Chapter 26: Giving up Hope
Grayfur couldn't believe her ears. "What did you say, Snowfur?" she repeated, her eyes wide. "It's no use!" Snowfur said while tears rolled down her eyes, "The kits are gone. If they're alive, they'd come back. I just know they would!"
"But Snowfur!"
"It's useless! We're wasting our breath. They drowned in the river. I'll tell Flamestar we can sit vigil tonight," As Snowfur walked away, Grayfur knew the conversation was over. They're dead. After all that searching... Grayfur thought in despair. Though she didn't realize it, that light in her her heart hadn't gone out, unlike Snowfur. But her mind had won the battle. Without hope, the kits were as good as dead.
That night, Grayfur huddled next to Snowfur, her head on her paws. Normally it would be a long night, but it extended forever on a vigil. She glanced at Flamestar, who was on Snowfur's other side. He seemed deep in thought. Grayfur sighed and gazed at the stars. She didn't know why she did, but it would help the night go by quicker. She had never really studied the stars before, and she was shocked at their beauty. So many stars, some shining brighter than others. She looked at each and every one, forming a pattern with different shapes and sizes. Maybe one is an omen? One that Brambleberry sent me? As hard as Grayfur looked, she couldn't see a pattern, no matter hard she looked. Or maybe there isn't one. Hey, what's that? Grayfur couldn't believe her eyes. A new star began to form, a pure white one. And it combined with it's neighbord to create a shape. Oh StarClan... my first omen! But... what is that shape? It looks like a cat, a white one... OH STARCLAN! IT'S SNOWFUR! Snowfur, innocent, sad Snowfur, in the stars. Grayfur's brain could grasp the meaning, but her heart couldn't. She felt a lump sink deep in her heart. She glanced at Snowfur, who looked up at her. She sighed. "Oh Grayfur, I will miss you," she said. "Snowfur!" Grayfur gasped. "I can't live any longer, Grayfur," Snowfur said, "I want to join my kits in StarClan."
"Snowfur no! You can't!" Grayfur could tell she was losing her sister. "Why can't I?" Snowfur asked, her heartbeat slowing. That's when it hit Grayfur. "Because they're not dead," she said. As Snowfur slipped away, Grayfur got the sense that Snowfur didn't believe her. "Oh Snowfur," Grayfur cried, "I promise I'll find Frostkit and Rosekit while you watch over them!" Wether Snowfur heard her from the earth or the stars, Grayfur knew she had made a promise to her lost sister, and she knew she had to keep it.

Flamestar always thought he was doing great as the first leader of FireClan, the 4th clan in the Northern Clans. But when two new cats make an appearance, they may threaten the bond between the cats of FireClan, and it will be up to two cats: Rosekit and Frostkit, flawed at birth, to bring together a group of rebels from different clans to save FireClan: and their actions will effect the whole forest. Based on the Warriors books by Erin Hunter and a real Warriors RPG.
February 27, 2013
February 25, 2013
Chapter 25: The Southern Clans
Chapter 25: The Southern Clans
Three Moons After the Gathering
Pineleaf gazed at the stars for a few minutes before heading into the warriors' den. The stars were amazing: gifts sent from StarClan to give the moon help lighting the night. As Pineleaf headed inside, he realized he was late again. The warmest spots were now taken: Pineleaf would have to sleep near the exit. Again. Where the wind and rain blew inside. Where bugs and fleas crawled first. Where other cats walked on him on the way to dirtplace, or after dirtplace, their paws wet. Stargazing is awesome and fun, but it has its disadvantages, Pineleaf thought as he curled up. Then Pineleaf felt small thorns pierce his pelt. Not again! Of all eight territories, OwlClan territory had the worst weather. Right after stargazing time, the clouds would roll in from nowhere and heavy, sharp arrows of rain would fall, and the wind would blow right in the direction of the warrior den. Pineleaf sighed. He'd never get sleep now. Pineleaf decided to go on another midnight walk. He left a leaf by the side of the den; a sign that he was going on another walk. Pineleaf headed towards the OwlClan/NightClan border. Prey was always along the border. Maybe Pineleaf could snag a little surprise for the kits? As he walked toward the river, something attracted his attention. Something bright red. Pineleaf tried to ignore it by hunting, but his eyes always veered off the prey towards it. That's it! I don't care if the border's here! I must see what this is! Pineleaf sighed and crept toward the border. The river should wash my scent off. Pineleaf slowly inched his way into the water. He cast one final glance back to make sure no one was following him. As he stepped forward, he forgot to look at where he was going. Suddenly his head sunk underwater. He let out a silent scream. Pineleaf made the mistake of struggling, and the river swept him away with the current. As he washed away, his eyes slowly opened in the water. He was swimming with the fish. Occasionally one would look at him, but they swam on, as if an OwlClan cat swimming in the river was completely normal. More and more fish swam by. Pineleaf's eyes slowly began to close. I guess this is the twilight zone before cats go to StarClan? I'm sorry Featherstar. I will forever hunt for your clan in the stars. I will give you omens and guide you throughout your journeys as leader. I will also let you know what happened to me. Suddenly, dying didn't seem so bad. No more stargazing. I will watch the stars up close. Maybe I will even be a star someday. Pineleaf's eyes closed further. Goodbye. Then Pineleaf blaacked out.
End of Chapter 24
Three Moons After the Gathering
Pineleaf gazed at the stars for a few minutes before heading into the warriors' den. The stars were amazing: gifts sent from StarClan to give the moon help lighting the night. As Pineleaf headed inside, he realized he was late again. The warmest spots were now taken: Pineleaf would have to sleep near the exit. Again. Where the wind and rain blew inside. Where bugs and fleas crawled first. Where other cats walked on him on the way to dirtplace, or after dirtplace, their paws wet. Stargazing is awesome and fun, but it has its disadvantages, Pineleaf thought as he curled up. Then Pineleaf felt small thorns pierce his pelt. Not again! Of all eight territories, OwlClan territory had the worst weather. Right after stargazing time, the clouds would roll in from nowhere and heavy, sharp arrows of rain would fall, and the wind would blow right in the direction of the warrior den. Pineleaf sighed. He'd never get sleep now. Pineleaf decided to go on another midnight walk. He left a leaf by the side of the den; a sign that he was going on another walk. Pineleaf headed towards the OwlClan/NightClan border. Prey was always along the border. Maybe Pineleaf could snag a little surprise for the kits? As he walked toward the river, something attracted his attention. Something bright red. Pineleaf tried to ignore it by hunting, but his eyes always veered off the prey towards it. That's it! I don't care if the border's here! I must see what this is! Pineleaf sighed and crept toward the border. The river should wash my scent off. Pineleaf slowly inched his way into the water. He cast one final glance back to make sure no one was following him. As he stepped forward, he forgot to look at where he was going. Suddenly his head sunk underwater. He let out a silent scream. Pineleaf made the mistake of struggling, and the river swept him away with the current. As he washed away, his eyes slowly opened in the water. He was swimming with the fish. Occasionally one would look at him, but they swam on, as if an OwlClan cat swimming in the river was completely normal. More and more fish swam by. Pineleaf's eyes slowly began to close. I guess this is the twilight zone before cats go to StarClan? I'm sorry Featherstar. I will forever hunt for your clan in the stars. I will give you omens and guide you throughout your journeys as leader. I will also let you know what happened to me. Suddenly, dying didn't seem so bad. No more stargazing. I will watch the stars up close. Maybe I will even be a star someday. Pineleaf's eyes closed further. Goodbye. Then Pineleaf blaacked out.
End of Chapter 24
February 24, 2013
Chapter 24: The Gathering Part 2
Chapter 24: The Gathering
Part 2
Petalsplash watched as Duskstar cleared his throat. "Well," he began, "I guess I'll start the gathering." he glanced over at Flamestar and Sharpfang, who were looking at him. Flamestar nodded. "NightClan is fairing well, plenty of prey. Our youngest apprentice, Goosepaw, caught his first peice of prey. Not too much to say, really. Flowstar?"
"BrookClan is also doing well. One of our apprentices, Grasspaw, has earned his warrior name: Grassfoot," Petalsplash cheered along with the other cats. Pondlily looked at her. "Well I want cats to cheer me on when Streamstar announces that I'm a new warrior!" Petalsplash said. "If he announces it," Pondlily muttered just in Petalsplash's earshot. OwlClan, WhisperClan, DeathClan, and StormClan were the same: nothing much to announce. Then it was Streamstar's turn. "CreekClan is also fairing well, new warriors help our clan to thrive," Streamstar said, and then he stepped back. Is that all? Petalsplash looked at Pondlily, who glanced down at her. "I'm truly sorry, Petalsplash. He should've announced it," Pondlily said. Petalsplash just sighed. Then her ears perked up as Flamestar stepped toward the crowd. "You're probibly wondering why Sharpfang and II are on the same boulder," he said. Nods of aggreement serged through the crowd. "Since our clan is so large, we've decided to split our clan into another small group: ThistleClan." Flamestar could've said he was becoming a kittypet and not recieve half as many whispers as he got now. Petalsplash gasped. No one just splits up a clan as small as FireClan! StormClan is twice as big, and they don't send warriors away! There must be more to the story! After all, not even a mouse would tell 7 other clans that they were a perfect target! "Also," Flamestar said, "Two kits have vanished from our camp. Frostkit and Rosekit. Please be on the lookout if you see them. Their mother is still searching for them." Flamestar got the same reaction as not saying anything. No one was listening. Ha! Two kits ran away from FireClan camp!? What did they do to them!? I wonder where they are. "Surley StarClan doesn't approve of this!" IvyStar exclaimed. Flamestar shrugged. "Do you see clouds covering the moon?" he replied. Ivystar looked up and then didn't say anything. "Well, I suppose this concludes our gathering," Flowstar said. The leaders hopped down from their boulders and cats stirred. Now was the time to talk to cats from other clans. I guess I'll talk to Bluefur. Maybe she knows why Rosekit and Frostkit ran away? Petalsplash began walking towards the FireClan group, but was cut short by Bluefur. "Petalsplash!" Bluefur exclaimed. "I was just coming to see you," Petalsplash said, "What's the emergancy?"
"Just, follow me," Bluefur said and walked away, then looked back to make sure Petalsplash was following her. "Now will you tell me what's going on?" Petalsplash asked. "Something is very, very wrong in FireClan!" Bluefur whispered, "And I need your help."
Part 2
Petalsplash watched as Duskstar cleared his throat. "Well," he began, "I guess I'll start the gathering." he glanced over at Flamestar and Sharpfang, who were looking at him. Flamestar nodded. "NightClan is fairing well, plenty of prey. Our youngest apprentice, Goosepaw, caught his first peice of prey. Not too much to say, really. Flowstar?"
"BrookClan is also doing well. One of our apprentices, Grasspaw, has earned his warrior name: Grassfoot," Petalsplash cheered along with the other cats. Pondlily looked at her. "Well I want cats to cheer me on when Streamstar announces that I'm a new warrior!" Petalsplash said. "If he announces it," Pondlily muttered just in Petalsplash's earshot. OwlClan, WhisperClan, DeathClan, and StormClan were the same: nothing much to announce. Then it was Streamstar's turn. "CreekClan is also fairing well, new warriors help our clan to thrive," Streamstar said, and then he stepped back. Is that all? Petalsplash looked at Pondlily, who glanced down at her. "I'm truly sorry, Petalsplash. He should've announced it," Pondlily said. Petalsplash just sighed. Then her ears perked up as Flamestar stepped toward the crowd. "You're probibly wondering why Sharpfang and II are on the same boulder," he said. Nods of aggreement serged through the crowd. "Since our clan is so large, we've decided to split our clan into another small group: ThistleClan." Flamestar could've said he was becoming a kittypet and not recieve half as many whispers as he got now. Petalsplash gasped. No one just splits up a clan as small as FireClan! StormClan is twice as big, and they don't send warriors away! There must be more to the story! After all, not even a mouse would tell 7 other clans that they were a perfect target! "Also," Flamestar said, "Two kits have vanished from our camp. Frostkit and Rosekit. Please be on the lookout if you see them. Their mother is still searching for them." Flamestar got the same reaction as not saying anything. No one was listening. Ha! Two kits ran away from FireClan camp!? What did they do to them!? I wonder where they are. "Surley StarClan doesn't approve of this!" IvyStar exclaimed. Flamestar shrugged. "Do you see clouds covering the moon?" he replied. Ivystar looked up and then didn't say anything. "Well, I suppose this concludes our gathering," Flowstar said. The leaders hopped down from their boulders and cats stirred. Now was the time to talk to cats from other clans. I guess I'll talk to Bluefur. Maybe she knows why Rosekit and Frostkit ran away? Petalsplash began walking towards the FireClan group, but was cut short by Bluefur. "Petalsplash!" Bluefur exclaimed. "I was just coming to see you," Petalsplash said, "What's the emergancy?"
"Just, follow me," Bluefur said and walked away, then looked back to make sure Petalsplash was following her. "Now will you tell me what's going on?" Petalsplash asked. "Something is very, very wrong in FireClan!" Bluefur whispered, "And I need your help."
February 23, 2013
Chapter 24: The Gathering Part 1
Chapter 24: The Gathering
Part 1
Petalsplash padded after the crowd of cats following Streamstar. Occasionally she would stop and look around her, memorizing the beautiful colors and pleasant smells of the new section of the forest. It was so different than the marsh by the river! She must have been standing around, because her former mentor, Pondlily yelled, "For the last time, Petalsplash, stop standing around like a mousebrain! We have places to go!"
"Sorry!" Petalsplash yelled back. "It's just this part of the forest is so different than the marsh-"
"Honestly, Petalsplash! Act like a warrior! If you don't, you'll ruin CreekClan's name!" Petalsplash's tail drooped and she hung her head. I might as well enjoy the long walk to the gathering spot! And I'm not an apprentice anymore! If Pondlily doesn't shut up and stop ordering me around, I might actually be able to do my warrior duties! I mean, I've been a warrior for about a moon now! This is my first gathering as a warrior! Petalsplash changed her grudging thoughts against Pondlily to happier ones. Maybe Streamstar will announce it to all the clans! That would be such an honor! Anyways, Pondlily was just trying to make sure I don't make a fool of myself. I've been so rude thinking she was yelling at me just for the fun of it! Petalsplash's thoughts drifted toward a neat looking tree. Must not sniff... can not sniff... MUST SNIFF! Petalsplash found her feet lead her to the tree. It was so cool and tall! All the branches were so high... Petalsplash stood admiring the tree. She shook herself. What am I thinking!? I need to listen to Pondlily and control myself! Say, where'd they go? Petalsplash looked around. The CreekClan crowd was no where in sight. Uh oh! Petalsplash hurried in the direction they had gone. Not a single trace. Panic surged through Petalsplash. What if I never find them? What if i die out here, and one day someone finds my bones, years from now?" Petalsplash had no idea where the last thought came from, but was soon distracted by a voice. "Petalsplash?" Pondlily's voice rang out. "Coming!" Petalsplash yelled and raced after Pondlily. "Honestly, Petalsplash, you'd think you were still Petalpaw the was you act!" Pondlily talked on and on, but Petalsplash wasn't listening. She was too happy she'd been found.
Awhile later, CreekClan came upon the gathering. Petalsplash couldn't help but gasp. All 8 clans were present, from Nothern to Southern. Petalsplash counted all the groups. She reconised a few of the leaders: Featherstar of OwlClan, Foxstar of whatever her clan was, Duskstar of NightClan, Wolfstar of DeathClan, the short gray-green cat that led StormClan, whatever her name was, and Flowstar of BrookClan, Petalsplash's favorite clan besides her own. Wait... where's FireClan? Flamestar wasn't there. But Petalsplash reconised their deputy, Sharpfang. What the... Sharpfang jumped up to FireClan's boulder. There were eight of them, side by side, that faced the eight group of cats. Each clan was only allowed to bring a small group, since eight groups of cats really added up. As Petalsplash glumly took a spot in the back, a result of her lagging behind, she couldn't help but stare as a fire-colored tom jumped up and sat next to Sharpfang, and glared at him. As Petalsplash looked around, she noticed that she wasn't the only one staring at the two. Just about every other cat was, accept a few young apprentices whispering loudly to each other. Why would Flamestar and Sharpfang both be on FireClan's boulder?
Part 1
Petalsplash padded after the crowd of cats following Streamstar. Occasionally she would stop and look around her, memorizing the beautiful colors and pleasant smells of the new section of the forest. It was so different than the marsh by the river! She must have been standing around, because her former mentor, Pondlily yelled, "For the last time, Petalsplash, stop standing around like a mousebrain! We have places to go!"
"Sorry!" Petalsplash yelled back. "It's just this part of the forest is so different than the marsh-"
"Honestly, Petalsplash! Act like a warrior! If you don't, you'll ruin CreekClan's name!" Petalsplash's tail drooped and she hung her head. I might as well enjoy the long walk to the gathering spot! And I'm not an apprentice anymore! If Pondlily doesn't shut up and stop ordering me around, I might actually be able to do my warrior duties! I mean, I've been a warrior for about a moon now! This is my first gathering as a warrior! Petalsplash changed her grudging thoughts against Pondlily to happier ones. Maybe Streamstar will announce it to all the clans! That would be such an honor! Anyways, Pondlily was just trying to make sure I don't make a fool of myself. I've been so rude thinking she was yelling at me just for the fun of it! Petalsplash's thoughts drifted toward a neat looking tree. Must not sniff... can not sniff... MUST SNIFF! Petalsplash found her feet lead her to the tree. It was so cool and tall! All the branches were so high... Petalsplash stood admiring the tree. She shook herself. What am I thinking!? I need to listen to Pondlily and control myself! Say, where'd they go? Petalsplash looked around. The CreekClan crowd was no where in sight. Uh oh! Petalsplash hurried in the direction they had gone. Not a single trace. Panic surged through Petalsplash. What if I never find them? What if i die out here, and one day someone finds my bones, years from now?" Petalsplash had no idea where the last thought came from, but was soon distracted by a voice. "Petalsplash?" Pondlily's voice rang out. "Coming!" Petalsplash yelled and raced after Pondlily. "Honestly, Petalsplash, you'd think you were still Petalpaw the was you act!" Pondlily talked on and on, but Petalsplash wasn't listening. She was too happy she'd been found.
