashes nearby.
"We have to help them!" Grayfur screams above the pounding rain. Ivystar jumps in the water after the cats. I race along beside the rushing water. The rebel group led by Frostkit and Sharpfang, Grayfur, Scarletpaw, and Blooddrop follow. Suddenly, another water force sounds nearby. Mist rises above the water.
"Ivystar! No!" I shout. "If you don't come back you'll drown!" Ivystar's eyes widen as she tries to swim back, but the current is too strong. Maple and Rage are stronger, however, and they cling to a branch, watching.
"We need the fifth cat!" Darkfeather shouts. "Scarletpaw?" Scarletpaw shakes her head.
"It isn't me," she says quietly. Suddenly, a yellow cat jumps into the current and grabs Ivystar, pulling her towards Maple and Rage. Maple latches onto Ivystar's scruff and pulls her to the branch.
"I know you!" Ivystar gasps. The yellow cat nods. Suddenly, a white blob rushes past them.
"My bones!" Rage shouts. He tries to reach out to them, but Maple grabs him and they vanish over the edge.
"They're gone," Rage whispers. For a moment, everyone is silent. The rain pounds on. We all take a moment to catch our breath as the reality of the night sinks in.
"My name is Weed," the yellow cat says quietly after awhile. "And I am the fifth cat."
Chapter 65: The Last Battle
Chapter 65: The Last Battle
The Clans gasp. Wolfstar smiles. He hops from DeathClan's boulder and walks right up to me.
"Give me the bones," he says.
"Never!" I growl.
"Then FireClan, say goodbye to your beloved leader, if you can call him that!" Wolfstar lunges at me.
"No!" Sharpfang shouts. I lunge at Wolfstar and we meet mid-air.
"Flamestar!" Ivystar shouts. Wolfstar's claws rake my back. I rake his stomach in response. We twist in turn, clawing for what seems like seasons. Finally, Wolfstar pins me to the ground.
"Say goodbye, FireClan!" Wolfstar laughs. I look into the faces of my closest clanmates. Grayfur, loyal to the end, Bluefur, who stands up for what she believes right, Scarstorm, my deputy until I went too far, Fastclaw, Krestelwing, and so many others I can't name. And last, Sharpfang.
"Flamestar, no!" It's Frostkit, followed by Rosekit, Darkfeather, Petalsplash, and Doveheart.
"Doveheart!?" Foxstar hisses.
"Petalsplash?" Pondlily gasps. A sickening laugh prevents further questions.
"You'll have plenty of time for a reunion after we're done," Mapleleaf says.
"That's right, Maple," Skullstar laughs. "I mean, Mapleleaf." I stare at him.
"Did you just call her, Maple?" Rosekit growls.
"What?" Skullstar growls. "No!" he leaps at Rosekit, and Mapleleaf at Frostkit. Wolfstar turns back to me.
"As I was saying," he says, "say goodbye to your leader!"
"You're mad!" I yell. Wolfstar just laughs. But just as his jaws are about to sink into my throat, something knocks him off me. A.. black wolf! I jump onto my paws.
"What the.." Sharpfang begins. The wolf sinks its jaws into Wolfstar's neck. Wolfstar grows limp. The wolf turns and looks me in the eye, and I see that scar. Is that the wolf that... Suddenly, Flamestar's vision went back in time, such a long time ago, when he was splashing in the river, the wolf appearing, the cat striking him right above his left eye...
A cream colored blur jumps from the shadows. She claws the wolf on the back, knocking it down. Sharpfang, Bluefur, and Grayfur leap on top of the wolf. It howls a sad, defeated yowl, and runs off. The cream colored cat looks at me, her eyes shining brighter than the stars.
"Robinsong!?" I gasp. She purrs.
"Oh Flamestar, it's so good to see you again," Robinsong purrs.
"Robinsong... you're alive," I gasp. She purrs and nods. Then I notice the massive wounds the wolf had given her.
"Oh Robinsong..." I say sadly. She's hurt bad.
"Don't worry about me, Flamestar. An omen I saw told me not to come back to you. I'm sorry I couldn't stay," she says as she smiles. Robinsong's laying down, her eyes shutting, her breathing slowing.
"I'll never forget you, Flamestar," she says. "I'll watch you from the stars."
"I'll never forget you either, Robinsong," I say to her. Robinsong's eyes flutter open and they meet mine for one last time. Then they close, and her body grows still. I can see Sharpfang's shocked expression out of the corner of my eye.
To Be Continued
Chapter 64: The Final Gathering
Chapter 64: The Final Gathering
"It's all leading up to this," Frostkit says. I nod sadly."We have to stop the DarkForest at any cost," Petalsplash says quietly.
"But we can't!" I say. All four pairs of eyes look at me.
"We haven't found the fifth cat yet!" I explain.
"You're right," Doveheart sighs.
"We can't give up yet!" Darkfeather says. "We'll probably meet the cat at the gathering!"
StormClan is leaving for the gathering. That phony Wolfstar is leading them. I decide to follow from behind, way behind, just in case. That's what the cat in the dream told me to do.
All the clans assemble. Tonight is the perfect night for DarkForest to strike, all 8 clans gathered at one place, in the pouring rain. It's been raining nonstop. I look around to see all eight leaders on each of the eight rocks.
"Attention clans!" Streamstar announces. "I'd like to go first. CreekClan has been thriving despite the rain. We have a new apprentice, Talonpaw."
"Talonpaw! Talonpaw!" The clans cheer. There's not a bigger honor than being announced in front of the clan-wide gathering. Too bad his day's about to be ruined.
"And WhisperClan has also been thriving. We had to exile one cat, but to replace her we have a new warrior, Bladepelt!" Foxstar says cheerfully.
"Bladepelt! Bladepelt!" The clans cheer. Again, about to be ruined.
"Look at the sky! StarClan is angry!" Someone shouts. Sure enough, the moon is covered with clouds.
Wolfstar laughs. "Angry indeed. By tonight, this forest will belong to the DarkForest!"
Chapter 63: A Beg for Help
Chapter 63: A Beg for Help
As I burst into the clearing, all eyes are on me.
"Grayfur! You're safe and okay!" Sharpfang yells. I smile, then I remember what I'm here for.
"Sharpfang, there's no time for that. The DarkForest is rising, and it's targeting Flamestar. Sharpfang snorts.
"Then let it attack Flamestar. We'll do without him," Sharpfang says. I snarl. I leap on Sharpfang and pin him on the ground. Of course, I couldn't do this any other day, for my actions catch him by surprise.
"Sharpfang, don't you get it? If the DarkForest succeeds, the whole forest will be in peril! In fact, we already are! And besides, Flamestar's your best friend! Doesn't that mean anything?" I growl at him. I step back and let Sharpfang get up. He narrows his eyes.