Awhile later, CreekClan came upon the gathering. Petalsplash couldn't help but gasp. All 8 clans were present, from Nothern to Southern. Petalsplash counted all the groups. She reconised a few of the leaders: Featherstar of OwlClan, Foxstar of whatever her clan was, Duskstar of NightClan, Wolfstar of DeathClan, the short gray-green cat that led StormClan, whatever her name was, and Flowstar of BrookClan, Petalsplash's favorite clan besides her own. Wait... where's FireClan? Flamestar wasn't there. But Petalsplash reconised their deputy, Sharpfang. What the... Sharpfang jumped up to FireClan's boulder. There were eight of them, side by side, that faced the eight group of cats. Each clan was only allowed to bring a small group, since eight groups of cats really added up. As Petalsplash glumly took a spot in the back, a result of her lagging behind, she couldn't help but stare as a fire-colored tom jumped up and sat next to Sharpfang, and glared at him. As Petalsplash looked around, she noticed that she wasn't the only one staring at the two. Just about every other cat was, accept a few young apprentices whispering loudly to each other. Why would Flamestar and Sharpfang both be on FireClan's boulder?
Chapter 23: ThistleClan
Chapter 23: ThistleClan
Sharpfang led ThisteClan through FireClan territory. "What were you thinking?!" Bluefur stared at him. "Why would you leave Flamestar like that? He's your bestie!" Sharpfang shrugged. "He was being ridiculous! It was time for a change anyway,"
"But still!"
"I gave him a warning,"
"He's your FRIEND. Imagine how he feels right now," Sharpfang felt a pang of guilt. How did Flamestar feel? Sharpfang had never thought that over. "It's not too late to go back," Bluefur said softly. "No," Sharpfang said with a shake of his head, "We can't give in." As he and Bluefur led the group, they soon found a sheltered place near a low branch, perfect for meetings. There was a huge sheltered bush, perfect for the warriors to sleep in. "Oh mouse dung!" Bluefur hissed, "The gathering's tonight!" Sharpfang felt a lump forming in his throat. "StarClan no! We can't announce that FireClan is weak!"
"What should we do? Flamestar will think we're weak if we don't go!"
"Let's take a vote. All in favor of going to the gathering, say 'mouse'," The whole group yelled mouse. "If you object, yell 'mouse'." Silence. "Well... I guess we're going," Sharpfang said, "We'll all go since there's only 7 of us."
"Can I sleep in the warrior's den when we're done?" Mosspaw asked quietly. "I mean... I'm the only apprentice and..."
"Of course, Mosspaw!" Sharpfang exclaimed. He chuckled. "I'm going to sleep there myself! There's no way I'll sleep alone!" Mosspaw laughed. "Well," Bluefur began, "I guess we better go."
"Agreed," Fastclaw muttered, "Uh, which way is the gathering?"
"That way," Thornclaw and Pebblestep said at the same time, each pointing in different directions. "I believe," Mosspaw began, "We came from that direction," Mosspaw pointed behind the warrior's den, "And the gathering's that way from FireClan camp," Mosspaw pointed east, then north. "So, we must go east." Everyone stared at Mosspaw. Since when did she ever become so observant?" Sharpfang thought. "Well, Mosspaw," Sharpfang said, "Why don't you lead the way? If you get us there safely, I'll make you co-deputy. I believe you were due for your warrior ceremony a few days from now? We can all give you an assessment." Mosspaw's eyes widened bigger than a porcupine's. "Really!? Wow! Come on! We can't be late!!!!!!!" Mosspaw padded away in a hurry. "I thought we had to go that way," Nightpelt pointed out. "Oh yeah!" Mosspaw turned around and headed toward the correct direction. "You never should've said that," Bluefur muttered out of Mosspaw's earshot. "With that ball of energy leading us, our only hope is for StarClan to light our path."
Sharpfang led ThisteClan through FireClan territory. "What were you thinking?!" Bluefur stared at him. "Why would you leave Flamestar like that? He's your bestie!" Sharpfang shrugged. "He was being ridiculous! It was time for a change anyway,"
"But still!"
"I gave him a warning,"
"He's your FRIEND. Imagine how he feels right now," Sharpfang felt a pang of guilt. How did Flamestar feel? Sharpfang had never thought that over. "It's not too late to go back," Bluefur said softly. "No," Sharpfang said with a shake of his head, "We can't give in." As he and Bluefur led the group, they soon found a sheltered place near a low branch, perfect for meetings. There was a huge sheltered bush, perfect for the warriors to sleep in. "Oh mouse dung!" Bluefur hissed, "The gathering's tonight!" Sharpfang felt a lump forming in his throat. "StarClan no! We can't announce that FireClan is weak!"
"What should we do? Flamestar will think we're weak if we don't go!"
"Let's take a vote. All in favor of going to the gathering, say 'mouse'," The whole group yelled mouse. "If you object, yell 'mouse'." Silence. "Well... I guess we're going," Sharpfang said, "We'll all go since there's only 7 of us."
"Can I sleep in the warrior's den when we're done?" Mosspaw asked quietly. "I mean... I'm the only apprentice and..."
"Of course, Mosspaw!" Sharpfang exclaimed. He chuckled. "I'm going to sleep there myself! There's no way I'll sleep alone!" Mosspaw laughed. "Well," Bluefur began, "I guess we better go."
"Agreed," Fastclaw muttered, "Uh, which way is the gathering?"
"That way," Thornclaw and Pebblestep said at the same time, each pointing in different directions. "I believe," Mosspaw began, "We came from that direction," Mosspaw pointed behind the warrior's den, "And the gathering's that way from FireClan camp," Mosspaw pointed east, then north. "So, we must go east." Everyone stared at Mosspaw. Since when did she ever become so observant?" Sharpfang thought. "Well, Mosspaw," Sharpfang said, "Why don't you lead the way? If you get us there safely, I'll make you co-deputy. I believe you were due for your warrior ceremony a few days from now? We can all give you an assessment." Mosspaw's eyes widened bigger than a porcupine's. "Really!? Wow! Come on! We can't be late!!!!!!!" Mosspaw padded away in a hurry. "I thought we had to go that way," Nightpelt pointed out. "Oh yeah!" Mosspaw turned around and headed toward the correct direction. "You never should've said that," Bluefur muttered out of Mosspaw's earshot. "With that ball of energy leading us, our only hope is for StarClan to light our path."
February 19, 2013
Act 3: Chapter 22: The Aftermath
Chapter 22: The Aftermath
Flamestar stared at the spot his friend had once stood. It took all his strength to fight back the tears that were fighting to break through the wall. What have I done? Flamestar asked silently. "You did the right thing," Mapleleaf said. "But I feel so bad! I want Sharpfang to come back!"
"He doesn't realize how much he needs you. He'll come crying back in no time,"
"Are you sure?"
Flamestar felt a bit better after talking to Mapleleaf. But all my strongest warriors are gone! Let's see... I have Grayfur and Snowfur who can't fight, but they can hunt, Darkfeather, who's a great warrior, Scarstorm, Cinderclaw, Tigerscar, Firepelt... and so many more! And... Raventail. Raventail. Raventail... Flamestar repeated the words in his mind. No... no... I can't be falling in love... not so soon after Robinsong... no!!!!! In so many ways life is so unfair... He put his head on his paws in despair. Will I need help leading the clan? I'll need to choose a new deputy. Flamestar slowly rose to his paws and padded up to high rock. The remaining members of the clan stared up at him. "Fellow clanmates," he began. "I'm sorry I have been such a horrible leader. I promise to be kinder," Flamestar paused. "But we need to face the facts and move on. I'd like Scarstorm to be the deputy until Sharpfang and his... ThisteClan... returns,"
"Scarstorm! Scarstorm!" the clan chanted. Flamestar looked down at his clan. It was huge, and missing Sharpfang and his friends hardly made a dent. But when it came to power... his clan'd been sliced in half. "That should be all..." Flamestar said. The clan started to leave. He say Grayfur and Snowfur begin to leave. "Wait!" he yowled. "Darkfeather accompany Grayfur and Snowfur on their hunt," he said. Darkfeather nodded. As he watched them leave, Flamestar felt satasfied. He knew he'd made the right choice; Darkfeather would keep the sisters company, and truthfull, they'd be more likely to find the kits with her help. Grayfur was a medicine cat, and Snowfur had been in the nursery for over a moon. They both were lacking skills. "Flamestar, thank you," Scarstorm said. "Ah!" Flamestar yowled. Scarstorm looked startled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" She said softly. "It's me, Scarstorm. S-C-A-R-S-T-O-R-M,"
"I know it's you," Flamestar laughed. Scarstorm grinned. "I'll arrange patrols," she said. "I'll go on a hunting patrol," Flamestar said. Scarstorm nodded. She padded up to high rock and spoke with confidence to the clan. Her speach was so smoothe, she looked like she'd been deputy for moons. Almost as good as Sharpfang. But not quite.
Flamestar stared at the spot his friend had once stood. It took all his strength to fight back the tears that were fighting to break through the wall. What have I done? Flamestar asked silently. "You did the right thing," Mapleleaf said. "But I feel so bad! I want Sharpfang to come back!"
"He doesn't realize how much he needs you. He'll come crying back in no time,"
"Are you sure?"
Flamestar felt a bit better after talking to Mapleleaf. But all my strongest warriors are gone! Let's see... I have Grayfur and Snowfur who can't fight, but they can hunt, Darkfeather, who's a great warrior, Scarstorm, Cinderclaw, Tigerscar, Firepelt... and so many more! And... Raventail. Raventail. Raventail... Flamestar repeated the words in his mind. No... no... I can't be falling in love... not so soon after Robinsong... no!!!!! In so many ways life is so unfair... He put his head on his paws in despair. Will I need help leading the clan? I'll need to choose a new deputy. Flamestar slowly rose to his paws and padded up to high rock. The remaining members of the clan stared up at him. "Fellow clanmates," he began. "I'm sorry I have been such a horrible leader. I promise to be kinder," Flamestar paused. "But we need to face the facts and move on. I'd like Scarstorm to be the deputy until Sharpfang and his... ThisteClan... returns,"
"Scarstorm! Scarstorm!" the clan chanted. Flamestar looked down at his clan. It was huge, and missing Sharpfang and his friends hardly made a dent. But when it came to power... his clan'd been sliced in half. "That should be all..." Flamestar said. The clan started to leave. He say Grayfur and Snowfur begin to leave. "Wait!" he yowled. "Darkfeather accompany Grayfur and Snowfur on their hunt," he said. Darkfeather nodded. As he watched them leave, Flamestar felt satasfied. He knew he'd made the right choice; Darkfeather would keep the sisters company, and truthfull, they'd be more likely to find the kits with her help. Grayfur was a medicine cat, and Snowfur had been in the nursery for over a moon. They both were lacking skills. "Flamestar, thank you," Scarstorm said. "Ah!" Flamestar yowled. Scarstorm looked startled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" She said softly. "It's me, Scarstorm. S-C-A-R-S-T-O-R-M,"
"I know it's you," Flamestar laughed. Scarstorm grinned. "I'll arrange patrols," she said. "I'll go on a hunting patrol," Flamestar said. Scarstorm nodded. She padded up to high rock and spoke with confidence to the clan. Her speach was so smoothe, she looked like she'd been deputy for moons. Almost as good as Sharpfang. But not quite.
Understanding Act 1 and Act 2
Okay so I've just finished writing Act 1 and 2 in 20 small chapters. It may be a bit confusing... I get it. So all the main characters have been introduced: Flamestar, Ivystar, Wolfstar, Sharpfang, Grayfur, Snowfur, Darkfeather, Rosekit, Frostkit, Robinsong, Skullstar, and Mapleleaf. Ivystar and Darkfeather haven't been woven into the main story yet (but believe me, they each play HUGE parts). Rosekit and Frostkit have discovered these magical bones that give them the power to control cats, and have just discovered that they can read minds and communicate with each other. Sharpfang has left FireClan with the strongest warriors at his side, and is training in the DarkForest, along with Wolfstar. Obviously Mapleleaf and Skullstar are up to no good. The story is just about almost halfway over, and it's also a huge mystery with many overlapping parts. So just do your best to figure out the mysteries with the clues I've given to you.
Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :T
February 18, 2013
Chapter 21: The Enemy
Chapter 21: The Enemy
It had been a few days since Rosekit and Frostkit had run away. "I wonder if mother is still looking for us?" Rosekit asked Frostkit, who just shrugged. "I don't know," he replied sadly. "There's been no evidence since we found that piece of prey, but that was days ago," The kits had developed a sick way of getting prey: they would order fish to come out of the river. Maybe it wasn't fair to the fish, but Rosekit and Frostkit did what they needed to do to survive. They camped out near their bones each night after a filling meal, and shared their dreams with Bluestar. "Where do you think our extra power came from?" Rosekit asked Frostkit one morning after waking up. "I have no idea," he replied. "I'd really like to figure it out now,"
"Then let's go back and figure it out," Frostkit said. "So when did we first get our powers?" Rosekit asked. "The first night we ran away," Frostkit replied. Then he shook his head. "This is ridiculous," he said. "We already know it was the bones,"
"But bones don't have powers!" Rosekit wailed.
"Can you think of another way to explain it?" We each touched the bones and felt something weird and then ordered that fox to go away! There's no other possible explanation for it!" Rosekit just looked at the bones. "You're right," she whispered. "I need to face the facts: those bones are some weird power," Rosekit's eyes widened and she looked at Frostkit. "But what is a bad cat gets a hold of it? What can we do then?" Rosekit and Frostkit spun around when they heard the crackling of bushes. Two cats stepped out. "Hello, little run-away kits," a calico she-cat said. "Give us the bones,"
It had been a few days since Rosekit and Frostkit had run away. "I wonder if mother is still looking for us?" Rosekit asked Frostkit, who just shrugged. "I don't know," he replied sadly. "There's been no evidence since we found that piece of prey, but that was days ago," The kits had developed a sick way of getting prey: they would order fish to come out of the river. Maybe it wasn't fair to the fish, but Rosekit and Frostkit did what they needed to do to survive. They camped out near their bones each night after a filling meal, and shared their dreams with Bluestar. "Where do you think our extra power came from?" Rosekit asked Frostkit one morning after waking up. "I have no idea," he replied. "I'd really like to figure it out now,"
"Then let's go back and figure it out," Frostkit said. "So when did we first get our powers?" Rosekit asked. "The first night we ran away," Frostkit replied. Then he shook his head. "This is ridiculous," he said. "We already know it was the bones,"
"But bones don't have powers!" Rosekit wailed.
"Can you think of another way to explain it?" We each touched the bones and felt something weird and then ordered that fox to go away! There's no other possible explanation for it!" Rosekit just looked at the bones. "You're right," she whispered. "I need to face the facts: those bones are some weird power," Rosekit's eyes widened and she looked at Frostkit. "But what is a bad cat gets a hold of it? What can we do then?" Rosekit and Frostkit spun around when they heard the crackling of bushes. Two cats stepped out. "Hello, little run-away kits," a calico she-cat said. "Give us the bones,"
Chapter 20: Separation
Chapter 20: Separation
Sharpfang watched helplessly as Flamestar continued to order around every cat in FireClan. "It's for respect," was all he ever said about it. His orders were becoming ridiculous. Once he told Sharpfang to quit complaining and go change the elder's moss. He was the deputy! That night Sharpfang decided to ask Mapleleaf what to do. She was his new mentor, after all. "Well," Mapleleaf said. "Maybe it's time to take a break from Flamestar,"
"What?" Sharpfang stared at her.
"Gather anyone that wants to come and move to the western part of the territory,"
"That's crazy!"
"It's only until Flamestar realizes how important you are and begs to come back,"
"You want more respect, don't you?"
"Then do it!"
Sharpfang awoke in the morning time. Mapleleaf had never failed him before, right? He would try it out. If it didn't work, he'd just come back. Sharpfang jumped onto the highrock. Cats gathered around him. "Get down from there! It's not time for patrols!" Flamestar hissed. Sharpfang ignored him. "I am offended with Flamestar's bossy directions," Sharpfang began. "I have decided to take any cats that agree with me to the western part of the territory for awhile. We'll come back later," Sharpfang said. Gasps rippled through the crowd. "Anyone else tired of the new Flamestar?" As Sharpfang talked, he became more and more confident. Bluefur stepped up. "Yes, I am," She said. "I would be happy to be your deputy," Sharpfang nodded. "Anyone else?" he asked the crowd. "I'd like to come," Fastclaw said. Nightpelt nodded too. Thornclaw and Pebblestep stepped up as well. "Snowfur?" Sharpfang looked at his mate. "I would but..." she began. Sharpfang's heart sank. "I need to be here in case my kits come home,"
"And I need to be here with her," Grayfur said sadly. "You need a medicine cat, so I'll go," Ashfeather said. "I want to come too," Mosspaw said. "Anyone coming follow me," Sharpfang began walking out of camp. Mapleleaf nodded to him from high in the tree. He just looked at her. Sharpfang continued to lead his new clan out of FireClan camp. Bluefur padded up next to him. "What should we call our group, Sharpfang?" She asked. Sharpfang thought for a second. He thought of the pain in his heart when he realized he had to leave Flamestar behind, grabbing him and peircing him like thorns. "ThistleClan," he muttered. "We'll be ThistleClan,"
Sharpfang watched helplessly as Flamestar continued to order around every cat in FireClan. "It's for respect," was all he ever said about it. His orders were becoming ridiculous. Once he told Sharpfang to quit complaining and go change the elder's moss. He was the deputy! That night Sharpfang decided to ask Mapleleaf what to do. She was his new mentor, after all. "Well," Mapleleaf said. "Maybe it's time to take a break from Flamestar,"
"What?" Sharpfang stared at her.
"Gather anyone that wants to come and move to the western part of the territory,"
"That's crazy!"
"It's only until Flamestar realizes how important you are and begs to come back,"
"You want more respect, don't you?"
"Then do it!"
Sharpfang awoke in the morning time. Mapleleaf had never failed him before, right? He would try it out. If it didn't work, he'd just come back. Sharpfang jumped onto the highrock. Cats gathered around him. "Get down from there! It's not time for patrols!" Flamestar hissed. Sharpfang ignored him. "I am offended with Flamestar's bossy directions," Sharpfang began. "I have decided to take any cats that agree with me to the western part of the territory for awhile. We'll come back later," Sharpfang said. Gasps rippled through the crowd. "Anyone else tired of the new Flamestar?" As Sharpfang talked, he became more and more confident. Bluefur stepped up. "Yes, I am," She said. "I would be happy to be your deputy," Sharpfang nodded. "Anyone else?" he asked the crowd. "I'd like to come," Fastclaw said. Nightpelt nodded too. Thornclaw and Pebblestep stepped up as well. "Snowfur?" Sharpfang looked at his mate. "I would but..." she began. Sharpfang's heart sank. "I need to be here in case my kits come home,"
"And I need to be here with her," Grayfur said sadly. "You need a medicine cat, so I'll go," Ashfeather said. "I want to come too," Mosspaw said. "Anyone coming follow me," Sharpfang began walking out of camp. Mapleleaf nodded to him from high in the tree. He just looked at her. Sharpfang continued to lead his new clan out of FireClan camp. Bluefur padded up next to him. "What should we call our group, Sharpfang?" She asked. Sharpfang thought for a second. He thought of the pain in his heart when he realized he had to leave Flamestar behind, grabbing him and peircing him like thorns. "ThistleClan," he muttered. "We'll be ThistleClan,"
February 17, 2013
Chapter 19: Good and Bad Thoughts
Chapter 19: Good and Bad Thoughts
"What do you mean we can't search today?" Snowfur growled at Flamestar. "We need prey and herbs first!" Flamestar replied.
"We need the kits back!"
"Catch some prey and then you can search."
"Fine!" Snowfur and Grayfur slinked off. "Flamestar." A voice said from behind. "Why didn't you let them search?" Sharpfang asked sadly. Flamestar gulped. Not Sharpfang! I feel so bad about it... but how can I explain? Flamestar thought. "I..I.." Flamestar began. "Don't bother," Sharpfang said as he slunk away. Flamestar watched as his friend slunk away. Sharpfang's tail was down. He rarely removed it from its spot in the air. Flamestar sighed. He padded into his den. Mapleleaf was standing there. "I feel so bad," Flamestar said sadly. "Bad?" Mapleleaf laughed. "I came to say I am proud of you. You did great. Think of how much your clan will respect you after Skullstar and I are done!"
"I hope you're right," Flamestar muttered. He rested his head on his paws. "Snowfur and Grayfur are back," Mapleleaf said. Then she vanished. "Nice job!" Flamestar said. The two had come up with a vole and a mouse. "Continue your search now," Snowfur and Grayfur walked away without a goodbye. "I'm going to organize the patrols," Sharpfang said. Flamestar nodded. "I'll have Fastclaw, Nightpelt, Bluefur, and Ravenpaw go hunting, and Flamestar, Darkfeather, and Pebblestep go patrol the borders," Sharpfang finished. "Excuse me," Fastclaw was approaching Flamestar. "Can I patrol the borders instead of hunting?" Fastclaw asked. Flamestar spotted Mapleleaf's eyes nail into his head. "No. Sharpfang put you in the hunting patrol for a reason," Flamestar replied. "Of course you can patrol!" Sharpfang was joining them. "Tell Pebblestep she's on the hunting patrol," he said. "Have Thornclaw go on the border patrol. I'll go on the evening patrol later. I need to take a walk," Flamestar said as he walked into the woods. "Nice job," Mapleleaf said. "Next time tell Sharpfang not to object to your orders," Flamestar nodded. "Alright," he said. Mapleleaf disappeared, as usual, and Flamestar continued to walk. I am beginning to agree with Mapleleaf, but is that a good thing, or bad?
End of Chapter 18
"What do you mean we can't search today?" Snowfur growled at Flamestar. "We need prey and herbs first!" Flamestar replied.
"We need the kits back!"
"Catch some prey and then you can search."
"Fine!" Snowfur and Grayfur slinked off. "Flamestar." A voice said from behind. "Why didn't you let them search?" Sharpfang asked sadly. Flamestar gulped. Not Sharpfang! I feel so bad about it... but how can I explain? Flamestar thought. "I..I.." Flamestar began. "Don't bother," Sharpfang said as he slunk away. Flamestar watched as his friend slunk away. Sharpfang's tail was down. He rarely removed it from its spot in the air. Flamestar sighed. He padded into his den. Mapleleaf was standing there. "I feel so bad," Flamestar said sadly. "Bad?" Mapleleaf laughed. "I came to say I am proud of you. You did great. Think of how much your clan will respect you after Skullstar and I are done!"
"I hope you're right," Flamestar muttered. He rested his head on his paws. "Snowfur and Grayfur are back," Mapleleaf said. Then she vanished. "Nice job!" Flamestar said. The two had come up with a vole and a mouse. "Continue your search now," Snowfur and Grayfur walked away without a goodbye. "I'm going to organize the patrols," Sharpfang said. Flamestar nodded. "I'll have Fastclaw, Nightpelt, Bluefur, and Ravenpaw go hunting, and Flamestar, Darkfeather, and Pebblestep go patrol the borders," Sharpfang finished. "Excuse me," Fastclaw was approaching Flamestar. "Can I patrol the borders instead of hunting?" Fastclaw asked. Flamestar spotted Mapleleaf's eyes nail into his head. "No. Sharpfang put you in the hunting patrol for a reason," Flamestar replied. "Of course you can patrol!" Sharpfang was joining them. "Tell Pebblestep she's on the hunting patrol," he said. "Have Thornclaw go on the border patrol. I'll go on the evening patrol later. I need to take a walk," Flamestar said as he walked into the woods. "Nice job," Mapleleaf said. "Next time tell Sharpfang not to object to your orders," Flamestar nodded. "Alright," he said. Mapleleaf disappeared, as usual, and Flamestar continued to walk. I am beginning to agree with Mapleleaf, but is that a good thing, or bad?
End of Chapter 18
Chapter 18: Harsh Words
Chapter 18: Harsh Words
Flamestar woke up in a pathway, with a gorgeous forest on one side, and a dark one on the other. Two cats were facing him. "Who are you, and where am I?" Flamestar asked them. "I am Skullstar, and this is Mapleleaf," a black tom growled. "We want to make you the best leader you can be," Mapleleaf said. "Really?" Flamestar asked. The cats nodded. "In order to do that, you need to listen to us more than you listen to StarClan," Flamestar stared at them. "What!?" he yowled. "You don't know StarClan as well as you think," Mapleleaf said. Suddenly Flamestar's vision went to a blue-gray she-cat saying: "I don't know more than you do," Flamestar stared at them. "Look," he growled. "I don't know who you are, and I don't know who that gray blue cat was," Mapleleaf rolled her eyes. "That was StarClan's leader, Bluestar. She was talking to someone about territory. "What?" Flamestar's eyes widened. If we can't trust StarClan to guide us... "Well, how do expect to do better?" Flamestar asked. "Simple," Mapleleaf said. "Do as we say," Skullstar looked at him. "Do you promise?" he asked Flamestar. "I promise," Flamestar said. Mapleleaf looked into Flamestar's brown eyes. "All right then," she said. "You wake up, and we'll guide you along,"
Snowfur and Grayfur had just returned from their search seconds ago. They hung their heads, meaning they had come back with nothing. "We left some prey at the end of their trail," Grayfur said. "We'll continue the search in the morning," Flamestar nodded. Then Grayfur turned to Snowfur. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Grayfur asked. "Please," Snowfur replied with a sigh. The two sisters walked off toward the nursery together. Flamestar sulked into his den. Just as he was curling up to sleep, Mapleleaf appeared. "What do you want?" Flamestar growled. "I want to sleep!" Mapleleaf rolled her eyes. "I just came to say that you need those two cats to help in camp. You can't have them searching the whole time!" Flamestar stared at her. "We need those kits back!"
"You need prey and herbs," Mapleleaf replied.
"Don't order me around!"
"You made a promise, remember? You're not about to break it, are you?" Flamestar looked at her. "No," he said quietly. "Now get some rest," Mapleleaf said. "You're going to need it," Flamestar did as the she-cat said.
End of Chapter 17
Flamestar woke up in a pathway, with a gorgeous forest on one side, and a dark one on the other. Two cats were facing him. "Who are you, and where am I?" Flamestar asked them. "I am Skullstar, and this is Mapleleaf," a black tom growled. "We want to make you the best leader you can be," Mapleleaf said. "Really?" Flamestar asked. The cats nodded. "In order to do that, you need to listen to us more than you listen to StarClan," Flamestar stared at them. "What!?" he yowled. "You don't know StarClan as well as you think," Mapleleaf said. Suddenly Flamestar's vision went to a blue-gray she-cat saying: "I don't know more than you do," Flamestar stared at them. "Look," he growled. "I don't know who you are, and I don't know who that gray blue cat was," Mapleleaf rolled her eyes. "That was StarClan's leader, Bluestar. She was talking to someone about territory. "What?" Flamestar's eyes widened. If we can't trust StarClan to guide us... "Well, how do expect to do better?" Flamestar asked. "Simple," Mapleleaf said. "Do as we say," Skullstar looked at him. "Do you promise?" he asked Flamestar. "I promise," Flamestar said. Mapleleaf looked into Flamestar's brown eyes. "All right then," she said. "You wake up, and we'll guide you along,"
Snowfur and Grayfur had just returned from their search seconds ago. They hung their heads, meaning they had come back with nothing. "We left some prey at the end of their trail," Grayfur said. "We'll continue the search in the morning," Flamestar nodded. Then Grayfur turned to Snowfur. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Grayfur asked. "Please," Snowfur replied with a sigh. The two sisters walked off toward the nursery together. Flamestar sulked into his den. Just as he was curling up to sleep, Mapleleaf appeared. "What do you want?" Flamestar growled. "I want to sleep!" Mapleleaf rolled her eyes. "I just came to say that you need those two cats to help in camp. You can't have them searching the whole time!" Flamestar stared at her. "We need those kits back!"
"You need prey and herbs," Mapleleaf replied.
"Don't order me around!"
"You made a promise, remember? You're not about to break it, are you?" Flamestar looked at her. "No," he said quietly. "Now get some rest," Mapleleaf said. "You're going to need it," Flamestar did as the she-cat said.
End of Chapter 17
Chapter 17: The Promise
Chapter 17: The Promise
Three days before, in DeathClan camp...
Wolfstar couldn't shake off the fear that he was being watched. He couldn't help shouting out, "Who's there?" at every little rustle of leaves nearby. He even insisted on sleeping in the warriors' den. The next morning, his followers finally appeared. "I knew you've been watching me!" Wolfastar screeched. The two cats rolled their eyes. "Duh," a calico she-cat muttered. "I'm Skullstar, and this is Mapleleaf," the black tom beside the she-cat said. "I'm Wolfstar," Wolfstar said. "We know," Mapleleaf said with an eye roll. "What?" Wolfstar asked her. "Nothing," she replied. "Why have you been following me, anyways," Wolfstar asked. "We want to make you the best deputy you can be," Skullstar said. "And in return, we'd like help with something." Wolfstar considered this. His blue eyes narrowed. "How can I trust you?" he asked, suddenly suspicious. How could he trust cats that had been spying on him? "Well we wouldn't waste our time on you if we didn't need to," Mapleleaf growled. "True," Wolfstar said. "I supose I'll help you, but if you show anything suspicious..." Skullstar and Mapleleaf nodded. "You promise to help us?" She asked. "I promise," he replied.
That night, Wolfstar awoke in a large, dark clearing. Mapleleaf and Skullstar were in front of him. "What is it you want on your side of the deal, anyways?" he asked them. "Something very powerful lurks in FireClan territory. We want it back," Skullstar said. Wolfstar stared at them. "FireClan territory?" the cats nodded. "You will be training with another cat," Mapleleaf said. "Wolfstar, meet Sharpfang. Sharpfang, Wolfstar," Wolfstar stared at Sharpfang. "You're the FireClan deputy!" he gasped. "And you're the DeathClan leader!" Sharpfang retorted. Mapleleaf snorted. "Your training is secret," she said. "Tell no other cat," Sharpfang and Wolfstar nodded. "Do you promise?" Mapleleaf asked. "We promise," they said. "Good," Skullstar muttered. "Wolfstar, you'll train with me. Sharpfang, with Mapleleaf," As the two cats walked away with their new mentors, neither noticed their eyes turn from blue to purple or amber to reddish-orange.
End of Chapter 16
Three days before, in DeathClan camp...
Wolfstar couldn't shake off the fear that he was being watched. He couldn't help shouting out, "Who's there?" at every little rustle of leaves nearby. He even insisted on sleeping in the warriors' den. The next morning, his followers finally appeared. "I knew you've been watching me!" Wolfastar screeched. The two cats rolled their eyes. "Duh," a calico she-cat muttered. "I'm Skullstar, and this is Mapleleaf," the black tom beside the she-cat said. "I'm Wolfstar," Wolfstar said. "We know," Mapleleaf said with an eye roll. "What?" Wolfstar asked her. "Nothing," she replied. "Why have you been following me, anyways," Wolfstar asked. "We want to make you the best deputy you can be," Skullstar said. "And in return, we'd like help with something." Wolfstar considered this. His blue eyes narrowed. "How can I trust you?" he asked, suddenly suspicious. How could he trust cats that had been spying on him? "Well we wouldn't waste our time on you if we didn't need to," Mapleleaf growled. "True," Wolfstar said. "I supose I'll help you, but if you show anything suspicious..." Skullstar and Mapleleaf nodded. "You promise to help us?" She asked. "I promise," he replied.
That night, Wolfstar awoke in a large, dark clearing. Mapleleaf and Skullstar were in front of him. "What is it you want on your side of the deal, anyways?" he asked them. "Something very powerful lurks in FireClan territory. We want it back," Skullstar said. Wolfstar stared at them. "FireClan territory?" the cats nodded. "You will be training with another cat," Mapleleaf said. "Wolfstar, meet Sharpfang. Sharpfang, Wolfstar," Wolfstar stared at Sharpfang. "You're the FireClan deputy!" he gasped. "And you're the DeathClan leader!" Sharpfang retorted. Mapleleaf snorted. "Your training is secret," she said. "Tell no other cat," Sharpfang and Wolfstar nodded. "Do you promise?" Mapleleaf asked. "We promise," they said. "Good," Skullstar muttered. "Wolfstar, you'll train with me. Sharpfang, with Mapleleaf," As the two cats walked away with their new mentors, neither noticed their eyes turn from blue to purple or amber to reddish-orange.
End of Chapter 16
February 16, 2013
Chapter 16: An Unknown Power
Chapter 16: An Unknown Power
Rosekit and Frostkit stared at the bone. "Who do you think they belong to?" Frostkit asked. "They look pretty old, yet the glow," Rosekit shrugged. "I don't know. Perhaps an ancient cat's?" Frostkit took a step closer. "I want to take a look, come on!" Frostkit poked the bone. He drew his paw back immediately after. "These are no ordinary bones! They hurt to touch!" he warned. Rosekit poked them anyway. "They certainly are warm. And it almost feels like... I don't know. Like something has come over me," Frostkit nodded. "I feel the same way," he added. "Maybe we can sleep by them tonight? They'll keep us warm," Frostkit asked Rosekit as he looked at the sky. It was getting dark. Rosekit felt a chill go down her spine. Sleep with bones? She thought. What a weird idea! But I guess we have to. Rosekit and Frostkit curled up together. It was only moments after that they heard a low growl. "Cat pups be Spruce's dinner!" A snarling fox jumped from the bushes. "Cat pups give up! End for you!" Spruce growled. "Please, please don't eat is!" Rosekit wailed. "Spruce have no sympathy for cat pups!" Frostkit jumped to his paws. "Just go away!" he wailed. Suddenly Spruce began walking backwards. "What..." Spruce stared at his paws. "What are you cat pups doing!? Stop it!" Rosekit and Frostkit exchanged a glance. "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with cat pups!" Rosekit yowled. "Go away and don't come back!" Frostkit joined in. "Go get your dinner somewhere else!" Spruce vanished into the forest. "This isn't the last of Spruce!" he screeched. Rosekit and Frostkit looked at each other. "Do you think this is our power? To be able to order around cats?" Frostkit asked Rosekit. She shrugged. "I can't think of any other reason. All I know is we need our rest," she replied. Rosekit and Frostkit curled up against the bones. This time they slept.
"How did you do that?" Bluestar gasped. "It's our power, right!?" Rosekit mewed. "No, it's not," Bluestar replied. "I guess you haven't figured out your real power yet. I just don't understand how you did that," Rosekit and Frostkit stared at her. "Then what is our power?" They asked. Bluestar sighed. "You were supposed to figure it out on your own, but you do already know. Go ahead, tell me," she said. Frostkit closed his eyes. He thought back to when he was first born. "We can read cat's thoughts," he said with a frown. "You're right, Bluestar, I have known all along!" Rosekit gasped. "Then we can be warriors! We can read enemies thoughts and the thoughts of prey! That makes up for being deaf and not smelling!" Bluestar nodded. "But first we need to know how you controlled that fox. Anything weird happened lately?" Rosekit nodded. "We were sleeping by bones..." She said. "Bones?" Bluestar asked. Rosekit nodded. "Do you know who they belong to?" she asked. Bluestar shook her head. "I don't know much more then you. Try to figure it out yourself, and I'll see if I can find anyone who might know," Bluestar said. "But right now it's time for you two to wake up," With that, Rosekit and Frostkit woke up. The bones were still beside them.