"How do you know all this?" he asks.
"Because I've put two and two together!" I say. "It isn't Flamestar's fault that he's doing this! And you aren't completely innocent either!" I reply.
"What do you mean?" Bluefur asks.
"I mean that the DarkForest has taking on Flamestar and Sharpfang as apprentices without the other knowing. While one trained Flamestar to be harsh and cruel, another told Sharpfang to teach him a lesson." I explain. Sharpfang and Bluefur exchange a glance.
"But why are they doing this?" Bluefur asks.
"I don't know," I say. "But I do know someone that does."
With Bluefur and Sharpfang at my heels, we race into BlazeClan camp. Flamestar and Raventail are in Flamestar's den, accompanied by another cat.
"Flamestar! It's urgent!" I yell. Flamestar looks up.
"Plan to kill me?" Flamestar growls. Sharpfang narrows his eyes.
"The exact opposite," I say.
"What's going on?" The other cat says. Is that...
"Ivystar?" Bluefur looks at the gray cat. Now this is shocking.
"Flamestar, you and the forest is in danger. The DarkForest is rising." I say.
"What?!" Flamestar gasps.
"Is Wolfstar in the DarkForest?" Ivystar asks. We all look at her.
"Wolfstar took over my clan!" Ivystar growls. I gasp.
"We have to go. Now. Follow me," I say. I take off towards the heart of FireClan territory.
I lead them inside the clearing. Frostkit, Rosekit, Darkfeather, and two other cats.
"Rosekit and Frostkit!?" Sharpfang gasps.
"Father?" Rosekit's eyes widen. Frostkit's blue eyes stare at him.
"There's no time for a reunion," Flamestar says. "The DarkForest is bound to strike real soon, when the clans are weakest."
"When are they weakest?" Darkfeather asks.
"The gathering," I whisper. We all look at each other nervously.
"But what are they after?" Bluefur asks. Rosekit and Frostkit step away from each other. There's a pile of bones.
"What the..." Sharpfang begins.
"The bones have powers. They can control armies of cats, that's what the DarkForest is after. They'l gain control of all the clans if we don't stop them," Rosekit replies. She looks up at the sky. The sun is setting fast.
"The gatherings going to begin soon," I say.
"I'll get ThistleClan," Sharpfang says. "I'll meet you guys there." Sharpfang bounds away with Bluefur on his heels. Flamestar, Ivystar, and I race away towards the camp.
"Raventail!" We shout. There's no sign of her.
Chapter 62: The Warning
Chapter 62: The Warning
As soon as we reach the main thunderpath, our sprints turn into a steady jog.
"Thank you so much, Scarletpaw!" Blooddrop pants. Grayfur nods.
"We would've been stuck in there until a twoleg took each of us out!" Grayfur exclaims. I shrug.
"So, how are things in DeathClan?" Blooddrop asks. Uh oh! I forgot all about that... but I have to tell him.
"Turtlepath is dead," I say sadly. "I'm so sorry, Blooddrop."
"She's.. dead..?" Blooddrop stops in his tracks. "How..?"
"Bonetail. He killed her so he could be the deputy. I tried to stop him, I really did. But he said Turtlepath and I tried to kill him, and I had to leave or I wouldn't be able to rescue you," I say. Blooddrop just nods and sighs.
"I believe you, Scarletpaw," he says. "But I should've done more for her. I could've saved her." Blooddrop is crying now.
"It's not your fault!" Grayfur says. "You did all you could, Blooddrop. Turtlepath was under Bonetail's control. Please don't blaim yourself!"
"Fine," Blooddrop says. But Grayfur's words went in one of his ears, and out the other.
"How long until we get back to the forest?" Grayfur asks, changing the subject.
"Well, its awhile before we get to our part of the forest. We should probably rest and we'll get back tomorrow," I reply. Grayfur nods. We go into the nearby woods and gather some moss for a nest. Together we spread it around a small bush.
"Almost as good as in DeathClan, aye Blooddrop?" I nudge him gently.
"Mmp," Blooddrop replies.
"I forgot to tell you, Blooddrop. Before Turtlepath passed away, she told me to tell her I'm sorry," I say to him. This makes his ears perk a bit.
"She really told you that?" Blooddrop begins to cry. "Oh, Scarletpaw..." I put my tail on his shoulders.
"It's okay, Blooddrop. Turtlepath will watch over you in the stars, Blooddrop, I promise. She realized the mistakes she made. She still loves you, Blooddrop." I tell him. Blooddrop looks up at me.
"I'll just go get some more moss," Grayfur says quickly. I roll my eyes at her.
"Thank you for telling me the truth, Scarletpaw," Blooddrop says.
"It certainly was the truth," A voice says. A faded white cat stands in front of us, her pelt colored with stars. Her eyes shine brighter than the moon as she gazes at us.
"Turtlepath!" Blooddrop exclaims. Turtlepath nods.
"It really wasn't your fault, Blooddrop," she says. "Everything Scarletpaw told you is the truth. Please don't be sad, Blooddrop. I want you to go on with your life. I want you to be happy."
"I will be happy, Turtlepath, knowing you're with me," Blooddrop says.
"I best be going, Blooddrop, Scarletpaw. DarkForest is rising quick, let Grayfur lead you to FireClan territory. They will strike soon." Turtlepath fades away.
"Turtlepath! What do you mean?" Blooddrop yells after she vanishes.
"What's going on?!" Grayfur asks as she appears.
"It's the DarkForest! They're going to arrive soon!" I tell her. Grayfur gasps.
"Oh no, oh no! There's no time to waste! We can't rest, FireClan's in danger! I'll explain on the way there," Grayfur sprints away. Blooddrop and I exchange a glance then race away, leaving the temporary bed behind; we have no choice but to follow.
April 25, 2013
Chapter 61: The Motive
Chapter 61: The Motive
I slowly open my eyes. I'm in StarClan, as I've learned from Rosekit and Frostkit. I make my way over to our gathering area. For some reason I've never gotten sick of seeing the same four cats every day and night. Rosekit looks at me, and she beams.
"Great to see you, Darkfeather. You're right on time," Rosekit says. Frostkit nods. A cream colored cat is adressing the meeting.
"Your job is nearly complete," she says. "There are just two final tasks."
"Which are..?" Doveheart asks.
"You must find the fifth cat first, and then defeat the DarkForest."
"But we've found the fifth cat! Raventail!" Petalsplash informs. The cream colored cat sighs.
"What makes you say she's the fifth?" the cream cat asks. "Why isn't she here tonight?" The clearing is quiet.
"Anyways, I'd like to show you something," the cat says. We follow her to the tallest tree in StarClan: the Big Tree.