End of Chapter 15
Rosekit and Frostkit stared at the bone. "Who do you think they belong to?" Frostkit asked. "They look pretty old, yet the glow," Rosekit shrugged. "I don't know. Perhaps an ancient cat's?" Frostkit took a step closer. "I want to take a look, come on!" Frostkit poked the bone. He drew his paw back immediately after. "These are no ordinary bones! They hurt to touch!" he warned. Rosekit poked them anyway. "They certainly are warm. And it almost feels like... I don't know. Like something has come over me," Frostkit nodded. "I feel the same way," he added. "Maybe we can sleep by them tonight? They'll keep us warm," Frostkit asked Rosekit as he looked at the sky. It was getting dark. Rosekit felt a chill go down her spine. Sleep with bones? She thought. What a weird idea! But I guess we have to. Rosekit and Frostkit curled up together. It was only moments after that they heard a low growl. "Cat pups be Spruce's dinner!" A snarling fox jumped from the bushes. "Cat pups give up! End for you!" Spruce growled. "Please, please don't eat is!" Rosekit wailed. "Spruce have no sympathy for cat pups!" Frostkit jumped to his paws. "Just go away!" he wailed. Suddenly Spruce began walking backwards. "What..." Spruce stared at his paws. "What are you cat pups doing!? Stop it!" Rosekit and Frostkit exchanged a glance. "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with cat pups!" Rosekit yowled. "Go away and don't come back!" Frostkit joined in. "Go get your dinner somewhere else!" Spruce vanished into the forest. "This isn't the last of Spruce!" he screeched. Rosekit and Frostkit looked at each other. "Do you think this is our power? To be able to order around cats?" Frostkit asked Rosekit. She shrugged. "I can't think of any other reason. All I know is we need our rest," she replied. Rosekit and Frostkit curled up against the bones. This time they slept.
"How did you do that?" Bluestar gasped. "It's our power, right!?" Rosekit mewed. "No, it's not," Bluestar replied. "I guess you haven't figured out your real power yet. I just don't understand how you did that," Rosekit and Frostkit stared at her. "Then what is our power?" They asked. Bluestar sighed. "You were supposed to figure it out on your own, but you do already know. Go ahead, tell me," she said. Frostkit closed his eyes. He thought back to when he was first born. "We can read cat's thoughts," he said with a frown. "You're right, Bluestar, I have known all along!" Rosekit gasped. "Then we can be warriors! We can read enemies thoughts and the thoughts of prey! That makes up for being deaf and not smelling!" Bluestar nodded. "But first we need to know how you controlled that fox. Anything weird happened lately?" Rosekit nodded. "We were sleeping by bones..." She said. "Bones?" Bluestar asked. Rosekit nodded. "Do you know who they belong to?" she asked. Bluestar shook her head. "I don't know much more then you. Try to figure it out yourself, and I'll see if I can find anyone who might know," Bluestar said. "But right now it's time for you two to wake up," With that, Rosekit and Frostkit woke up. The bones were still beside them.
End of Chapter 15
Chapter 15: The Search
Chapter 15: The Search
"What do you mean they're missing?" Grayfur gasped. Snowfur was crying now. "I was too harsh with them!" she cried. "I told them they couldn't be warriors... I even yelled at Sharpfang! Then I woke up and they were gone!" Grayfur sighed. "They weren't just born, Snowfur," Grayfur said. "They could be miles away!" Snowfur's eyes widened. "You're right! We need to send out a search party!" Grayfur and Snowfur raced into Flamestar's den. Flamestar and Sharpfang looked up. Grayfur and Snowfur began talking began talking at once. "Calm down!" Sharpfang hissed. "What do you need?" Grayfur looked at Snowfur. "The kits! They've run away!" Snowfur cried. Sharpfang's eyes widened. "Now you've done it! You've scared them away!" Sharpfang yelled. "Calm down!" Grayfur growled. "This is no time to fight! The kits are in danger and the more time we waste the farther they can go! They either escaped through dirtplace or behind the nursery. Flamestar and Sharpfang go behind dirtplace and Snowfur and I will go behind the nursery," Grayfur took off. The others had no option but to do as she said.
Grayfur and Snowfur sped through FireClan territory. The kit's scent was faint, but it was getting stronger and stronger. Then, they came upon the river. Snowfur burst into tears. "They never could've survived the river! They must've drowned!" Grayfur was about to tell Snowfur that they could've survived, but Snowfur was right, it was far too wide and the current was strong. Never had FireClan's beautiful territory looked so barren and cold. Snowfur sighed. "If I hadn't lost my temper, they would've stayed," Grayfur looked into her sister's eyes. "Oh, Snowfur," she cried. Grayfur was depressed too. Rosekit and Frostkit were like her own kits. Then Grayfur looked into the river. "Wait a minute..." She stepped closer. There were gray shaped under the water. Grayfur stepped into the river and onto the stones. "What are you doing?" Snowfur asked. The water came up to half of Grayfur's leg. "The kits could've used the stones to cross! Come on!" Grayfur and Snowfur crossed the river. Of course. The water washes away all scent marks! Who knows which way the kits went! "Now what?" Snowfur hissed. "The kits are as good as dead! They could be anywhere!" Grayfur closed her eyes. "The scents were stronger. So they can't be too far in either direction," Grayfur said. There's still hope! "They probably went straight. Let's try that way," Snowfur suggested, feeling better. Grayfur and Snowfur continued to search. The sun was starting to set. "Snowfur, we have to go back. We can check in the morning. Besides, it's not leaf-bare yet. The kits will survive the night," Grayfur said. "Wait," Snowfur said. "Let's hunt some food for them. If we're in the right direction, maybe they'd eat it? If their scents on it, we'd know they're here!" Grayfur had to admit, Snowfur had great ideas. Together they hunted a mouse and Grayfur caught a fish. "Let's take the fish back. We don't want to leave a whole meal for anyone," Grayfur suggested. Snowfur nodded. "Don't worry," Grayfur said. "We'll find the kits, I promise,"
End of Chapter 14
"What do you mean they're missing?" Grayfur gasped. Snowfur was crying now. "I was too harsh with them!" she cried. "I told them they couldn't be warriors... I even yelled at Sharpfang! Then I woke up and they were gone!" Grayfur sighed. "They weren't just born, Snowfur," Grayfur said. "They could be miles away!" Snowfur's eyes widened. "You're right! We need to send out a search party!" Grayfur and Snowfur raced into Flamestar's den. Flamestar and Sharpfang looked up. Grayfur and Snowfur began talking began talking at once. "Calm down!" Sharpfang hissed. "What do you need?" Grayfur looked at Snowfur. "The kits! They've run away!" Snowfur cried. Sharpfang's eyes widened. "Now you've done it! You've scared them away!" Sharpfang yelled. "Calm down!" Grayfur growled. "This is no time to fight! The kits are in danger and the more time we waste the farther they can go! They either escaped through dirtplace or behind the nursery. Flamestar and Sharpfang go behind dirtplace and Snowfur and I will go behind the nursery," Grayfur took off. The others had no option but to do as she said.
Grayfur and Snowfur sped through FireClan territory. The kit's scent was faint, but it was getting stronger and stronger. Then, they came upon the river. Snowfur burst into tears. "They never could've survived the river! They must've drowned!" Grayfur was about to tell Snowfur that they could've survived, but Snowfur was right, it was far too wide and the current was strong. Never had FireClan's beautiful territory looked so barren and cold. Snowfur sighed. "If I hadn't lost my temper, they would've stayed," Grayfur looked into her sister's eyes. "Oh, Snowfur," she cried. Grayfur was depressed too. Rosekit and Frostkit were like her own kits. Then Grayfur looked into the river. "Wait a minute..." She stepped closer. There were gray shaped under the water. Grayfur stepped into the river and onto the stones. "What are you doing?" Snowfur asked. The water came up to half of Grayfur's leg. "The kits could've used the stones to cross! Come on!" Grayfur and Snowfur crossed the river. Of course. The water washes away all scent marks! Who knows which way the kits went! "Now what?" Snowfur hissed. "The kits are as good as dead! They could be anywhere!" Grayfur closed her eyes. "The scents were stronger. So they can't be too far in either direction," Grayfur said. There's still hope! "They probably went straight. Let's try that way," Snowfur suggested, feeling better. Grayfur and Snowfur continued to search. The sun was starting to set. "Snowfur, we have to go back. We can check in the morning. Besides, it's not leaf-bare yet. The kits will survive the night," Grayfur said. "Wait," Snowfur said. "Let's hunt some food for them. If we're in the right direction, maybe they'd eat it? If their scents on it, we'd know they're here!" Grayfur had to admit, Snowfur had great ideas. Together they hunted a mouse and Grayfur caught a fish. "Let's take the fish back. We don't want to leave a whole meal for anyone," Grayfur suggested. Snowfur nodded. "Don't worry," Grayfur said. "We'll find the kits, I promise,"
End of Chapter 14
February 15, 2013
Chapter 14: The Bone
Chapter 14: The Bone
Rosekit and Frostkit sped away from camp. It's not our fault we're not perfect! Maybe Snowfur will like us better gone! Rosekit thought. Rosekit and Frostkit traveled deep into the heart of the forest. FireClan territory was huge. As soon as they felt like they'd run for miles, they started to walk. "We'll have to work together, you know," Frostkit said. "With you're hearing, and my smelling, we can work as one," Rosekit nodded. "Say, how can you hear me?" Frostkit shrugged. "Maybe we're really meant to work as one?" he suggested. "I wonder what our power is. I doubt it's for me to hear just you," Frostkit snickered. Rosekit laughed. Then she drew quiet. "What if we really can't be warriors? What will we do all day?" Rosekit felt a pang of sadness. "Maybe our gift will help us be warriors?" he suggested. Rosekit sighed. "I don't know. What power could possibly make up for hearing and smelling? Those senses are just too important. They can't be replaced," Rosekit said with a sigh. The kits were so into pitying their selves that they walked right into a big fern. That was when the two kits stumbled upon a large clearing. In the center was a pile of white sticks. "Whats that?" Frostkit asked. The two approached the sticks with caution. There was a whole pile. They seemed to glow in the sunlight. On the top of the pile was a hollowed out ball. "Wait a minute," Frostkit gasped. Rosekit caught on to what he was saying. "These aren't sticks... these are bones!"
End of Chapter 13
Rosekit and Frostkit sped away from camp. It's not our fault we're not perfect! Maybe Snowfur will like us better gone! Rosekit thought. Rosekit and Frostkit traveled deep into the heart of the forest. FireClan territory was huge. As soon as they felt like they'd run for miles, they started to walk. "We'll have to work together, you know," Frostkit said. "With you're hearing, and my smelling, we can work as one," Rosekit nodded. "Say, how can you hear me?" Frostkit shrugged. "Maybe we're really meant to work as one?" he suggested. "I wonder what our power is. I doubt it's for me to hear just you," Frostkit snickered. Rosekit laughed. Then she drew quiet. "What if we really can't be warriors? What will we do all day?" Rosekit felt a pang of sadness. "Maybe our gift will help us be warriors?" he suggested. Rosekit sighed. "I don't know. What power could possibly make up for hearing and smelling? Those senses are just too important. They can't be replaced," Rosekit said with a sigh. The kits were so into pitying their selves that they walked right into a big fern. That was when the two kits stumbled upon a large clearing. In the center was a pile of white sticks. "Whats that?" Frostkit asked. The two approached the sticks with caution. There was a whole pile. They seemed to glow in the sunlight. On the top of the pile was a hollowed out ball. "Wait a minute," Frostkit gasped. Rosekit caught on to what he was saying. "These aren't sticks... these are bones!"
End of Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Telling the Clan
Chapter 13: Telling the Clan
Darkfeather watched as Flamestar hopped onto the high rock. She'd heard that Snowfur had had her kits the night before. How exciting, she thought. "Today we welcome two new members of the clan," Flamestar said. "Rosekit and Frostkit, the kits of Snowfur and Sharpfang. They were born yesterday," Cheers rippled through the crowd. "Unfortunately," Flamestar began. The crowd fell silent. "Rosekit can't smell and Frostkit is deaf." He finished. Everyone stared at Flamestar. Wow! What are the chances of not one, but two imperfect kits? Poor Snowfur! She must feel horrible! Perhaps I should visit her? Darkfeather made her way to the nursery. Snowfur was curled up in a ball, along with her kits. They were on opposite sides of the den. Just as Darkfeather was about to leave, Snowfur opened an eye. "What's wrong with me?" she whispered. Darkfeather was so startled, she didn't reply. "I chased away my mate, my kits, and my leader. I'm a horrible cat," Snowfur said. "Oh Snowfur..." Darkfeather whispered. Snowfur sighed. "I don't know what to do. Sharpfang hates me now," Snowfur said. "Don't say that," Darkfeather said. "I can rest with you if you'd like," Darkfeather suggested. "Please," Snowfur said. "But first go spy on Sharpfang. See if hes mad," Snowfur begged. Normally Darkfeather would object, but Snowfur was desperate. Darkfeather crept away from the nursery and looked around the camp for Sharpfang's brown pelt. She checked the warrior den. No sign there. Then she heard murmurs from Flamestar's den. Of course! He's talking to Flamestar about it! They're best buddies, after all! Darkfeather crept up to the den and crouched behind some bushes within hearing distance. "I don't know what to do," Sharpfang said. "She hates me!" Darkfeather pressed her ear against the side of the den. "She doesn't hate you. You know how Snowfur can be," Flamestar replied. "Stubborn," Flamestar added. "Still," Sharpfang sighed. "Maybe I should talk to her?" Darkfeather peaked inside through a hole. Flamestar nodded. "Okay, let's go," Sharpfang said. Uh, oh! Better get away from here! Darkfeather sped off toward the nursery. "What did he say?" Snowfur asked. "He's just as sad as you are," Darkfeather replied. "He's coming to see you." Snowfur nodded. "It's best I talk to him alone," she said. Darkfeather nodded. "Let me make sure the kits are aslee-" Snowfur gasped. "Where are they?" she asked, wide-eyed. The moss where Rosekit and Frostkit slept was still warm. "This is all my fault," Snowfur cried. "My precious kits are gone!"
End of Chapter 12
Darkfeather watched as Flamestar hopped onto the high rock. She'd heard that Snowfur had had her kits the night before. How exciting, she thought. "Today we welcome two new members of the clan," Flamestar said. "Rosekit and Frostkit, the kits of Snowfur and Sharpfang. They were born yesterday," Cheers rippled through the crowd. "Unfortunately," Flamestar began. The crowd fell silent. "Rosekit can't smell and Frostkit is deaf." He finished. Everyone stared at Flamestar. Wow! What are the chances of not one, but two imperfect kits? Poor Snowfur! She must feel horrible! Perhaps I should visit her? Darkfeather made her way to the nursery. Snowfur was curled up in a ball, along with her kits. They were on opposite sides of the den. Just as Darkfeather was about to leave, Snowfur opened an eye. "What's wrong with me?" she whispered. Darkfeather was so startled, she didn't reply. "I chased away my mate, my kits, and my leader. I'm a horrible cat," Snowfur said. "Oh Snowfur..." Darkfeather whispered. Snowfur sighed. "I don't know what to do. Sharpfang hates me now," Snowfur said. "Don't say that," Darkfeather said. "I can rest with you if you'd like," Darkfeather suggested. "Please," Snowfur said. "But first go spy on Sharpfang. See if hes mad," Snowfur begged. Normally Darkfeather would object, but Snowfur was desperate. Darkfeather crept away from the nursery and looked around the camp for Sharpfang's brown pelt. She checked the warrior den. No sign there. Then she heard murmurs from Flamestar's den. Of course! He's talking to Flamestar about it! They're best buddies, after all! Darkfeather crept up to the den and crouched behind some bushes within hearing distance. "I don't know what to do," Sharpfang said. "She hates me!" Darkfeather pressed her ear against the side of the den. "She doesn't hate you. You know how Snowfur can be," Flamestar replied. "Stubborn," Flamestar added. "Still," Sharpfang sighed. "Maybe I should talk to her?" Darkfeather peaked inside through a hole. Flamestar nodded. "Okay, let's go," Sharpfang said. Uh, oh! Better get away from here! Darkfeather sped off toward the nursery. "What did he say?" Snowfur asked. "He's just as sad as you are," Darkfeather replied. "He's coming to see you." Snowfur nodded. "It's best I talk to him alone," she said. Darkfeather nodded. "Let me make sure the kits are aslee-" Snowfur gasped. "Where are they?" she asked, wide-eyed. The moss where Rosekit and Frostkit slept was still warm. "This is all my fault," Snowfur cried. "My precious kits are gone!"
End of Chapter 12
Act 2: Chapter 12: The Missing Sense
Act 2: Chapter 12: The Missing Sense
Rosekit and Frostkit awoke next to the warmth of their mother. Slowly Frostkit rose to his paws. He looked around. "Food!" He mewed to Rosekit. "Food is coming!" Rosekit stared at him. "How do you know?" she asked. "I can smell it," Frostkit replied. Duh, he thought. Rosekit frowned. "I can't smell anything,"
"Can't you smell the morning dew or the grass or the scents of cats?" he asked. Rosekit snorted. "Maybe that's what Bluestar meant by your other senses strengthening. I can't smell anything," she said. That prey isn't far off. Why can't Rosekit smell it? A she-cat came in with a squirrel. She had black fur with a hint of brown. "What beautiful kits," she said to Frostkit's mother. Mother purred. "Why, thank you, Darkfeather," she said. Frostkit stared up at the cats. Of course he couldn't hear them though. Frostkit sighed. He saw Darkfeather talking talking to Rosekit. Life just wasn't fair. Just a few minutes later a fiery colored cat walked in. Frostkit recognised him as Flamestar.