"Come on," Frostkit beckons us. Rosekit hops onto the tree, and I follow her, with Petalsplash and Doveheart in the rear. Soon we reach the flat branch at the top. The cream colored cat points her tail towards the DarkForest border. We can make out two cats, each in seperate clearings, training two cats. Frostkit and Rosekit's eyes widen. And mine widen too when I see who they're training.
Flamestar and Sharpfang. No wonder. That explains everything. There's no mistaking Flamestar's bright orange pelt, and Sharpfang's piercing orange eyes. And they aren't being trained together. That explains why Flamestar's separated from Sharpfang; why Sharpfang left.
"Now you can see why they're separated. FireClan is weak. Flamestar is weak," The cream colored cat says.
"But why are they targeting Flamestar? What does he have that they want?" Petalsplash asks. "And what does this have to do with the other clans?" The cream colored cat says nothing. Her eyes look into each of ours.
"We have to figure this out," Doveheart says. "What does Flamestar have that they want?"
"Maybe he has powers or something?" I ask.
"Flamestar doesn't have powers!" Rosekit exclaims.
"Or maybe," Frostkit says.
"Maybe what?" Petalsplash asks.
"Maybe... it's something Flamestar doesn't know about. Something that lies on his territory." Frostkit says slowly.
"Like..." Petalsplash gasps.
"The bones," we all say together.
Act 6: Chapter 60: Flooded
Act 6
Chapter 60: Flooded
The rain continues as I walk. Ba-boom! Thunder snarls and lets fierce lightning crack. I shiver. The rain makes it cold out here, and it's new-leaf! This is ridiculous! As I trudge on, the Great Stream comes into view. At least, a Great Stream I don't know. The banks on its side are completely flooded, and as I look in the water, there are huge fish. I lunge backwards and pull my paw from the water. What are those big fish? They're scary; how can I cross?
Lightning explodes in the distance, before that, thunder. This continues for what seems like minutes, though only seconds. It's only been raining for a few days, maybe a week, so what if this continues for longer? What will happen if the Great Stream continues like this? I gulp. What if that happens? I need to get to FireClan right now! I must warn the cats! I close my eyes at take a deep breath. I have to jump across, for FireClan! I plunge into the water, and I swim across as fast as I can. The stream is longer than I thought, because of the flood. Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of the green fish. It opens its mouth and then... pain. I scream. I look down to see blood in the water.
No, no, no! I'm a clan leader, this can't be happening! I close my eyes and keep swimming. Soon I feel the cool ground beneath my paws, and I run and run. When I'm out of breath, I stop. I look down at the source of the bleeding, my leg. I gasp. At least, what's left of it.
A bloody stump is all that's left. I close my eyes and force myself to breath in and out. I open them a few seconds later. My leg is bleeding fast. If I don't stop the bleeding I'll die from blood loss. I need any plant, preferably cobwebs, and stop the bleeding. I glance around. I spot some moss nearby. Thank you, StarClan! I press the moss against my leg. There's more of a stump left than I thought. I think of the green fish chomping down on my leg. My heart sours as I anger. The thought of it floating down the stream or the fish chomping it to bits... I shake my head. No, no bad thoughts. I need to get to FireClan, and stat!
Despite the pain, I run. The rain helps stop the blood, but not completely. I carry moss as I go, replacing it as I attach it to my leg. I continue this often as I near the territory. And at last, the scent marks! I breathe a sigh of relief. FireClan camp isn't too far from the border! I can make it!
"What happened to your leg?!" Flamestar gasps as I enter the quiet camp. I collapse in a heap.
"Get Ashfeather... or Grayfur... please..." I say. The blood loss is catching up with me. I see Flamestar exchange a glance with a she-cat.
"Now!" I say through gritted teeth. The she-cat runs off.
"Don't worry, Ivystar! Help is on the way!" Flamestar says. But he can't disguise the doubt in his voice.
April 24, 2013
Chapter 59: Escape
Chapter 59: Escape
I race around the den for an entrance. Then I see a clear wall and twolegs are running in and out because of the pouring rain. As soon as the door is wide enough to slink inside, I enter. I crouch low and look around. I'm behind some kind of plant, but it doesn't look real. Why have a fake plant when you can have a real one? I life my head and smell around for Blooddrop's scent. The invisible orange line leads me forward towards... gulp... the dogs.For Blooddrop. For Blooddrop. I have to repeat this as I near the clear entrance to the dog part. A twoleg opens the wall, and I race inside. The barking grows really loud.
"Ah, dinner," a dog says.
"What you doing out of your cage, cute, fluffy cat?" another asks. I ignore them and keep going. Finally, the horrid scent ends as I enter another clear wall to the cat section. I take a moment to breathe, then look around. The scent is more bearable, yet still bad. Poor Blooddrop! I look around for him. But another cat catches my attention. Something about her long gray fur is familiar, but I shake it off. No distractions. To Blooddrop.
The orange line leads me to one small den.
"Scarletpaw!" Blooddrop exclaims. He's with a yellow elder.
"So this is the one you talk about? She's a cute one," the yellow elder says. I look at Blooddrop. He blushes and shakes his head.
"Scarletpaw, you have to help Grayfur! She's here too, and a two-leg is about to take her away!" So that's who that was! Oh, no!
"Let me get you out first!" I exclaim. I look at the little thing that keeps the den latched.
"Push down on the big stick and then, at the same time, use your other paw to swing the door open," the yellow cat says. I use one paw to grasp the stick, but it's difficult to hold the door with my other paw.
"It's sooo hard," I say.
"Hurry, Grayfur's about to leave!" Blooddrop yells. Sure enough, out of the corner of my eye, I see Grayfur in a small den- cage- and a small twoleg kit is grasping it impatiently. I use all my strength to pull the door open. Blooddrop and the yellow cat fly out.
"Thank you, Scarletpaw!" Blooddrop purrs. We just stand there for a few seconds, then a twoleg screech interrupts us. The twoleg reaches out for me, and I break into a run.
"Run! Follow Grayfur!" Blooddrop yells. The twoleg carrying her is walking out of the den. The twoleg chasing us is right at our heels. We make a sharp turn and are out of the building in the pouring rain. A monster races nearby us.
"Where's Grayfur now?" Blooddrop asks. He's frantic, any cat can tell. Monsters are zooming by.
"Over here!" I yell. I can see the little twoleg lifting Grayfur into the very back of the monster. The twoleg walks over to its mother. No one is looking at Grayfur.
"Now!" Blooddrop whispers. Mustard lunges forward and unlatches the cage. Grayfur hops out. She sprints toward us.
"Let's get out of here!" she exclaims.
"That was close!" I agree.