Rosekit looked up at her leader. "So these are the kits?" Flamestar asked. "They're beautiful," he said. Snowfur didn't say anything. "Frostkit is deaf," father said. Flamestar's eyes went wide. "I have a surprise for you," Flamestar said. "What is it?" Rosekit asked. "Can't you smell it?" Flamestar asked. That was when it hit Frostkit. "All your other senses have become better, and you have a sixth sense to replace hearing. Just as good, in fact. Same with you, Rosekit. You lack a sense, but you've been given one," Bluestar said. "But what is our sixth sense?" Frostkit asked. "And what do I lack?" Rosekit added quickly. Frostkit couldn't hear. Rosekit couldn't smell. "You can't smell," Frostkit said. "Huh?" Rosekit said. "Of course I can!" Frostkit snorted. "You can't smell the dew or the grass or anything! That's the sense you lack!" Rosekit looked hurt. Frostkit wished he hadn't been so rough. "Mama," Rosekit said, "Yes dear?" Mother looked down at Rosekit. "I can't smell," Rosekit finished. All the color drained from Snowfur's face. "That's mouse dung!" She hissed. "Of course you can smell!" Rosekit began to cry. "I can't smell the dew or the grass or anything!" She cried. The room fell silent. "Two flawed kits!" Snowfur hissed. "Not one, but two! What have I done to deserve it!?" Snowfur cried. "TWO!" Snowfur bueried her face in her paws. "Oh Mama!" Rosekit squealed. "Don't be sad!" Snowfur looked up. "You'll never be warriors!" Snowfur hissed. Rosekit and Frostkit jumped back. "What?" Rosekit asked. "We'll be warriors, Mama!" Frostkit added in. "You'll see!" Snowfur glared at them. "No, you won't! You need to hear enemies coming and to smell cats' scents and to smell mice! What do you mean you'll be warriors!?" Snowfur's attitude startled everyone. "Mama-" Rosekit began. "I don't want to hear it! As soon as you're six moons, I want nothing to do with you!" Snowfur snarled. "Snowfur-" Sharpfang began. "Or with you!" Snowfur snarled at Sharpfang. "This is your fault too! You brought flawed kits into this world! What is wrong with you!?" Sharpfang stared at her. "Fine then," he growled. "Be that way." Sharpfang got up and left the room. With a final glance at Snowfur, Flamestar called after Sharpfang and ran to catch up with him. Snowfur began to cry. "What's wrong with me?" she whispered. Snowfur turned around and faced away from the kits. Rosekit's tail drooped. "Oh no," she squealed. She bueried her head into Frostkit's fur. "This is all my fault," she said sadly.
Rosekit and Frostkit awoke next to the warmth of their mother. Slowly Frostkit rose to his paws. He looked around. "Food!" He mewed to Rosekit. "Food is coming!" Rosekit stared at him. "How do you know?" she asked. "I can smell it," Frostkit replied. Duh, he thought. Rosekit frowned. "I can't smell anything,"
"Can't you smell the morning dew or the grass or the scents of cats?" he asked. Rosekit snorted. "Maybe that's what Bluestar meant by your other senses strengthening. I can't smell anything," she said. That prey isn't far off. Why can't Rosekit smell it? A she-cat came in with a squirrel. She had black fur with a hint of brown. "What beautiful kits," she said to Frostkit's mother. Mother purred. "Why, thank you, Darkfeather," she said. Frostkit stared up at the cats. Of course he couldn't hear them though. Frostkit sighed. He saw Darkfeather talking talking to Rosekit. Life just wasn't fair. Just a few minutes later a fiery colored cat walked in. Frostkit recognised him as Flamestar.
Rosekit looked up at her leader. "So these are the kits?" Flamestar asked. "They're beautiful," he said. Snowfur didn't say anything. "Frostkit is deaf," father said. Flamestar's eyes went wide. "I have a surprise for you," Flamestar said. "What is it?" Rosekit asked. "Can't you smell it?" Flamestar asked. That was when it hit Frostkit. "All your other senses have become better, and you have a sixth sense to replace hearing. Just as good, in fact. Same with you, Rosekit. You lack a sense, but you've been given one," Bluestar said. "But what is our sixth sense?" Frostkit asked. "And what do I lack?" Rosekit added quickly. Frostkit couldn't hear. Rosekit couldn't smell. "You can't smell," Frostkit said. "Huh?" Rosekit said. "Of course I can!" Frostkit snorted. "You can't smell the dew or the grass or anything! That's the sense you lack!" Rosekit looked hurt. Frostkit wished he hadn't been so rough. "Mama," Rosekit said, "Yes dear?" Mother looked down at Rosekit. "I can't smell," Rosekit finished. All the color drained from Snowfur's face. "That's mouse dung!" She hissed. "Of course you can smell!" Rosekit began to cry. "I can't smell the dew or the grass or anything!" She cried. The room fell silent. "Two flawed kits!" Snowfur hissed. "Not one, but two! What have I done to deserve it!?" Snowfur cried. "TWO!" Snowfur bueried her face in her paws. "Oh Mama!" Rosekit squealed. "Don't be sad!" Snowfur looked up. "You'll never be warriors!" Snowfur hissed. Rosekit and Frostkit jumped back. "What?" Rosekit asked. "We'll be warriors, Mama!" Frostkit added in. "You'll see!" Snowfur glared at them. "No, you won't! You need to hear enemies coming and to smell cats' scents and to smell mice! What do you mean you'll be warriors!?" Snowfur's attitude startled everyone. "Mama-" Rosekit began. "I don't want to hear it! As soon as you're six moons, I want nothing to do with you!" Snowfur snarled. "Snowfur-" Sharpfang began. "Or with you!" Snowfur snarled at Sharpfang. "This is your fault too! You brought flawed kits into this world! What is wrong with you!?" Sharpfang stared at her. "Fine then," he growled. "Be that way." Sharpfang got up and left the room. With a final glance at Snowfur, Flamestar called after Sharpfang and ran to catch up with him. Snowfur began to cry. "What's wrong with me?" she whispered. Snowfur turned around and faced away from the kits. Rosekit's tail drooped. "Oh no," she squealed. She bueried her head into Frostkit's fur. "This is all my fault," she said sadly.
Chapter 11: A Rising Danger
Chapter 11: A Rising Danger
Wolfstar observed his clan. They were the most feared in the forest. DeathClan. Not a better name exists for my clan, Wolfstar thought. Wolfstar was an alright name. Bloodstar would've been cooler, though. Lucky Bloodfeather. Such a randomly cool name. The hunting patrol had brought plenty of prey to eat, more then enough to fill everyone's bellies. Wolfstar made his was over to the pile and picked up a vole, one of his favorites. He brought it back to his den and ate it quickly. After morning duties he'd get his rest. First he checked on the kits, Brackenkit and Bramblekit. All well there. Then he checked on the elders, good there too. Then he checked on Grassfoot, the medicine cat, then the apprentices and the warriors. Check. Check. Check. All well. Wolfstar was about to get ready for his afternoon nap when Bloodfeather entered the room. "Wolfstar!" he exclaimed. "If this is about how well you're doing as deputy, Bloodfeather," Wolfstar said, "I will tell you that you're doing a marvelous job." He finished. Wolfstar laid his head on his paws. "No, no," Bloodfeather said. "It's about FireClan!" Wolfstar looked up. "What about them?" he asked. "Flamestar was hurt during a battle with a black wolf!" he exclaimed. "Robinsong was killed!" Wolfstar shot up to his paws. "WHAT!?" he screamed. "SHE WAS KILLED?!" Bloodfeather nodded. The hunting patrol saw it when Scarletpaw was chasing a squirrel up a tree. She spotted a wolf carrying off a cream colored cat, and then saw the two FireClan medicine cats with a bloody Flamestar. He wasn't injured too bad, besides a few deep cuts," he reported. Wolfstar felt a pang of sadness. Before he'd become leader of DeathClan, Robinsong had been his friend. He'd begged her to join DeathClan, but she said an omen told her to join FireClan. Robinsong and her stupid omens! Look at where she ended up! That was when Wolfstar realized something. "What was Robinsong doing with Flamestar?" he asked Bloodfeather, who shrugged. "Beats me," he said. Wolfstar felt sadness and fury at the same time. Robinsong had loved Flamestar, not him. She belonged with Wolfstar. Frustrated, Wolfstar curled up and began to sleep. Bloodfeather left his den, and so did two shadows that had been watching him all along.
End of Act 1
Wolfstar observed his clan. They were the most feared in the forest. DeathClan. Not a better name exists for my clan, Wolfstar thought. Wolfstar was an alright name. Bloodstar would've been cooler, though. Lucky Bloodfeather. Such a randomly cool name. The hunting patrol had brought plenty of prey to eat, more then enough to fill everyone's bellies. Wolfstar made his was over to the pile and picked up a vole, one of his favorites. He brought it back to his den and ate it quickly. After morning duties he'd get his rest. First he checked on the kits, Brackenkit and Bramblekit. All well there. Then he checked on the elders, good there too. Then he checked on Grassfoot, the medicine cat, then the apprentices and the warriors. Check. Check. Check. All well. Wolfstar was about to get ready for his afternoon nap when Bloodfeather entered the room. "Wolfstar!" he exclaimed. "If this is about how well you're doing as deputy, Bloodfeather," Wolfstar said, "I will tell you that you're doing a marvelous job." He finished. Wolfstar laid his head on his paws. "No, no," Bloodfeather said. "It's about FireClan!" Wolfstar looked up. "What about them?" he asked. "Flamestar was hurt during a battle with a black wolf!" he exclaimed. "Robinsong was killed!" Wolfstar shot up to his paws. "WHAT!?" he screamed. "SHE WAS KILLED?!" Bloodfeather nodded. The hunting patrol saw it when Scarletpaw was chasing a squirrel up a tree. She spotted a wolf carrying off a cream colored cat, and then saw the two FireClan medicine cats with a bloody Flamestar. He wasn't injured too bad, besides a few deep cuts," he reported. Wolfstar felt a pang of sadness. Before he'd become leader of DeathClan, Robinsong had been his friend. He'd begged her to join DeathClan, but she said an omen told her to join FireClan. Robinsong and her stupid omens! Look at where she ended up! That was when Wolfstar realized something. "What was Robinsong doing with Flamestar?" he asked Bloodfeather, who shrugged. "Beats me," he said. Wolfstar felt sadness and fury at the same time. Robinsong had loved Flamestar, not him. She belonged with Wolfstar. Frustrated, Wolfstar curled up and began to sleep. Bloodfeather left his den, and so did two shadows that had been watching him all along.
End of Act 1
Chapter 10: A gift
Chapter 10: A gift
Rosekit woke to the warmth of her mother and brother. She snuggled closer to her mother. Sounds awoke her. Slowly, her eyes opened. The sight was beautiful: fresh colors and soft smells. She looked over at Frostkit, her brother. She could easily see by the way his eyes opened he couldn't hear. That was common with snow white cats with blue eyes. Mother had lucked out. She looked over at the tom beside her. Father. He smiled down at her. "Morning, Rosekit," he said. Rosekit smiled at him. He was a strong tom, she could see that. "Hello." she said. Her first words came out shake, but she slowly gained strength. "Sight is beautiful," she said. She glanced over at Frostkit. He was looking around, then met her gaze. "Hello, Rosekit," he said. "Hello, Frostkit," she replied. Her mother stared at her. "Frostkit can't hear you," she said. Rosekit just stared at her. "I can hear you, Rosekit," Frostkit said. Why can't Mother head Frostkit? she thought. Oh well, I can worry about that later. "Let's go explore, Frostkit," she said. "Okay," Frostkit replied. Together they sniffed around the nursery, playing with the moss and swiping at the moths that flew in. "Rosekit's a bit crazy," Sharpfang said. Rosekit whirled around. "What did you say?" she asked her father. He looked at her in confusion. "Nothing," he replied. But he said something! Rosekit shook it off and looked at Frostkit. He was still playing with moths. "I'm tired, Frostkit," she said. "Okay, I'll be here," Frostkit said. Rosekit curled up against Mother. Soon Frostkit joined her, and together they fell asleep.
Rosekit awoke on a wide path. She looked around her. On one side was a beautiful, rich forest and on the other, a dark, scary one. She head pawsteps behind her. Frostkit was joining her. "Where are we?" Rosekit asked. "I don't know," Frostkit said. "Do you hear that?" Frostkit asked. Rosekit perked her ears. Then she twitched. "You're deaf, Frostkit," she said. Frostkit shrugged. "I guess the rules don't apply in dreams," he said. Rosekit looked at the pretty forest. A cat was there. Rosekit ran toward it. She heard Frostkit behind her. The cat continued to run. Rosekit and Frostkit continued to follow. Finally the cat turned around. "Rosekit and Frostkit," the cat said. It was a she-cat. Rosekit and Frostkit exchanged a glance. "You have a wonderful gift, both of you," she said. "But I'm deaf!" Frostkit exclaimed. The she cat just looked at him. "So?" she said. "All your other senses have become better, and you have a sixth sense to replace hearing. Just as good, in fact. Same with you, Rosekit. You lack a sense, but you've been given one," I lack a sense? "But what is our sixth sense?" Frostkit asked. "And what do I lack?" Rosekit added quickly. "That's for me to know, and you to find out," the she cat said. "By the way, name's Bluestar. Ask for me when you come back. And no matter what, don't enter the other forest," You don't need to say that. I wouldn't go in there for all the mice in the world! Rosekit and Frostkit exchanged a glance. "I guess it's time to go back," Rosekit said. "It was nice to hear again," Frostkit sighed. Together the cats made their way back to the path.
End of Chapter 9
Rosekit woke to the warmth of her mother and brother. She snuggled closer to her mother. Sounds awoke her. Slowly, her eyes opened. The sight was beautiful: fresh colors and soft smells. She looked over at Frostkit, her brother. She could easily see by the way his eyes opened he couldn't hear. That was common with snow white cats with blue eyes. Mother had lucked out. She looked over at the tom beside her. Father. He smiled down at her. "Morning, Rosekit," he said. Rosekit smiled at him. He was a strong tom, she could see that. "Hello." she said. Her first words came out shake, but she slowly gained strength. "Sight is beautiful," she said. She glanced over at Frostkit. He was looking around, then met her gaze. "Hello, Rosekit," he said. "Hello, Frostkit," she replied. Her mother stared at her. "Frostkit can't hear you," she said. Rosekit just stared at her. "I can hear you, Rosekit," Frostkit said. Why can't Mother head Frostkit? she thought. Oh well, I can worry about that later. "Let's go explore, Frostkit," she said. "Okay," Frostkit replied. Together they sniffed around the nursery, playing with the moss and swiping at the moths that flew in. "Rosekit's a bit crazy," Sharpfang said. Rosekit whirled around. "What did you say?" she asked her father. He looked at her in confusion. "Nothing," he replied. But he said something! Rosekit shook it off and looked at Frostkit. He was still playing with moths. "I'm tired, Frostkit," she said. "Okay, I'll be here," Frostkit said. Rosekit curled up against Mother. Soon Frostkit joined her, and together they fell asleep.
Rosekit awoke on a wide path. She looked around her. On one side was a beautiful, rich forest and on the other, a dark, scary one. She head pawsteps behind her. Frostkit was joining her. "Where are we?" Rosekit asked. "I don't know," Frostkit said. "Do you hear that?" Frostkit asked. Rosekit perked her ears. Then she twitched. "You're deaf, Frostkit," she said. Frostkit shrugged. "I guess the rules don't apply in dreams," he said. Rosekit looked at the pretty forest. A cat was there. Rosekit ran toward it. She heard Frostkit behind her. The cat continued to run. Rosekit and Frostkit continued to follow. Finally the cat turned around. "Rosekit and Frostkit," the cat said. It was a she-cat. Rosekit and Frostkit exchanged a glance. "You have a wonderful gift, both of you," she said. "But I'm deaf!" Frostkit exclaimed. The she cat just looked at him. "So?" she said. "All your other senses have become better, and you have a sixth sense to replace hearing. Just as good, in fact. Same with you, Rosekit. You lack a sense, but you've been given one," I lack a sense? "But what is our sixth sense?" Frostkit asked. "And what do I lack?" Rosekit added quickly. "That's for me to know, and you to find out," the she cat said. "By the way, name's Bluestar. Ask for me when you come back. And no matter what, don't enter the other forest," You don't need to say that. I wouldn't go in there for all the mice in the world! Rosekit and Frostkit exchanged a glance. "I guess it's time to go back," Rosekit said. "It was nice to hear again," Frostkit sighed. Together the cats made their way back to the path.