"Thank you, Mustard," Blooddrop says. But Mustard the yellow cat isn't here. He's back behind us, looking towards the little twoleg and the monster. We run back to him.
"Come on! Let's get back to the forest!" Blooddrop instructs.
"No." Mustard says. "I can't leave the twoleg. She'll be so sad to see Grayfur gone.
"You can't suggest me going back to her!" Grayfur exclaims.
"No, I'll go," Mustard says. "I'll never forget you guys. Thank you for giving me a home."
"I'll never forget you either, Mustard." Blooddrop says. Mustard runs back to the crying twoleg and rubs against its leg.
"Come on," Blooddrop says. "Let's go home."
End of Act 5
Chapter 58: The Rescue
Chapter 58: The Rescue
Another day in the pound. Grayfur's stories help the day go by, but they're still long and drawn out. All day twolegs are screaming loudly and dogs are barking from another den nearby. And now, a twoleg kit is looking in our small den. She says something to a grown twoleg, and slowly our den is opened. I try to make a run for it, but the twoleg's paws get in the way. Grayfur howls out as they touch her. The hands pull her away, and the cage closes behind her.
"Blooddrop!" she screams.
"Grayfur! I'll try to get free!" I yell back.
"It ain't no use, Blooddrop," Mustard says calmly. "No cat can open these cages from the inside." I glare at him. And then, miraculously my head lifts to the clear wall into the pouring rain and I see a cat looking in. It's hard to tell since it's so dark outside, but our eyes meet, and I recognise that gaze. Scarletpaw!
Blooddrop's in there! At last, I've found him! Thank you, Jadepaw, thank you!q
"Where are they taking Grayfur?" I ask Mustard frantically."Well, she's a lucky she-cat, she is. I'll bet you that twoleg wants to adopt her." Mustard relpies, again, calmly.
"Adopt her? What does that mean?"
"It means the twoleg will take her home."
"To its twoleg nest!?"
"Yep." Panic fills me.
"We must rescue her! How can I get out?" I ask Mustard nervously.
"Like I said, there's no way to get out unless you're on the outside of the cage. You can't help your friend otherwise."
"But we're not on the outside!" I say, paniced. Then, a small ball of hope lights up inside me. "Scarletpaw! She can get us out!" Of course, Scarletpaw! Mustard stares at me blankly.
"She's my friend from BloodClan," I exclaim. Still, he stares at me blankly. "Never mind." I mutter. I look out the window again and search for Scarletpaw. There's no sign of her, hopefully she's trying to get inside.
Chapter 57: The Attack
Chapter 57: The Attack
Almost all the BlazeClan cats have transfered to ThistleClan. All but 2. Raventail and Grayfur Is she, like, in love with Flamestar or something? I haven't seen her in moons! No bother, I still have the most important cats. And Grayfur must be the medicine cat for them. But something just doesn't feel right about that statement. Grayfur knows where she is needed most. She's a smart cat. Where is she?
"Hey, Kestrelwing!" I shout.
"Yes, Sharpfang?" she pads over to me.
"What happened to Grayfur? I haven't seen her."
"You mean... no one told you?" I shake my head.
"Oh, Sharpfang! Flamestar hurt her bad because she let Darkfeather go!"
"WHAT!?" I scream. Grayfur was hurt by Flamestar!? Kestrelwing nods sadly.
"That's it. You and Bluefur are in charge. I'll be right back," I grit my teeth and walk away.
"Sharpfang wait!" Kestrelwing yells. But I ignore her. Flamestar needs to be taught a lesson. Now.
Pure rage drives me into BlazeClan camp faster then I've ever gone before. I slow down and quietly stalk forward. Flamestar is sleeping in his grass patch in his clearing alone. Perfect.
Slowly, I stalk into his clearing. Flamestar stirs, but doesn't awaken. Suddenly, I leap forward and pin Flamestar to the ground. His eyes fly open and he struggles to break free.
"What have you done to Grayfur!?" I yell into his face. Flamestar's eyes widen.
"She.. she..." I slam my paw against his throat. Flamestar grasps for breath.
"The truth, Flamestar! The truth or I'll kill you!" I release the pressure on Flamestar a tiny bit.
"She let Darkfeather go and I.. got mad and..." I growl.
"And you WHAT?!" I scream.
"I... I... hurt her," Flamestar gasps.
"And where is she now?"
"The... twoleg took her.." Now this is shocking. I'm so shocked I release my grip too much. Flamestar manages to wiggle free and leaps on me. His claws meet my neck, and I yell in agony.
"How does it feel, Sharpfang?" Flamestar growls. I throw him off my back and leap at him.
"Justice feels good," I reply. I claw at his side, and we continue to fight. At one point he pins me, and I can't escape.
"You've taken everything from me, Sharpfang," Flamestar growls.
"No, you've taken them from yourself!" I reply. I jump up, and manage to throw Flamestar off. He lands with a whop and scrambles to his paws. I notice he's covered with blood.
"Flamestar?" a voice says from the forest. Raventail.
"I hope you've learned your lesson," I growl to Flamestar and run off.
"Coward!" he hisses from behind me. I'm not the coward. I just know when to stop.
April 22, 2013
Chapter 56: An Answer
Chapter 56: An Answer
I slowly open my eyes. I'm in a small clearing. I slowly turn around, looking for the cat that's supposed to guide me. But I don't see her. And then, I see white sticks. Those aren't sticks, those are bones! The shock draws me closer. The bones are awefully small, the size of a middle-aged cat. Poor cat. Never got to finish its life. As I draw closer to touch the bone, my surroundings fizzle. Suddenly I'm in a much larger clearing. There are two cats in the clearing, a white cat and a brown tabby. They're huddled together beside what looks like- another- pile of bones. What's up with the bones? Then I notice there are four other cats nearby, well fed ones.
"You look surprised, Ivystar." A voice says from behind me. I turn around. A small calico is looking at me.
"Who are you?" I ask. Shouldn't I know these cats?
"My name is Jadepaw. You have come to talk to me."
"Yes, you came to the Moonpath, haven't you?"
"Well, yes, but..."
"But you expected more?"
"Yes. I guess I did." Jadepaw purrs.
"I don't blame you. Anyways, lets get down to buisness. What would you like to discuss?"
"Wolfstar has taken over my clan!" I can't help but cry. "What have I done to deserve this?"
"Ivystar, you haven't done anything. This isn't Wolfstar's fault either."
"Then who's is it?"
"Well, normally StarClan likes to let cats figure these things on their own, but this is much too important and disguised that, no offense, but no cat could ever figure it out in time." I sniffle and nod.
"So what's going on?" I ask after my eyes are almost dry.
"Well, theres a force known as DarkForest stirring up major trouble. And there are certain cats helping to stop them. But Ivystar, you are the main cat."
"The main cat? Wha... what do you mean?"
"You have a destiny like no other, Ivystar. You need to make your way to FireClan and protect Flamestar. And you will know what to do from there, trust me."
"Flamestar? I thought this was between DeathClan and StormClan."
"Oh no. This is about the whole forest, Ivystar. Especially FireClan. Skullstar is almost done with FireClan, and DeathClan as well. StormClan is on its way."
"Skullstar? I know you're a StarClan cat, but how do you know all this?"
"Well, it's complicated. But don't worry, answers are near. Now, it's time for you to go, my friend. Remember, FireClan. Find Flamestar, and you'll know what to do from there."
Once again I'm lying on the cold floor of Moonpath. I slowly rise to my paws and follow the path back to the entrance. I can hear the steady pounding of hard rain, and then I realize, there is nothing steady about this rain. It's hard and unforgiving, pounding on top of me as I exit the Moonpath entrance. I'm off on a long journey to FireClan territory. It'll take even longer through the rain.
Chapter 55: Falso Directions
Chapter 55: False Directions
"No, no, lower your tail, but don't let it touch the ground!" I instruct. Teaching a kittypet's hard work!"Like this?" he asks. I just shrug. Close enough. The cat's name is Owen, an abandoned kittypet.
"Ok, now you need to pounce," I say. Owen pounces, and to my surprise, it's a perfect pounce!
"Perfect!" I say. Owen bursts with pride.
"Thank you so much for teaching me!" he exclaims.
"No probem," I say. "Now for your part of the deal."
"Oh yeah," Owen says. "Your friend is likely in the cat dump."
"The cat dump?"
"Yes. Housefolk will drop off injured cats there."
"But Blooddrop isn't hurt."
"Blooddrop? What kind of name is that?"
"Just, nevermind. How can I get to this catdump?"
"From here, if you go up the thunderpath, if that's what you call it, and follow the closest monsters you'll see a big building with lots of cats and dogs entering. That's the cat dump. There are clear walls where you can see in."
"Oh, thank you, Owen! I'll never forget this!"
"No problem, Scarletpaw. Good luck finding your friend!" I wave my tail back and race away.
If Owen's right, I'm less than a tail-length away from Blooddrop! I exit the forest and spot the thunderpath. Follow the closest monsters. I run along the thunderpath as I did coming to the twoleg place. But I still don't see any cat dump.
And then, I smell the scent of cats and dogs! The cat dump! There are so many twolegs hanging around, it's a wonder that I walked up to the clear spots in the den. I peer inside. There are so many cats in cages, and dogs with little clear tree-bark around their necks. But no Blooddrop, and I don't even smell his scent. My tail droops, and I hop down. It's useless. Blooddrop is gone. I've done what I can. This is beyond my control.
I slowly trudge away back the way I came. Rain begins to pour down. There goes any scent left. But this isn't any ordinary sprinkle. The rain is pouring, ripping into my fur, dragging me towards the ground with it. And the wind rushes it towards behind me, making it even harder for me to navigate away. How can I get back to DeathClan? And then, I remember. There is no home for me there. Turtlepath is dead, and Blooddrop is gone. Blooddrop is gone.... I fall onto the ground. This is useless. What's the point of going on when there is nothing left?
"There is something left, Scarletpaw," A voice says beside me. I feel a warm sensation spread throughout me.
"Jadepaw!" I shout. There she is, warming me, beside me. Her pelt shelters me from the rain, giving me warmth.
"Don't give up, Scarletpaw. Blooddrop is depending on you. He needs you, and so does DeathClan."
"DeathClan? For what?"
"From Bonetail, stupid. Scarletpaw, you must continue on your quest. You're so close, can't you feel it?" And I realize, I can feel it. He may not be in the cat dump, but I don't need a scent, or a cat to direct me.
"That's the spirit, Scarletpaw! Haven't you heard this before?"
"Yes, Jadepaw, I have. Thank you." And Jadepaw is gone. And so are my ugly thoughts. But the cold rain returns, but I'm oblivious to this. The rain is trying to stop me, but it's just another obstacle. Nothing can or will stop me. I have Jadepaw to journey with me, and a life depends on me. And, as a matter of fact, I've passed the cat dump. And ahead is a much larger building with faded cat scent, and maybe, just maybe, Blooddrop is there. :)
April 21, 2013
Chapter 54: The Fifth
Chapter 54: The Fifth
"I'm going to go on a patrol, Flamestar," I say.
"Alright, Raventail. Have fun. Bring me back lots of prey," Flamestar replies. There are three reasons why I want to get away.
Number 1: Flamestar is driving me crazy! How much can lonliness do to a cat?
Number 2: I need some fresh air.
Number 3: I heard voices on my last patrol.
So I slowly walk away, my tail up from the ground, acting as if I really am hunting. But as soon as I'm out of earshot and sight, I run towards the spot I heard the voices. My long fur flows through the breeze, and I feel as if I'm flying. The ground grows farther and farther away as I zoom into the sky, all my troubles far below. I close my eyes as I glide through the wind. Bam!
"Oof." I grumble. Stupid trees. I bring my paw to my head. Nothing too serious. Just... no more flying daydreams, Raventail! And stop talking to yourself! I slowly and wearily pad on. My paws are suddenly sore. How far did I run? Hey, a clearing! And it's the clearing! The one I heard the voices from! There are large ferns in front of it, but whatever, a clearing is a clearing. I slowly walk through the ferns. This explains the voices. Six cats are in a large clearing.
"Darkfeather?! Frostkit and Rosekit!" I shout. The cats whip around. "And three cats I don't know!" What in StarClan is this? A reunion?!
"Raventail? What brings you here?" Frostkit asks.
"I thought you were disabled!" I shout back. How could he hear me coming!?
"Say, have you had a dream lately?" Rosekit asks.
"Dream? StarClan yeah!" I reply. Like, who doesn't have a stupid dream?
"Really?" Darkfeather's eyes grow wide.
"Um, yes, really," I reply. What is wrong with these cats? They act so dumb!
Now they're huddling in a small circle. I can hear them wispering.
"She must be the fifth!" Someone says.
"Not what I expected!" someone else whispers.
"Quite the grumpy one, isn't she?" another whispers. Hmmph! How dare they?!
"Now wait just a second! I demand you fill me in!" I shout as I stomp towards them. Frostkit whips around.
"Sorry, Raventail. Relax and have a rabbit," Frostkit says.
"Fine," I reply. I take a bite of the rabbit. It's ok... Mmmm... Ok, the rabbit is delicious!
"Now," Rosekit says, "let me fill you in..."