End of Chapter 9
February 14, 2013
Chapter 9: Kits
Chapter 9: Kits
A day had passed since Robinsong's vigil. Sharpfang looked forward to a night of sleep. He'd decided to sleep with Snowfur that night, to comfort both himself and Snowfur from Robinsong's death. They'd both been good friends with her. What Sharpfang hoped would be a good sleep turned out to be Mapleleaf and Skullstar. "Huh..?" Sharpfang said. Mapleleaf grinned. "Welcome to our happy home," she said. At that moment, a dead bird dropped from the sky. Sharpfang blinked. This was more of a dark forest then a home. "Where are we?" Sharpfang asked. Skullstar and Mapleleaf rolled their eyes. "Warriors today," Skullstar muttered. "Maple just said our happy home you mousebrain. This is our training grounds," he said. Sharpfang glanced around. The trees were missing their leaves, and the sky was dark. "StarClan took all the good territory," he heard Mapleleaf mutter. "Ready to start training?" Skullstar asked. "We want you to be the best warrior you can be," he said. Sharpfang nodded. "Alright then," Mapleleaf said. "Fight Skullstar," she said. Sharpfang stared at her. "You heard me!" she yelled. "Fight!" Sharpfang lunged at Skullstar. The dark tabby easily side-stepped. Sharpfang lunges again, aiming for the cat's side. Skullstar flattened down, and when Sharpfang tried to come up, Skullstar raked his belly. Sharpfang's eyes widened. "A warrior's eyes give away their moves," Skullstar growled. Sharpfang nodded. A scream was heard in the distance. "Time to go," Mapleleaf said. "Someone's calling you," With that, a ripple formed and Skullstar and Mapleleaf were replaced by a dark room. Slowly Sharpfang made out Snowfur's sweating face. "The kits!" she yowled. "Fetch Grayfur!" Sharpfang's eyes widened. He couldn't move. Snowfur gritted her teeth. "Now!" she yelled. Sharpfang obeyed and ran to the medicine cat den. Grayfur and Ashfeather were curled up together. Sharpfang panted. "Grayfur! Ashfeather! The kits!" he panted. The two cats sprang up. "Daisy and a stick, Grayfur," Ashfeather half screamed half said. Grayfur obeyed, and they sprinted to the nursery. "Bite on the stick when the pain comes," Grayfur muttered. "The daisy will give you strength and milk," Then Ashfeather quickly added, "Concentrate on breathing." After what seemed like forever, two kits emerged, a she-cat and a tom. "They're beautiful," Sharpfang muttered. The she-cat had taken after her father, the tom his mother. "What should we name them," Sharpfang asked. "The tom should be Frostkit," Snowfur said. "And the she-cat Rosekit," Sharpfang added. A loud meow from the apprentice den startled them. "What happened?!" a cat mewed. Rosekit flinched. Frostkit didn't. Sharpfang didn't notice, but Snowfur did. "Why didn't Frostkit flinch?" Snowfur asked worriedly. Another cry sounded out. No reaction from Frostkit. "Oh StarClan," Snowfur whispered. Grayfur's eyes widened. "He's deaf."
End of Chapter 8
A day had passed since Robinsong's vigil. Sharpfang looked forward to a night of sleep. He'd decided to sleep with Snowfur that night, to comfort both himself and Snowfur from Robinsong's death. They'd both been good friends with her. What Sharpfang hoped would be a good sleep turned out to be Mapleleaf and Skullstar. "Huh..?" Sharpfang said. Mapleleaf grinned. "Welcome to our happy home," she said. At that moment, a dead bird dropped from the sky. Sharpfang blinked. This was more of a dark forest then a home. "Where are we?" Sharpfang asked. Skullstar and Mapleleaf rolled their eyes. "Warriors today," Skullstar muttered. "Maple just said our happy home you mousebrain. This is our training grounds," he said. Sharpfang glanced around. The trees were missing their leaves, and the sky was dark. "StarClan took all the good territory," he heard Mapleleaf mutter. "Ready to start training?" Skullstar asked. "We want you to be the best warrior you can be," he said. Sharpfang nodded. "Alright then," Mapleleaf said. "Fight Skullstar," she said. Sharpfang stared at her. "You heard me!" she yelled. "Fight!" Sharpfang lunged at Skullstar. The dark tabby easily side-stepped. Sharpfang lunges again, aiming for the cat's side. Skullstar flattened down, and when Sharpfang tried to come up, Skullstar raked his belly. Sharpfang's eyes widened. "A warrior's eyes give away their moves," Skullstar growled. Sharpfang nodded. A scream was heard in the distance. "Time to go," Mapleleaf said. "Someone's calling you," With that, a ripple formed and Skullstar and Mapleleaf were replaced by a dark room. Slowly Sharpfang made out Snowfur's sweating face. "The kits!" she yowled. "Fetch Grayfur!" Sharpfang's eyes widened. He couldn't move. Snowfur gritted her teeth. "Now!" she yelled. Sharpfang obeyed and ran to the medicine cat den. Grayfur and Ashfeather were curled up together. Sharpfang panted. "Grayfur! Ashfeather! The kits!" he panted. The two cats sprang up. "Daisy and a stick, Grayfur," Ashfeather half screamed half said. Grayfur obeyed, and they sprinted to the nursery. "Bite on the stick when the pain comes," Grayfur muttered. "The daisy will give you strength and milk," Then Ashfeather quickly added, "Concentrate on breathing." After what seemed like forever, two kits emerged, a she-cat and a tom. "They're beautiful," Sharpfang muttered. The she-cat had taken after her father, the tom his mother. "What should we name them," Sharpfang asked. "The tom should be Frostkit," Snowfur said. "And the she-cat Rosekit," Sharpfang added. A loud meow from the apprentice den startled them. "What happened?!" a cat mewed. Rosekit flinched. Frostkit didn't. Sharpfang didn't notice, but Snowfur did. "Why didn't Frostkit flinch?" Snowfur asked worriedly. Another cry sounded out. No reaction from Frostkit. "Oh StarClan," Snowfur whispered. Grayfur's eyes widened. "He's deaf."
End of Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Breaking the News
Chapter 8: Breaking the News
Flamestar looked around the room. All the color drained from his fur. Robinsong was dead. The wolf had killed her. And he'd never gotten the chance to tell her the truth. It was all his fault... his own stupid fault! If he'd been brave enough to just ask her, then she'd never had been killed. Grayfur and Ashfeather looked down at him. "You're going to be fine, Flamestar," Ashfeather said. Flamestar sighed. He slowly rose to his paws. "Robinsong is dead," he said sadly. "I'll never be fine,"
Grayfur sighed. "You loved her," she said. Flamestar stared at Grayfur. "How'd you know?" he asked. "It wasn't hard to tell, seeing you stare at her all the time," Grayfur replied. Flamestar looked at the she-cat. She'd grown a lot. Grayfur was still small, though. She also acted wiser and more like a medicine cat. Medicine cats, he thought. "There's a few things I do need to do," Flamestar sighed. "Lots of things need to be done." Flamestar slowly walked from the medicine cat den. Whispers echoed through the crowd. He jumped on high rock, scrambling up. The jump seemed higher when Flame was weak. "Clanmates," he bagan, "I have good news, and bad news. The good news is Ravenpaw is ready to become a warrior." Cheers rippled through the crowd. Ravenpaw beamed. Flamestar figured he should bring some good nws into the clan before presenting the bad. "Ravenpaw, step forward." Flamestar said as Ravenpaw obeyed. "StarClan, look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard, and is ready to become a warrior. Ravenpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and protect your clan at the cost of your life?" Flamestar finished. "I do," Ravenpaw said. "Than on behalf of StarClan, I present you with your warrior name," Ravenpaw beamed. "From now on, you shall be Raventail. StarClan honors your bravery and courage," Flamestar grinned at Raventail, who grinned back. "Raventail! Raventail!" the clan shouted. After the cheering had died away, Flamestar decided to break out the bad news. "Fellow clanmates," Flamestar began, "Today we mourn the loss of our brave clanmate, Robinsong," Gasps and wide eyes stared at Flamestar. "We... we were hunting by the river..." Flamestar began. "A black wolf jumped out..." Flamestar couldn't take it. He jumped from high rock and hurried to his den. He heard Ashfeather's voice. "When Flamestar comes out," she said, "We shall sit vigil for Robinsong," Yes, I will come out when I'm ready.
End of Chapter 7
Flamestar looked around the room. All the color drained from his fur. Robinsong was dead. The wolf had killed her. And he'd never gotten the chance to tell her the truth. It was all his fault... his own stupid fault! If he'd been brave enough to just ask her, then she'd never had been killed. Grayfur and Ashfeather looked down at him. "You're going to be fine, Flamestar," Ashfeather said. Flamestar sighed. He slowly rose to his paws. "Robinsong is dead," he said sadly. "I'll never be fine,"
Grayfur sighed. "You loved her," she said. Flamestar stared at Grayfur. "How'd you know?" he asked. "It wasn't hard to tell, seeing you stare at her all the time," Grayfur replied. Flamestar looked at the she-cat. She'd grown a lot. Grayfur was still small, though. She also acted wiser and more like a medicine cat. Medicine cats, he thought. "There's a few things I do need to do," Flamestar sighed. "Lots of things need to be done." Flamestar slowly walked from the medicine cat den. Whispers echoed through the crowd. He jumped on high rock, scrambling up. The jump seemed higher when Flame was weak. "Clanmates," he bagan, "I have good news, and bad news. The good news is Ravenpaw is ready to become a warrior." Cheers rippled through the crowd. Ravenpaw beamed. Flamestar figured he should bring some good nws into the clan before presenting the bad. "Ravenpaw, step forward." Flamestar said as Ravenpaw obeyed. "StarClan, look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard, and is ready to become a warrior. Ravenpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and protect your clan at the cost of your life?" Flamestar finished. "I do," Ravenpaw said. "Than on behalf of StarClan, I present you with your warrior name," Ravenpaw beamed. "From now on, you shall be Raventail. StarClan honors your bravery and courage," Flamestar grinned at Raventail, who grinned back. "Raventail! Raventail!" the clan shouted. After the cheering had died away, Flamestar decided to break out the bad news. "Fellow clanmates," Flamestar began, "Today we mourn the loss of our brave clanmate, Robinsong," Gasps and wide eyes stared at Flamestar. "We... we were hunting by the river..." Flamestar began. "A black wolf jumped out..." Flamestar couldn't take it. He jumped from high rock and hurried to his den. He heard Ashfeather's voice. "When Flamestar comes out," she said, "We shall sit vigil for Robinsong," Yes, I will come out when I'm ready.
End of Chapter 7
Chapter 7: StormClan
Chapter 7: StormClan
Ivystar observed her clan. It was a strong clan with many strong warriors, but not orderly at all. She walked over to a puddle. Ivystar was unusually small, about the size of an apprentice. Her lack of height was a major disadvantage: just because she was small, StormClan wouldn't take her seriously. Until she could get the clan under control, all she could do was pray that nothing bad would happen. Ivystar was a great leader, she prayed to StarClan and thanked them for all the wonderful blessings her clan had. They didn't share a border with DeathClan, and that was a miracle. CreekClan was strict on borders, but FireClan knew that Ivystar struggled with her clan and gave the tiniest bit of sympathy for that. There was plenty of prey in their territory, so hunger didn't drive them crazy. Ivystar looked over at the fresh-kill pile. It was full. Ivystar decided to deliever some prey to the elders, queens, and Barleyleaf: the medicine cat. They all deserved some food. Ivystar especially respected the elders. They'd grown up and survived the wilderness before the clans, what used to be known as the Northern Backyard. Ivystar began her deliveries. She walked to Barleyleaf's den first. "Thanks so much!" Barleyleaf exclaimed. Ivystar knew Barleyleaf was really happy, for she hadn't eaten yesterday because the warriors only caught a few peices of prey due to the bad weather. Next she delivered three mice to Scratchpelt and Woodtree, the queens. Last, she went to the elder's den. "Ivystar," Patchpetal was in the center of a semi-circle, with the older kits around her. "You're just in time for a story," Ivystar smiled. "Sorry, Patchpetal," she said. "I just have enough time to deliver some food," Ivystar dropped three birds. Patchpetal smiled. "I understand," she said. "With a clan like this one, a leader's always busy," Ivystar exited. She really wanted to stay for a story, but she had work to do. She jumped to the tall branch and looked out at her clan. She had 13 warriors, 5 apprentices, 7 existing kits, and 2 queens expecting kits. Twenty-seven cats total. She had the second biggest clan out of the southern and northern clans. Wow. A huge responsability. Too many cats to feed. They needed about 20 pieces just to fill everyone's bellies. Lots of the other clans thought they were weak, but they were wrong. StormClan trusted Ivystar. They just didn't have a lot of faith in her physical ability. She did have many advantages, though. She could easily hold up her weight during battle, and slip under cats. With that knoledge, her clan trusted. Ivystar was thankful for that.
End of Chapter 6
Ivystar observed her clan. It was a strong clan with many strong warriors, but not orderly at all. She walked over to a puddle. Ivystar was unusually small, about the size of an apprentice. Her lack of height was a major disadvantage: just because she was small, StormClan wouldn't take her seriously. Until she could get the clan under control, all she could do was pray that nothing bad would happen. Ivystar was a great leader, she prayed to StarClan and thanked them for all the wonderful blessings her clan had. They didn't share a border with DeathClan, and that was a miracle. CreekClan was strict on borders, but FireClan knew that Ivystar struggled with her clan and gave the tiniest bit of sympathy for that. There was plenty of prey in their territory, so hunger didn't drive them crazy. Ivystar looked over at the fresh-kill pile. It was full. Ivystar decided to deliever some prey to the elders, queens, and Barleyleaf: the medicine cat. They all deserved some food. Ivystar especially respected the elders. They'd grown up and survived the wilderness before the clans, what used to be known as the Northern Backyard. Ivystar began her deliveries. She walked to Barleyleaf's den first. "Thanks so much!" Barleyleaf exclaimed. Ivystar knew Barleyleaf was really happy, for she hadn't eaten yesterday because the warriors only caught a few peices of prey due to the bad weather. Next she delivered three mice to Scratchpelt and Woodtree, the queens. Last, she went to the elder's den. "Ivystar," Patchpetal was in the center of a semi-circle, with the older kits around her. "You're just in time for a story," Ivystar smiled. "Sorry, Patchpetal," she said. "I just have enough time to deliver some food," Ivystar dropped three birds. Patchpetal smiled. "I understand," she said. "With a clan like this one, a leader's always busy," Ivystar exited. She really wanted to stay for a story, but she had work to do. She jumped to the tall branch and looked out at her clan. She had 13 warriors, 5 apprentices, 7 existing kits, and 2 queens expecting kits. Twenty-seven cats total. She had the second biggest clan out of the southern and northern clans. Wow. A huge responsability. Too many cats to feed. They needed about 20 pieces just to fill everyone's bellies. Lots of the other clans thought they were weak, but they were wrong. StormClan trusted Ivystar. They just didn't have a lot of faith in her physical ability. She did have many advantages, though. She could easily hold up her weight during battle, and slip under cats. With that knoledge, her clan trusted. Ivystar was thankful for that.
End of Chapter 6
February 13, 2013
Chapter 6: Horrible News
Chapter 6: Horrible News.
Sharpfang was proud of his catches. He had two fish, a squirrel, and two mice. This will make a great meal for Grayfur, Ashfeather, and Snowfur, he thought. Snowfur would need lots of energy. Her kits were due soon. Sharpfang stepped into camp. He expected to hear shouts of amazement, like, Wow, Sharpfang! Great catch! But no, instead he heard... cries of agony. Sharpfang opened his eyes. They widened. Cats were gathered in the clearing, whispering. Sharpfang carefully walked into the clearing. He placed his catch down. Bluefur, Darkfeather, and Nightpelt were crouched together, whispering. Sharpfang couldn't help remembering when Snowfur used to be in their little group. She and Darkfeather were best buds. Sharpfang approached them. "What's going on?" he asked. They just eyes him and continued to whisper. Rude. Sharpfang scanned his surroundings, then spotted a few of the apprentices talking: Ravenpaw and Fernpaw. He walked over to them. "What's going on?" he asked. Ravenpaw was the first to speak. "Graypaw burst into camp... or whatever her new name is," She said. "She was frantic. She said Flamestar was hurt in the clearing by the river!" Fernpaw added. Sharpfang's eyes widened. "Thanks," he said. that was all the information he needed. His best bud was hurt, the only thing that mattered to Sharpfang now was making sure he was alright.
Sharpfang padded into the medicine cat den. Graywhatever and Ashfeather were crouched in front of a body. Flamestar. All the blood was replaced with goldenrod and cobwebs, but spots of it were by the entrance. Ashfeather turned. "Get out- oh, it's you Sharpfang. Come in." She said. Sharpfang slowly made his was inside the den. It was a very cozy den, and Sharpfang would've enjoyed it at any other time. He looked at the body of his friend. Flamestar looked alright with the herbs on, but his breathing was heavy and his eyes were frantic. "Sharpfang," he said. "I'm here, buddy," Sharpfang said. Gently, Sharpfang licked the leader's forehead. He sometimes did that to calm Snowfur down, maybe it would work on Flamestar? Flamestar's eyes looked a tiny bit less frantic. "Oh Flamestar..." Sharpfang began. It was hard to see Flamestar like this. They'd grown up together their whole life; they were the strongest. It was hard to see his the bold, strong Flamestar lying on the soft moss in the medicine cat den, barely awake. "Where's Robinsong?" Flamestar asked suddenly. His eyes scanned the room. When he saw nothing, Flamestar jumped to his paws. As a result, Flamestar fell down with a sickening thud. He screamed in agony. "Thyme, Grayfur," Ashfeather said. Grayfur. Plain. Grayfur gave the thyme to Flamestar, who ate it. "Robinsong's not here, Flamestar," Robinsong said in her calming voice. "It... it can't be..." Flamestar said. "If she's not here... no..." Sharpfang stared at Flamestar. Then Flamestar opened his mouth. "Robinsong's dead."
End of Chapter 5
Sharpfang was proud of his catches. He had two fish, a squirrel, and two mice. This will make a great meal for Grayfur, Ashfeather, and Snowfur, he thought. Snowfur would need lots of energy. Her kits were due soon. Sharpfang stepped into camp. He expected to hear shouts of amazement, like, Wow, Sharpfang! Great catch! But no, instead he heard... cries of agony. Sharpfang opened his eyes. They widened. Cats were gathered in the clearing, whispering. Sharpfang carefully walked into the clearing. He placed his catch down. Bluefur, Darkfeather, and Nightpelt were crouched together, whispering. Sharpfang couldn't help remembering when Snowfur used to be in their little group. She and Darkfeather were best buds. Sharpfang approached them. "What's going on?" he asked. They just eyes him and continued to whisper. Rude. Sharpfang scanned his surroundings, then spotted a few of the apprentices talking: Ravenpaw and Fernpaw. He walked over to them. "What's going on?" he asked. Ravenpaw was the first to speak. "Graypaw burst into camp... or whatever her new name is," She said. "She was frantic. She said Flamestar was hurt in the clearing by the river!" Fernpaw added. Sharpfang's eyes widened. "Thanks," he said. that was all the information he needed. His best bud was hurt, the only thing that mattered to Sharpfang now was making sure he was alright.