April 20, 2013
1000 VIEWS?! NEVER EXPECTED THT!!!!!!!! Wow thanks so much everyone, especially all FireClanners reading! :)
Chapter 53: Wandering
Chapter 53: Wandering
I can't believe Wolfstar can do something like this. I just can't believe it. We're fellow leaders, we practically share a border! (Just far away camps). But, he takes over for some strange reason. But why? Wolfstar has always been silly. He hardly ever takes anything seriously, he even makes fun of his deputy! So why is he suddenly so serious? Maybe Streamstar knows. They share a border, and we're good friends, for rival leaders. Wait, how can I think that? Heck no! StormClan is still my clan! I can't let CreekClan let them know we're weak! That I'm weak! That's the most frivilous idea ever! Then an idea pops into my head. Maybe this has to do with FireClan. Will Flamestar help me, if that's the case?
I must try. It's the only plan left! The southern clans are too far away; I need answers now! It takes half a moon to get there and back! Yes, I need answers now. But where to get them... Moonpath! Duh! I can talk to my ancestors, of course! Surely someone will know!
And so I'm off. Moonpath is just... what, south of DeathClan? And then west, towards CreekClan. If I hurry, I can get there before dusk! I'll even have time to hunt before too!
My gray fur helps me blend in with my surroundings. I slink in the shadows, for I fear a DeathClan or StreamClan patrol may spot me- and who knows what I'll say. I freeze. They might smell my scent! What should I do? Then I remember the Great Stream, as StormClan and StreamClan call it. The Great Stream provides. It provides food, water, for all clans, and of course, on its banks, mud! I stop and perk my ears. Shhhhh... shhh... crackle shhhhh... The Great Stream is near. I make a beeline for it. Soon the beautiful stream is in my veiw. It's rushing water is fresh and clear, beckoning me towards it. I'm tempted to take a swim and feel the cool water rush against my fur. But not today. I walk towards its bank and sit in the mud. I slowly roll in the mud. It's gross and... muddy... but it belongs to the Great Stream. And the Great Stream is good. The Great Stream provides. This knoledge helps me ruin my clean fur. Soon there is no gray fur left. I can't help it, I swim through the stream. Oh well. No damage done, right? I still washed away my scent. No need to walk around dirty!
"Thank you Great Stream for providing for me," I whisper to the river. "I will find a way to repay you later." I walk purr as I walk away towards Moonpath.
Awhile later the ground becomes rockier, and the grass slowly becomes thinner, and less common. Moonpath is near. And it is. Soon the dark opening becomes close, and my paws step on the cool tracks that lead inside. I slowly walk along the path, letting my body relax. Boink. Blonk. Water drips on all sides, and the gold stripes lining the walls give Moonpath a shining glow. Moonpath is beautiful. And soon I come to the spot where the second track meets the first. Slowly I lower myself down, and touch my nose to the tracks. I close my eyes slowly, and let the Boink, blonk, hum me to my sleep, and closer to my answers.
April 19, 2013
Chapter 52: Two New Members
Chapter 52: Two New Members
A dove flies by as Petalsplash and I continue to walk towards the FireClan border. I never knew a NorthernClanner could be so nice! They always seem to be fighting each other during the forest-wide gatherings, while the SouthernClanners are always at peace. And its been a few days since we found each other, and we've entered FireClan territory."We're so close! I wonder which way we need to go now," I mew to Petalsplash.
"I'm not sure. Let's just wander around. Maybe we'll find a hint of some sort," Petalsplash replies.
We wander around for a few minutes, and occasionally Petalsplash points out a few cool plants.
"Look! Goldenrod! Those are great for deep wounds!" Petalsplash says.
"And there's marigold!" I say. It feels great to finally know something!
"Correct! You learn fast!"
"Hey, what's that?" I ask. I can see pure white behind a large fern clump.
"I don't know," Petalsplash replies. "But let's go check it out!"
We walk towards the fern clump and slowly creek through it. The ferns are tall and thick.
"Who's there?" I hear a voice whisper.
"I don't know!" Another says.
Petalsplash and I appear at last. Four cats are standing in a large clearing. For a few seconds, my eyes meet a a black cat.
"Who are you?" a white cat asks.
"We had a dream to come here," Petalsplash mews.
"Shh!" I whisper to her, "how do you know it's them?"
"Wait. You said you had a dream?" a pure white cat asks.
"Yep." I reply.
"It's them! The third and fourth cats!" a brown she-cat says excitedly.
"We're.. who?" I ask her.
"The missing group members!" The she-cat replies.
"Yes! That's what my dream was about!" Petalsplash says.
"What about you?" the black says to me. "Have you had a dream?"
"Well... no..." I reply. The four cats exchange a glance.
"Then what are you doing here?" the white tom asks.
"I was ran from my clan and met Petalsplash. She said she had to meet some FireClan cats for something."
"Now that I think about it, remember that dove we saw? Maybe it was an omen!" Petalsplash points out.
"You're right!" I say.
"Well, I'm Rosekit. My brother over there is Frostkit. And the black cat is Darkfeather, and Pineleaf is over there. Welcome to our rebel group. I'll explain more tomorrow," Rosekit says.
"Well, that's four cats," Frostkit says. "So I wonder, who's the fifth?"
Chapter 51: Closer
Chapter 51: Closer
The thunderpath is a treacherous place. Monsters zoom by everywhere, and more than once I've almost been hit by one veering off the path. The heavy rain seems to make them speed out of control. It's hard to go on, and if Blooddrop's life isn't at stake I would've given up long ago. But knowing that he depends on me keeps me going forward. I've never had to step up to something like this. But I know I can do it. For Blooddrop. For Blooddrop. For Blooddrop. I keep repeating this in my head.
For Blooddrop. For Blooddrop. For Blooddrop. For Blooddrop.
At last, the thunderpath veers off in another direction, and the sky is clear that way. And... I think I'm picking up his scent! I can't help but let out a purr.
"I'm on my way, Blooddrop!" I shout. I break into a run. I can't help it, the scent is getting stronger!
After what seems like forever, I begin to see lots of lights and two-leg nests. Big two-leg nests. Wow! Poor Blooddrop! The scents are overwhelming, so much road kill and rotten fresh-kill! In fact, their fresh-kill doesn't even smell like fresh-kill! Those scents overwhelm Blooddrop's. I let out a yowl of frustration. So close, yet so far! Why can't things ever be easy?!
"And what kind of life is that? Do you want everything to be simple, Scarletpaw?"
"It's alright, Scarletpaw. I'll give you the courage you need. Continue on your quest. I believe in you, and so does Blooddrop! Now get going girl!"
I listen to Jadepaw's words, and keep going in the direction the scent was. But I still can't find his scent. And the big two-leg nests are getting smaller and less frequent. And then, I see a cat.
"Excuse me!" I shout to the cat.
"My food! It isn't yours! You can't have it!" the cat shouts back.
"I don't want it!" I explain. "I just want to find my friend. Do you know where he is?"
"I don't know your friend! Just go away!"
"Please! Do you have any clues!"
"No! Just please leave me alone!" I sigh. Then I notice the cat is eating the two-leg junk.
"I can show you how to hunt for better food if you tell me how to find my friend. Just one clue would help!" The cat stops to think.
"Sure. But show me first."
"Alright." I lead the cat into the nearby forest.
"Why are we here!?" the cat asks.
"I'm going to show you how to hunt food."
"Like mice!? No way!" I grin at the cat. Teaching him may take awhile, but in the end, it'll be a win-win situation.
April 18, 2013
Act 5: Chapter 50: A New Leader
Chapter 50: A New Leader
Rosekit and I have been taking care of Pineleaf for moons now, and the same things happen over and over again. We occasionally travel to the nearby clans to deliver surprises, and today a surprise came to us. She came in a black pelt with gray splotches here and there."Do you hear that?" Rosekit asks me.
Da, da. Rustle, rustle.
"I hear something," I reply.
"Sounds like the ferns rustling or something. Maybe a fox is coming to invade our stash or something," Pineleaf mews.
We slowly unseathe our claws and croch down. We've fought off different scavengers before. This will be no different.
The rustling gets louder, and we stalk closer. A black cat appears.
"Rosekit!? Frostkit!?" It's Darkfeather.
"Hello, Darkfeather," I mew.
"You can hear!?" Darkfeather jumps back.
"Long story," Rosekit replies. Darkfeather looks toward Pineleaf.
"Who's that?" she asks.
"I'm Pineleaf," Pineleaf says.
"He washed down the river from OwlClan. We saved his life," I mew.
"Oh cool! He must be the first member of your rebel group!" Darkfeather says excitedly.
Rosekit, Pineleaf, and I exchange a glance.
"How do you know?" I ask.
"I recieved a dream to come and find you guys! I'm supposed to lead the group!" Darkfeather replies.
"Really!? You're her?" Rosekit meows.
"Yep!" Darkfeather says with a grin.
Two cats down, three to go. I wonder who the last three will be, and where they'll come from.
"Do you know who the last three cats are?" Pineleaf asks Darkfeather, who shakes her head.
"But I do remember Bluefur talking to some cat during a gathering," Darkfeather says quickly.
"Then the cat should be arriving here shortly, if it was the forest-wide gathering," I say.
"It was," Darkfeather says.
Two cats are close, close enough to read their voices. Close enough to arrive shortly... perhaps today!
Chapter 49: Sent Away
Chapter 49: Sent Away
Two cats are approaching StormClan camp. I don't like what I see. They are hostile, and they're heading straight for StormClan camp. I know I must protect Ivystar. If those cats dare hurt her, they'll have to go through me first.
I've always been told that destiny can hit you in the side, or greet you at the entrance to your camp. I never thought a third option could be crushed by a boulder. It was a peaceful day in StormClan camp, no riled up apprtentices; all was calm.
And then Wolfstar came.
"Lovely day, Ivystar," Wolfstar mews.
"What brings you here, Wolfstar?" I ask.
"Ah, can't a leader come check on a fellow forester?"
"Wolfstar, our territories are far apart. And we are clans. We don't completely rely on one another. What is it you want?"
"Your clan."
My fur bristles. My clan? What can Wolfstar possibly want with StormClan!?
"Don't fret, Ivystar. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can leave, or I can force you out. And if you still resist, I can kill you."
All the clan is gathering around us. Fear runs through my pelt. I can't fight Wolfstar. He's too powerful.
"I'll leave," I say. Even Wolfstar looks surprised, and then his look fades away.
"Alright," he says. "Go now."
And I listen to him. I just walk away, and ignore all the strange looks my clanmates give me. I'll find comfort somewhere. Flamestar has always been kind; maybe he will offer mercy.
End of Act 4
To Be Continued
Chapter 48: Finding Blooddrop
Chapter 48: Finding Blooddrop
As I enter the clearing, I can sense something is wrong. I can see Jadepaw, but she is accompanied by another cat that looks just like her. Who is that? And what does that cat want with Jadepaw?
But it looks like the two cats are talking. Jadepaw doesn't look scared. What feels like minutes flow by, but still the two cats stare at each other. Oh well. I might not be able to talk with Jadepaw after all.
And then Jadepaw notices me. "Hello, Scarletpaw. Have you recieved your warrior name yet?"
"Not yet, I'm afraid," I reply.
"Pity." The other cat turns around. And what I see is... resemblance. The two cats look exactly alike. But that bigger cat... I realize I've seen her before.
"I know you," I say to the taller cat.
"Yes, I'm afraid I do know you," she says. But from where? I sigh. I might as well just ask for directions to the thunderpath.
"Looking for your friend, I suppose?" Jadepaw mews. I nod.
"Head south of the FireClan border. Keep going strait until you reach the thunderpath. But hurry before it rains or your friend's scent will be lost." Jadepaw says.
"Oh thank you Jadepaw, thank you!" I purr.
"No problem munchkin," she replies. "But I'm afraid this is the last time you'll see me for awhile. Don't worry; we will meet again."
I nod towards Jadepaw, and then I hurry off towards the border, though it isn't very far. And Jadepaw's directions lead me to the thunderpath. And the place is horrid. Monsters are everywhere, lurking on their paths; the cowards they are! They don't dare race off of their path toward me, but that still provides no comfort. Now I just need to find Blooddrop's scent.
I lean down and sniff the ground like a dog. What in StarClan am I doing this for!? I get up and let my body do the work. There are so many foul scents along the thunderpath! Gross twoleg garbage, and carcasses of dead animals. I feel like vomiting. Ah ha! It's Blooddrop's scent! Sure enough, there it is. It's going in the path of the monsters. I'll just follow the side of the path. That should work just as well. But my goal distracts me from the present. Rain is beginning to fall.
"But hurry before it rains or your friend's scent will be lost."
I break into a run, and soon I can't make out Blooddrop's scent. I colapse in a heap under frustration. But Jadepaw's voice enters my head.
"Don't give up, little one. You must have faith. Please, just have faith and you will find your friend. I will be with you every step of the way."
Jadepaw's voice gives me the courage I need. I slowly rise to my paws. Scent or no scent, I'm going to find Blooddrop.
I don't need my nose to guide me, just my heart.