Sharpfang padded into the medicine cat den. Graywhatever and Ashfeather were crouched in front of a body. Flamestar. All the blood was replaced with goldenrod and cobwebs, but spots of it were by the entrance. Ashfeather turned. "Get out- oh, it's you Sharpfang. Come in." She said. Sharpfang slowly made his was inside the den. It was a very cozy den, and Sharpfang would've enjoyed it at any other time. He looked at the body of his friend. Flamestar looked alright with the herbs on, but his breathing was heavy and his eyes were frantic. "Sharpfang," he said. "I'm here, buddy," Sharpfang said. Gently, Sharpfang licked the leader's forehead. He sometimes did that to calm Snowfur down, maybe it would work on Flamestar? Flamestar's eyes looked a tiny bit less frantic. "Oh Flamestar..." Sharpfang began. It was hard to see Flamestar like this. They'd grown up together their whole life; they were the strongest. It was hard to see his the bold, strong Flamestar lying on the soft moss in the medicine cat den, barely awake. "Where's Robinsong?" Flamestar asked suddenly. His eyes scanned the room. When he saw nothing, Flamestar jumped to his paws. As a result, Flamestar fell down with a sickening thud. He screamed in agony. "Thyme, Grayfur," Ashfeather said. Grayfur. Plain. Grayfur gave the thyme to Flamestar, who ate it. "Robinsong's not here, Flamestar," Robinsong said in her calming voice. "It... it can't be..." Flamestar said. "If she's not here... no..." Sharpfang stared at Flamestar. Then Flamestar opened his mouth. "Robinsong's dead."
End of Chapter 5
Chapter 5: The Discovery
Chapter 5: The Discovery
Grayfur awoke to see a long line of medicine cats. How can there be so many, she thought, when the clans are so new? Then she remembered Spottedleaf talking about coming from different clans, though Grayfur was just a kit. A white cat with gray spots approached her. "Excited to be a medicine cat?" she asked. Grayfur nodded. "My name is Brambleberry," she said. "I'll be your main guide when you share dreams with StarClan," Grayfur grinned. "Awesome!" she said. "Ready for your first prophecy?" Brambleberry asked. Grayfur gasped. "Already?" Brambleberry nodded and grinned. "It may be a bit tricky to decipher, but you'll get the hang of it. It's a very important one." Grayfur nodded. As Brambleberry talked, Grayfur's face became paler and paler. Oh Starclan, she thought, is Brambleberry serious?
A little after the prophecy, Grayfur awoke on the moonpath. All the other medicine cats were awake. "You okay Grayfur?" Ashfeather asked. "What, yeah," Grayfur replied. She tried to wash the pale off her face. "Let's head back, Grayfur," Ashfeather said sadly. After the medicine cats had gone their separate ways, Grayfur asked, "Ashfeather?" Ashfeather looked at her. "Yes, Grayfur?" Ashfeather said. "Why did you name me Grayfur?" Grayfur finally asked. "What do you mean?" Ashfeather asked, sounding worried. "It's... it's so plain.." Grayfur said, trying not to sound hurtful. Ashfeather stopped and looked at her. Grayfur spotted a tear in her eye. "Oh Grayfur... I'm so sorry," Ashfeather said. "I thought you'd like the name..." Ashfeather was crying now. Oh Ashfeather... "I'm sorry Ashfeather... I didn't mean-" Grayfur began. "No, it's fine Grayfur," Ashfeather said. "I thought Grayfur was such a beautiful name..." Beautiful? "Moonpaw became Moonshine... I was hoping I'd get a name just as pretty... like Graydapple," Grayfur said. She looked Ashfeather straight in the eye. Ashfeather nodded. "The real reason I named you Grayfur..." Ashfeather began. "Yes?!" Grayfur perked up. "Some of the greatest things in life have gray fur. The prey we eat... the birds that sing songs... your pelt. Grayfur doesn't just stand for you, it stands for the goodness inside you," Ashfeather finished. "Oh Ashfeather..." Grayfur began. Tears swelled in her eyes. "Thank you... I'm so sorry I doubted you Ashfeather!" Grayfur began. "It's alright," Ashfeather said, "I understand." Grayfur and Ashfeather spent the rest of the way chatting about everything on their minds. They decided to stop by the river and try to fish. Ashfeather froze. Grayfur nearly crashed, but stopped just in the nick in time. She peeked over Ashfeather. Oh StarClan... Blood was everywhere, and in the center of the mess, was Flamestar.
End of Chapter 4
Grayfur awoke to see a long line of medicine cats. How can there be so many, she thought, when the clans are so new? Then she remembered Spottedleaf talking about coming from different clans, though Grayfur was just a kit. A white cat with gray spots approached her. "Excited to be a medicine cat?" she asked. Grayfur nodded. "My name is Brambleberry," she said. "I'll be your main guide when you share dreams with StarClan," Grayfur grinned. "Awesome!" she said. "Ready for your first prophecy?" Brambleberry asked. Grayfur gasped. "Already?" Brambleberry nodded and grinned. "It may be a bit tricky to decipher, but you'll get the hang of it. It's a very important one." Grayfur nodded. As Brambleberry talked, Grayfur's face became paler and paler. Oh Starclan, she thought, is Brambleberry serious?
A little after the prophecy, Grayfur awoke on the moonpath. All the other medicine cats were awake. "You okay Grayfur?" Ashfeather asked. "What, yeah," Grayfur replied. She tried to wash the pale off her face. "Let's head back, Grayfur," Ashfeather said sadly. After the medicine cats had gone their separate ways, Grayfur asked, "Ashfeather?" Ashfeather looked at her. "Yes, Grayfur?" Ashfeather said. "Why did you name me Grayfur?" Grayfur finally asked. "What do you mean?" Ashfeather asked, sounding worried. "It's... it's so plain.." Grayfur said, trying not to sound hurtful. Ashfeather stopped and looked at her. Grayfur spotted a tear in her eye. "Oh Grayfur... I'm so sorry," Ashfeather said. "I thought you'd like the name..." Ashfeather was crying now. Oh Ashfeather... "I'm sorry Ashfeather... I didn't mean-" Grayfur began. "No, it's fine Grayfur," Ashfeather said. "I thought Grayfur was such a beautiful name..." Beautiful? "Moonpaw became Moonshine... I was hoping I'd get a name just as pretty... like Graydapple," Grayfur said. She looked Ashfeather straight in the eye. Ashfeather nodded. "The real reason I named you Grayfur..." Ashfeather began. "Yes?!" Grayfur perked up. "Some of the greatest things in life have gray fur. The prey we eat... the birds that sing songs... your pelt. Grayfur doesn't just stand for you, it stands for the goodness inside you," Ashfeather finished. "Oh Ashfeather..." Grayfur began. Tears swelled in her eyes. "Thank you... I'm so sorry I doubted you Ashfeather!" Grayfur began. "It's alright," Ashfeather said, "I understand." Grayfur and Ashfeather spent the rest of the way chatting about everything on their minds. They decided to stop by the river and try to fish. Ashfeather froze. Grayfur nearly crashed, but stopped just in the nick in time. She peeked over Ashfeather. Oh StarClan... Blood was everywhere, and in the center of the mess, was Flamestar.
End of Chapter 4
February 12, 2013
Chapter 4: The Hidden Enemy
Chapter 4: The Hidden Enemy
After Graypaw and Ashfeather left, Sharpfang decided to go out and do his part to add to the fresh-kill pile. Maybe he'd catch a fish or two for Graypaw for when she returned. Sharpfang was glad to be getting out of camp, being deputy was tough work. He headed toward the clearing by the river to hunt. He scented a mouse. Sharpfang crouched down and lunged. The mouse escaped his clutch by a paw-length. "You would've caught that if you'd been quicker," a voice said behind Sharpfang. "Who's there?" Sharpfang growled. He whipped around. Two cats were standing before him. One was a beautiful calico she-cat with long fur, and the other was a deep gray tom that looked black from far away. "Get out of FireClan territory!" Sharpfang growled. That was when it hit him. Sharpfang was no expert at clan scents, but these cats weren't from any clan he knew. Their scent was sharp and musky and dark, unlike the fishy CreekClan smell or the pine smell of DeathClan. "Who are you?" Sharpfang asked. He refused to aknowledge it, but deep down he was scared. These cats were none he knew. "Allow me to introduce myself," the tom said. "I am Skullstar, and this is Mapleleaf," Sharpfang looked at them. "What clan are you from," he asked. Neither replied. Finally Mapleleaf spoke up. "Darkforest. We're your ancestors, Sharpfang," she said. "Like StarClan?" Sharpfang asked. "Similar," Skullstar replied. "We want to make you a powerful deputy, the best you can be," Skullstar said. Mapleleaf nodded. "Really? You chose me?" Sharpfang was astounded. Mapleleaf and Skullstar nodded. "We'll meet you for training in your sleep," Skullstar said. Sharpfang decided he'd finish hunting, "Okay," Sharpfang replied, but the cats were already gone.
End of Chapter Four
After Graypaw and Ashfeather left, Sharpfang decided to go out and do his part to add to the fresh-kill pile. Maybe he'd catch a fish or two for Graypaw for when she returned. Sharpfang was glad to be getting out of camp, being deputy was tough work. He headed toward the clearing by the river to hunt. He scented a mouse. Sharpfang crouched down and lunged. The mouse escaped his clutch by a paw-length. "You would've caught that if you'd been quicker," a voice said behind Sharpfang. "Who's there?" Sharpfang growled. He whipped around. Two cats were standing before him. One was a beautiful calico she-cat with long fur, and the other was a deep gray tom that looked black from far away. "Get out of FireClan territory!" Sharpfang growled. That was when it hit him. Sharpfang was no expert at clan scents, but these cats weren't from any clan he knew. Their scent was sharp and musky and dark, unlike the fishy CreekClan smell or the pine smell of DeathClan. "Who are you?" Sharpfang asked. He refused to aknowledge it, but deep down he was scared. These cats were none he knew. "Allow me to introduce myself," the tom said. "I am Skullstar, and this is Mapleleaf," Sharpfang looked at them. "What clan are you from," he asked. Neither replied. Finally Mapleleaf spoke up. "Darkforest. We're your ancestors, Sharpfang," she said. "Like StarClan?" Sharpfang asked. "Similar," Skullstar replied. "We want to make you a powerful deputy, the best you can be," Skullstar said. Mapleleaf nodded. "Really? You chose me?" Sharpfang was astounded. Mapleleaf and Skullstar nodded. "We'll meet you for training in your sleep," Skullstar said. Sharpfang decided he'd finish hunting, "Okay," Sharpfang replied, but the cats were already gone.
End of Chapter Four
Chapter 3: The Accident
Chapter 3: The Accident
Flamestar let his paws do the work as he walked over to Robinsong. He tried to calm down, but he was so nervous. "Robinsong?" he asked. "Yeah, Flamestar?" Robinsong said. "Uh... will you come hunting with me?" Flamestar couldn't get the words out. Perhaps he could ask her when they were alone. "I just got back from a hunting patrol, Flamestar" Robinsong said. Uh oh, Flamestar thought. "Well... you did so good... I'd like to see your skills myself," he finally covered up his mistake. Phew. "Okay," Robinsong looked worried. "Don't be worried," he said quickly. "You've done nothing wrong," Robinsong let out a sigh of relief. "Alright," she said.
Flamestar and Robinsong padded out of camp. She led Flamestar to her favorite hunting spot, near the river, far from camp. "I'll see if I can catch a fish or two for Graypaw and Sharpfang," Flamestar said. For some reason those two enjoyed fish, and hadn't joined CreekClan. Not that Flamestar was complaining, of course. "Not before I catch two first!" Robinsong grinned. "Its on!" Flamestar grinned back. Together they splashed around in the river, not even trying to catch fish. They were making such loud noises, they didn't notice large pawsteps running toward them. Flame glanced behind them and his eyes widened. A huge black wolf was lunging toward him. Flamestar was completely frozen from shock. He shut his eyes and waited for the impact. In those few seconds, time seemed to stop. When he felt nothing, he opened his eyes to find Robinsong giving that wolf the fight of his life. She struck him right above his left eye. Flamestar lept into action. He jumped on the wolf's back and struck him on the neck. He didn't let go. Not until the wolf used all his strength to shake Flamestar off. As he was about to leap back into action, his eyes widened and he froze. The wolf was holding Robinsong by the neck. She lay limp in his clutch. The wolf shook her then tossed her aside. He lunged at Flamestar, and the last thing Flamestar saw was the wolf hurtling toward him before Flamestar blacked out.
End of Chapter Three
Flamestar let his paws do the work as he walked over to Robinsong. He tried to calm down, but he was so nervous. "Robinsong?" he asked. "Yeah, Flamestar?" Robinsong said. "Uh... will you come hunting with me?" Flamestar couldn't get the words out. Perhaps he could ask her when they were alone. "I just got back from a hunting patrol, Flamestar" Robinsong said. Uh oh, Flamestar thought. "Well... you did so good... I'd like to see your skills myself," he finally covered up his mistake. Phew. "Okay," Robinsong looked worried. "Don't be worried," he said quickly. "You've done nothing wrong," Robinsong let out a sigh of relief. "Alright," she said.
Flamestar and Robinsong padded out of camp. She led Flamestar to her favorite hunting spot, near the river, far from camp. "I'll see if I can catch a fish or two for Graypaw and Sharpfang," Flamestar said. For some reason those two enjoyed fish, and hadn't joined CreekClan. Not that Flamestar was complaining, of course. "Not before I catch two first!" Robinsong grinned. "Its on!" Flamestar grinned back. Together they splashed around in the river, not even trying to catch fish. They were making such loud noises, they didn't notice large pawsteps running toward them. Flame glanced behind them and his eyes widened. A huge black wolf was lunging toward him. Flamestar was completely frozen from shock. He shut his eyes and waited for the impact. In those few seconds, time seemed to stop. When he felt nothing, he opened his eyes to find Robinsong giving that wolf the fight of his life. She struck him right above his left eye. Flamestar lept into action. He jumped on the wolf's back and struck him on the neck. He didn't let go. Not until the wolf used all his strength to shake Flamestar off. As he was about to leap back into action, his eyes widened and he froze. The wolf was holding Robinsong by the neck. She lay limp in his clutch. The wolf shook her then tossed her aside. He lunged at Flamestar, and the last thing Flamestar saw was the wolf hurtling toward him before Flamestar blacked out.
End of Chapter Three
Chapter 2: Moonpath
Chapter 2: Moonpath
Graypaw followed her mentor, Ashfeather, out of camp. Graypaw was so excited she couldn't simply walk behind Ashfeather, she bounded behind her. What will my name be? Graypaw thought. Graytail would be nice, or maybe Grayleaf, since I'm a medicine cat. Graystripe would be cool too! Graypaw glanced at her spotted fur. There wasn't a stripe in sight. Graydapple! That's a beautiful name! Graypaw was so lost in thought she nearly bumped into Ashfeather. Oof. Grayfur peeked to the side to see why Ashfeather had stopped. A DeathClan patrol was facing them. "You'll on DeathClan territory," a strong looking gray tabby sneered. "We're just heading to moonpath," Ashfeather replied calmly. "Perhaps we should escort you to the edge of territory then," the tabby said. "Medicine cats don't need to be escorted," Ashfeather muttered, but she followed the tabby anyways. Grayfur looked around the territory. The trees were much wider and thicker than FireClan territory. She must've slowed as she admired the trees because a sand colored cat sneered at her. "Watch it, bug," he said. Graypaw blushed and picked up her pace. Soon after they passed the DeathClan/CreekClan border, the terrain became rockier and a bit smoother. "Almost there," Ashfeather said. As they grew nearer, Graypaw could make out the shapes of a few cats. "You're the last to arrive," a reddish-brown cat said. Graypaw remembered he was Boulderpelt, the NightClan medicine cat. The cats turned and entered the cave. Criss-crossing tracks were the path they followed. Soon the group arrived where two tracks meet. Graypaw looked around. The same sparkly golden stripes lined the walls, and water dripped from every location accept for the moonpath. Ashfeather stepped forward. "Today Graypaw will become a full medicine cat!" She said. Graypaw felt her head raise and felt herself blush. "No way," the she-cat from CreekClan said, "Moonpaw is becoming a medicine cat today too!" Moonpaw grinned at Graypaw, and she grinned back. "Well Ashfeather," the she cat said, "they can do their ceremony together." Ashfeather nodded. She stepped forward and bowed her head. "StarClan," she began, "Help these noble medicine cats to do their best in healing, and to follow your noble code." The she-cat stepped up. "Moonpaw, do you promise to follow the code and heal your clan the best way you can, even at the cost of your life?" The she-cat asked. Moonpaw raised her head. "I do," she said. "Then from this day forward, you shall be Moonshine," Moonshine grinned and looked at Graypaw. Wow! Graypaw thought. Moonshine is such a beautiful name! I hope mine is just as pretty! Ashfeather turned to Graypaw. This is it! "And Graypaw," Ashfeather began, "Do you promise to follow the code and heal the clan your best, even at the cost of your life?" she asked. "I Do!!!!!!" Graypaw said proudly! Here it comes! "From this day forward, you will be," Graydapple! Graydapple! Please be Graydapple! "You will be Grayfur," Grayfur looked at her mentor. Grayfur? What kind of name is that? Grayfur sighed. She felt tears form in her eyes. She tried to pull them back in, but they kept coming. Ashfeather looked at her. "Ready to share dreams with StarClan?" she asked. "Yes," Grayfur said quietly. She kept her head down as she curled up and began to dream.