April 17, 2013
Chapter 47: Meeting Destiny
Chapter 47: Meeting Destiny
It's been a long time since the gathering and my talk with Bluefur. She told me all about the uprising in FireClan, and only StarClan knows why I'm involved. She said I had to be apart of some weird group or something. So, I did the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life. I listened to her. So I've been wandering in the forest towards the FireClan border. And I've really been taking my time. I'll look at the plants now and then and there's no one to boss me around! I've learned so much from the expiriance!
All of a sudden, this blur is running toward me. A real light gray cat. She looks relieved, and crashes into me because of it.
"I'm so sorry!" she says.
"It's fine. What are you doing here?" I ask.
"You'd never believe me if I told you."
"You smell like WhisperClan."
"Yep. Soon I won't."
"You ran away?"
"Wasn't my choice."
"You were exiled!?" Is this cat dangerous? Is she mean or...
"It wasn't my fault. Please don't look so scared!"
"Ok, ok. But that's what they all say."
"Just explain."
"Well, these two cats, a warrior and an apprentice, love to pick on me. And they accuse me of fighting them, and luck is always on their side. And one day Foxstar lost her temper and... ba-bam! Exiled!"
I can't help laughing. This cat is so funny!
"It's not funny!" the gray cat says, but she begins to laugh too.
"Say, what's your name? I'm Petalsplash.
"Doveheart. And you haven't exactly told me what a CreekClanner is doing on the wrong side of the forest!" I laugh again.
"Aparently I'm needed in FireClan."
"Yep. This cat named Bluefur told me all about some kind of uprising there. The clan's seperated because of some force called the DarkForest, and I'm needed in some kind of group to defeat them."
"Cool! I want to help"
"Then come on! I'm sure you can come too, Doveheart!"
"Awesome! Thank you so much!"
I grin. I'm loving this cat already. I'll be able to teach her all about the plants I know! So together I tell her all about my story, and she tells me hers. It's almost like we're soul sisters. And for the first time in our lives, we each have a friend.
April 11, 2013
Chapter 46: The Clearing of Time
Chapter 46: The Clearing of Time
My plan is coming into place. Slowly, but it's coming. Soon Wolfstar will do his part, and it won't be very long after that.
"Mapleleaf," Skullstar appears.
"Yes, Skullstar?" I reply.
"Why is this taking so long?" he growls.
"You can't rush perfection."
"Well, hurry up! We need this plan to unfold and fast! You haven't done very much toward the cause."
"Very much!? Very much!!!!!????? All the clan has abanoned little Flamestar and I'm on my way to talk to Wolfstar! Besides, you never even told me what the cause is."
"You'll find out soon enough, Maplesleaf. Now go talk to Wolfstar." I hurry away. No need to upset Skullstar.
Soon I approach DeathClan camp. Complete chaos is going on. Cats are running everywhere. I focus my attention on Wolfstar. He's talking to an oddly familiar white cat.
"Scarletpaw just attacked Turtlepath, and she nearly killed me! The apprentice just ran away!"
"Psst, Wolfstar!" I whisper, and then quickly and silently duck down.
"Yeah, Mapleleaf? What's up?" Wolfstar asks.
"It's time." I say.
"For what, might I ask?"
"You must take over StormClan camp."
"Oh, right."
"Leave someone in charge and let's go."
"Come on!"
"I'll meet you at the border." I race off toward the StormClan border. Skullstar wants things to speed up? He has it! But something draws me away from my path. A small clearing with a small, young cat sitting in the middle. She reminds me of... me. I look at her, and she looks at me. Our eyes meet. I take a step closer. Soon we're less then a tail-length apart. Her bright jade-green eyes stare into mine, and for a second, I feel time slow down. The past enters my body. I see a small, young calico cat with bright jade-green eyes running through a vast clearing with a black tom about the calico's ago. They're laughing and having a great time. Sadness runs through my heart like a rabbit hopping down a path towards safety. I see myself, young, jade green eyes, back in the good old days. And then, I see an older version of the calico, looking at bright red berries, breaking off a branch and presenting it to the tom. My heart learches. I yowl and tear the daydream apart, and the time speeds up. Soon I'm looking at a much older calico, deep jade eyes and a dull pelt. She's sadly walking away from her life, ashamed of her mistake. This part is even worse.
But the dream stays anyways. And the calico is walking down the path of good and evil when a cat with deep red eyes beckons her inside one of the forests. Her eyes transform from green to red. She stalks off in the forest, and I find my head shaking. I'm still standing with the small calico in the clearing. She's still looking at me, and I still look at her.
"I know you," the small cat says.
"Yes, I know you too," I reply.
"In this clearing, so much has happened."
"I know. I know. I know much more." The small calico nods.
"The clearing of time, it seems." The calico says.
"Ah yes, the clearing of time. So much time..." I'm lost in my dreams. And I wonder, if this is a dream too. Because I'm talking to a younger version of... me.
April 10, 2013
Chapter 45: Alone
Chapter 45: Alone
"How could you Flamestar! How could you!?" Scarstorm is screaming at me. "That's it! You're left without a deputy!""Scarstorm, please!" I plead.
"What's going on?" Pantherclaw asks loudly. Several warriors pop out from dens.
"Flamestar hurt Grayfur, and a twoleg picked her up in a monster!"
"What?" Pantherclaw stares straight at me.
"Umm..." I begin.
"Is that true, Flamestar?" Redvine asks. All eyes set on me.
I slowly hang my head. "Yes," I say quietly.
All is silent in BlazeClan camp.
"That's it," Scarstorm says. "I'm leaving. All are free to follow me."
Scarstorm turns around. "You're a traitor if you stay," she says.
Surely someone will stay! But I'm wrong. Every single cat left in BlazeClan follows Scarstorm. I want to scream at them, but no words come out. There's no kits playing mossball, no apprentices training, no warriors returning from patrols. The camp is oddly silent.
"They're stupid not to stay with you. Complete mousebrains." Mapleleaf says from behind.
"I... but... they're all gone..." That's all I can manage to say.
"You did the right thing. Have faith in me, Flamestar. I know what's best for you. They will come crawling back soon. Don't you worry."
"I guess I can only believe you. That's all I have left. No cheery Grayfur always looking on the bright side. No loving Darkfeather to comfort. Nor any Thornclaw to ensure a full fresh-kill pile. And certainly no Sharpfang to be with me." I didn't mean to say that.
"Do you want to be a good leader or not?" Mapleleaf growls.
"Then stop being soft!" Mapleleaf vanishes as usual.
I sigh. Well, I guess I'm on my own from now on. I guess I had better hunt. As I start to walk off to the woods, a familiar voice startles me.
"Flamestar? I'm still here. I'm loyal to you." Raventail says.
"Raventail!" I run over purring. "Thank you!"
"No problem," Raventail says.
Turns out I'm not completely alone after all.
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