End of Chapter Two
Graypaw followed her mentor, Ashfeather, out of camp. Graypaw was so excited she couldn't simply walk behind Ashfeather, she bounded behind her. What will my name be? Graypaw thought. Graytail would be nice, or maybe Grayleaf, since I'm a medicine cat. Graystripe would be cool too! Graypaw glanced at her spotted fur. There wasn't a stripe in sight. Graydapple! That's a beautiful name! Graypaw was so lost in thought she nearly bumped into Ashfeather. Oof. Grayfur peeked to the side to see why Ashfeather had stopped. A DeathClan patrol was facing them. "You'll on DeathClan territory," a strong looking gray tabby sneered. "We're just heading to moonpath," Ashfeather replied calmly. "Perhaps we should escort you to the edge of territory then," the tabby said. "Medicine cats don't need to be escorted," Ashfeather muttered, but she followed the tabby anyways. Grayfur looked around the territory. The trees were much wider and thicker than FireClan territory. She must've slowed as she admired the trees because a sand colored cat sneered at her. "Watch it, bug," he said. Graypaw blushed and picked up her pace. Soon after they passed the DeathClan/CreekClan border, the terrain became rockier and a bit smoother. "Almost there," Ashfeather said. As they grew nearer, Graypaw could make out the shapes of a few cats. "You're the last to arrive," a reddish-brown cat said. Graypaw remembered he was Boulderpelt, the NightClan medicine cat. The cats turned and entered the cave. Criss-crossing tracks were the path they followed. Soon the group arrived where two tracks meet. Graypaw looked around. The same sparkly golden stripes lined the walls, and water dripped from every location accept for the moonpath. Ashfeather stepped forward. "Today Graypaw will become a full medicine cat!" She said. Graypaw felt her head raise and felt herself blush. "No way," the she-cat from CreekClan said, "Moonpaw is becoming a medicine cat today too!" Moonpaw grinned at Graypaw, and she grinned back. "Well Ashfeather," the she cat said, "they can do their ceremony together." Ashfeather nodded. She stepped forward and bowed her head. "StarClan," she began, "Help these noble medicine cats to do their best in healing, and to follow your noble code." The she-cat stepped up. "Moonpaw, do you promise to follow the code and heal your clan the best way you can, even at the cost of your life?" The she-cat asked. Moonpaw raised her head. "I do," she said. "Then from this day forward, you shall be Moonshine," Moonshine grinned and looked at Graypaw. Wow! Graypaw thought. Moonshine is such a beautiful name! I hope mine is just as pretty! Ashfeather turned to Graypaw. This is it! "And Graypaw," Ashfeather began, "Do you promise to follow the code and heal the clan your best, even at the cost of your life?" she asked. "I Do!!!!!!" Graypaw said proudly! Here it comes! "From this day forward, you will be," Graydapple! Graydapple! Please be Graydapple! "You will be Grayfur," Grayfur looked at her mentor. Grayfur? What kind of name is that? Grayfur sighed. She felt tears form in her eyes. She tried to pull them back in, but they kept coming. Ashfeather looked at her. "Ready to share dreams with StarClan?" she asked. "Yes," Grayfur said quietly. She kept her head down as she curled up and began to dream.
End of Chapter Two
February 11, 2013
Act 1: Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins
Beginning of Act 1
Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins
Flamestar sat upon highrock and observed his clan. It had grown well in the past moons. Ashfeather and her apprentice Graypaw were learning the newest herbs to heal the clan, and they were learning well and fast. With quick hunters like Thornclaw and Darkfeather, prey didn't stand a chance, and nor did StormClan stand a chance of entering their borders with strong warriors like Bluefur and Nightpelt. Sharpfang was a noble deputy and, despite his high rank, was still bossed around by his mate, Snowfur. According to Graypaw, Snowfur was expecting kits soon. And Flamestar hoped that it wouldn't be long before he had kits of his own. He watched as Robinsong carried a squirrel and placed it on the fresh-kill pile. She was a great hunter, and the only cat in the clan that could catch a squirrel anytime she tried. She was a beautiful cat, and smart too. Ashfeather was often complaining about Robinsong taking her job whenever she found an omen, which was often. She could see one in the timing of a ripple of water, and her prediction would always come true. Flamestar hoped that she would want to be his mate; he couldn't imagine life without her. Flamestar was just waiting for the right time to ask. "Flamestar," Flame looked down. Ashfeather and an ecstatic Graypaw were by the foot of highrock. "I'm going to take Graypaw to moonpath for her medicine cat ceremony," Ashfeather said. "That's wonderful, congratulations, Graypaw!" Flamestar replied. It would be great to have two medicine cats around, with StormClan always watching them. Poor Ivystar couldn't seem to keep control of the cats. Despite her brains, her small size hadn't quite earned the trust of her clanmates. Flamestar almost felt bad for her. No, Flamestar thought to himself, I can't be pitying rival leaders. "See you later Flamestar," Ashfeather said. "Wish Graypaw luck,"
"I will," Flamestar replied. Then he hopped down from the highrock and slowly headed toward Robinsong.
Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins
Flamestar sat upon highrock and observed his clan. It had grown well in the past moons. Ashfeather and her apprentice Graypaw were learning the newest herbs to heal the clan, and they were learning well and fast. With quick hunters like Thornclaw and Darkfeather, prey didn't stand a chance, and nor did StormClan stand a chance of entering their borders with strong warriors like Bluefur and Nightpelt. Sharpfang was a noble deputy and, despite his high rank, was still bossed around by his mate, Snowfur. According to Graypaw, Snowfur was expecting kits soon. And Flamestar hoped that it wouldn't be long before he had kits of his own. He watched as Robinsong carried a squirrel and placed it on the fresh-kill pile. She was a great hunter, and the only cat in the clan that could catch a squirrel anytime she tried. She was a beautiful cat, and smart too. Ashfeather was often complaining about Robinsong taking her job whenever she found an omen, which was often. She could see one in the timing of a ripple of water, and her prediction would always come true. Flamestar hoped that she would want to be his mate; he couldn't imagine life without her. Flamestar was just waiting for the right time to ask. "Flamestar," Flame looked down. Ashfeather and an ecstatic Graypaw were by the foot of highrock. "I'm going to take Graypaw to moonpath for her medicine cat ceremony," Ashfeather said. "That's wonderful, congratulations, Graypaw!" Flamestar replied. It would be great to have two medicine cats around, with StormClan always watching them. Poor Ivystar couldn't seem to keep control of the cats. Despite her brains, her small size hadn't quite earned the trust of her clanmates. Flamestar almost felt bad for her. No, Flamestar thought to himself, I can't be pitying rival leaders. "See you later Flamestar," Ashfeather said. "Wish Graypaw luck,"
"I will," Flamestar replied. Then he hopped down from the highrock and slowly headed toward Robinsong.
February 10, 2013
Prologue: Rage's Story Part 3
Prologue: Rage's Story Part 3
All the cats assembled into eight groups. As soon as they finished, Spottedleaf spoke. "Now, each leader will be given 9 lives to serve their clan," she said. A ripple of awe swept through the crowd. "Do not be jealous through," Spottedleaf said quickly, "Leaders will spend their lives being brave and true. There is also a code you will live by," Spottedleaf said, and explained the code while every cat listened. "And newborn cats will begin as kits. When they are 6 moons old, no sooner, they shall advance to apprentices and be trained by warriors until they are ready to become one. When a cat feels too weak to continue their duties, they shall retire to the elder's den, where they'll be cared for until their last minutes. If a cat is expecting kits, they'll become a queen and move into the nursery until after their kits become apprentices. Leaders will choose deputies to help them with their duties. Lastly, a medicine cat will be chosen to heal the clan. They will learn herbs and train a medicine cat apprentice and carry out their duties until their last moments. I will tell each clan more specific things, but for now you get the idea," Spottedleaf said. "Oh, also cats will be given a two-part name. Let's say your name is Bracken. As a kit you will be Brackenkit, an apprentice Brackenpaw, and when you become a warrior or medicine cat you will be given any second name your leader or medicine cat chooses, such as Brackentail, Brackenleaf, or Brackennose. Leaders will have star as their last part. Now, I think that's enough for now. I will speak to you as soon as you've settled into your territories. Seven other cats from my land will lead each clan into their new territories and tell you all about your new life," Spottedleaf jumped down and began to lead the eight new clans into their new life, leaving their old, savage ways in the dust.
End of Prolouge
All the cats assembled into eight groups. As soon as they finished, Spottedleaf spoke. "Now, each leader will be given 9 lives to serve their clan," she said. A ripple of awe swept through the crowd. "Do not be jealous through," Spottedleaf said quickly, "Leaders will spend their lives being brave and true. There is also a code you will live by," Spottedleaf said, and explained the code while every cat listened. "And newborn cats will begin as kits. When they are 6 moons old, no sooner, they shall advance to apprentices and be trained by warriors until they are ready to become one. When a cat feels too weak to continue their duties, they shall retire to the elder's den, where they'll be cared for until their last minutes. If a cat is expecting kits, they'll become a queen and move into the nursery until after their kits become apprentices. Leaders will choose deputies to help them with their duties. Lastly, a medicine cat will be chosen to heal the clan. They will learn herbs and train a medicine cat apprentice and carry out their duties until their last moments. I will tell each clan more specific things, but for now you get the idea," Spottedleaf said. "Oh, also cats will be given a two-part name. Let's say your name is Bracken. As a kit you will be Brackenkit, an apprentice Brackenpaw, and when you become a warrior or medicine cat you will be given any second name your leader or medicine cat chooses, such as Brackentail, Brackenleaf, or Brackennose. Leaders will have star as their last part. Now, I think that's enough for now. I will speak to you as soon as you've settled into your territories. Seven other cats from my land will lead each clan into their new territories and tell you all about your new life," Spottedleaf jumped down and began to lead the eight new clans into their new life, leaving their old, savage ways in the dust.
End of Prolouge
Prologue: Rage's Story Part 2
Prologue: Rage's Story Part 2
With Rage in the lead, all kinds of predators vanished from the mountains, the forest, the moors, and the plains overnight. The cats were the most feared race of all the animals in the area. And Rage hadn't lead them alone. He has met a young, strong she-cat named Maple, and they had four healthy kits. But one day, many cats including Rage, Maple, and their kits died of a mysterious cause. Rage's body had never been found. The cats mourned from their loss, and had fallen into chaos. On the sunrise after their vigil, Spottedleaf appeared. "It is time to begin your clans," she said.
All cats looked up. "Since you are such a big group, you will be divided into the Northern Clans and the Southern Clans. I have sent omens to eight cats that will lead them. You know who you are, please step forward," Spottedleaf said. Eight cats stepped up.
"I will start with the Southern Clan leaders. Please state your name and describe your clan," Spottedleaf said as she stepped back, and looked towards a brown she-cat.
"I am Flow," she said. "I am honored to be the chosen leader of BrookClan. We will live by a river and enjoy fish as our meals. If you love fish and swimming consider this clan," Flow stepped back.
"I am Feather," a dark gray tom said. "I will lead OwlClan. We will be a wise clan that lives in the pine forest, and will dine on anything we feel like. We will lurk in the shadows and let nothing overcome us," Feather said and stepped back.
"I am Dusk," a dark brown tom said. "I am proud to soon lead NightClan. We will roam the forest and eat mice, voles, birds, and never go hungry with our options," Dusk stepped back.
A strong looking tan she-cat stepped up. Her eyes met the crowd. "I am Fox," she said with a daring smile. "I will soon lead WhisperClan. We shall roam the moors and catch rabbits and be the fastest clan of them all. With my strong leading and and cats cooperation, we will be the best clan of them all," she said. "Alright, so there you have it," Spottedleaf said. "Those are half your options. Now for the Northern Clan leaders," she said, and turned to the other remaining leaders.
"I am Stream," a silver tom said. "My clan will be similar to Flow's. We will eat fish, swim by the river, and live by it. The main difference is that we'll live by a lake as well, to expand our fishing areas. Also, I am not as strict as Flow, to be honest, but I will try my best to lead CreekClan to victory," he said, and stepped back.
Next, a rough looking tom stepped up. He had a scar by his left eye. "I am Wolf," he said, scanning the crowd. I shall lead DeathClan to be the best it can be. Please don't be alarmed by the name, we will be a kind clan but tough towards enemies. Think of the reaction strange cats would get when we tell them our clan name!" Wolf said and stepped back.
A small, slender she-cat stepped up. No doubt about it, she was the runt of her litter. "I am Ivy," she said. "I will lead StormClan to be all it can be. We will have wise strategy in all we do," she said, and stepped back.
At last, a flaming orange tom stepped up. All eyes locked on him. "I am Flame," he said. "I will lead a clan called FireClan as long as I live. We will be strong and brave and fierce. Please consider us as your clan," As soon as Flame stepped back, a cheer went through the crowd. It was time to choose their permanent clan.
With Rage in the lead, all kinds of predators vanished from the mountains, the forest, the moors, and the plains overnight. The cats were the most feared race of all the animals in the area. And Rage hadn't lead them alone. He has met a young, strong she-cat named Maple, and they had four healthy kits. But one day, many cats including Rage, Maple, and their kits died of a mysterious cause. Rage's body had never been found. The cats mourned from their loss, and had fallen into chaos. On the sunrise after their vigil, Spottedleaf appeared. "It is time to begin your clans," she said.
All cats looked up. "Since you are such a big group, you will be divided into the Northern Clans and the Southern Clans. I have sent omens to eight cats that will lead them. You know who you are, please step forward," Spottedleaf said. Eight cats stepped up.
"I will start with the Southern Clan leaders. Please state your name and describe your clan," Spottedleaf said as she stepped back, and looked towards a brown she-cat.
"I am Flow," she said. "I am honored to be the chosen leader of BrookClan. We will live by a river and enjoy fish as our meals. If you love fish and swimming consider this clan," Flow stepped back.
"I am Feather," a dark gray tom said. "I will lead OwlClan. We will be a wise clan that lives in the pine forest, and will dine on anything we feel like. We will lurk in the shadows and let nothing overcome us," Feather said and stepped back.
"I am Dusk," a dark brown tom said. "I am proud to soon lead NightClan. We will roam the forest and eat mice, voles, birds, and never go hungry with our options," Dusk stepped back.
A strong looking tan she-cat stepped up. Her eyes met the crowd. "I am Fox," she said with a daring smile. "I will soon lead WhisperClan. We shall roam the moors and catch rabbits and be the fastest clan of them all. With my strong leading and and cats cooperation, we will be the best clan of them all," she said. "Alright, so there you have it," Spottedleaf said. "Those are half your options. Now for the Northern Clan leaders," she said, and turned to the other remaining leaders.
"I am Stream," a silver tom said. "My clan will be similar to Flow's. We will eat fish, swim by the river, and live by it. The main difference is that we'll live by a lake as well, to expand our fishing areas. Also, I am not as strict as Flow, to be honest, but I will try my best to lead CreekClan to victory," he said, and stepped back.
Next, a rough looking tom stepped up. He had a scar by his left eye. "I am Wolf," he said, scanning the crowd. I shall lead DeathClan to be the best it can be. Please don't be alarmed by the name, we will be a kind clan but tough towards enemies. Think of the reaction strange cats would get when we tell them our clan name!" Wolf said and stepped back.
A small, slender she-cat stepped up. No doubt about it, she was the runt of her litter. "I am Ivy," she said. "I will lead StormClan to be all it can be. We will have wise strategy in all we do," she said, and stepped back.
At last, a flaming orange tom stepped up. All eyes locked on him. "I am Flame," he said. "I will lead a clan called FireClan as long as I live. We will be strong and brave and fierce. Please consider us as your clan," As soon as Flame stepped back, a cheer went through the crowd. It was time to choose their permanent clan.
Prologue: Rage's Story Part 1
Prologue: Rage's Story Part 1
Long ago, the forest we live in was a wasteland full of savage cats. They fought for the smallest scraps of food and lived by no code at all. Cats died before more could be born. One day, a beautiful she-cat appeared before all the cats. She sat upon the large stone as the cats gathered around her, amazed.
"My name is Spottedleaf," she said as soon as all the cats had gathered. "I am concerned about your way of living and how many cats are dying," she said. "I come from a land where all cats are respected and cared for, no matter how young or old they are,"
Whispers of excitement spread through the crowd.
"I live in a place where cats are bound by a code that keeps us in order where we can enjoy ourselves but have order. We live in four clans with different cats in each clan. I would like to establish this way of living among you all so that you may all live long, happy lives." Cheers began to come from the crowd. "However," Spottedleaf continued, "To do that, you must be rid of all the dangerous predators and gather your strength," she said.
"And just how do you think we can do that?" a sneer said in the crowd. A strong, fierce black cat made his way to face Spottedleaf. "My name is Rage," he said. "And I am concerned about how you plan to do that," Rage said. Rage didn't challenge Spottedleaf, he was just concerned about the group of cats he had come to love.
"You shall lead them, Rage," Spottedleaf said.
Rage stared at her.
"You shall lead the cats to victory and dispose of all the predators and dangers in this territory. As soon as your job is done, I will come and speak to you all about the clans once more," Spottedleaf said. "It will take a lot of power to lead these cats to victory. I will give you the strength to lead them," Rage felt a chill go through his body, down to the bones. Suddenly he felt powerful, and the group seemed to pay more attention to him.
"Okay Rage," Spottedleaf said. "You're ready." As soon as she finished, she vanished. All eyes looked to Rage.
"All right then," Rage said, "lets get started."
Long ago, the forest we live in was a wasteland full of savage cats. They fought for the smallest scraps of food and lived by no code at all. Cats died before more could be born. One day, a beautiful she-cat appeared before all the cats. She sat upon the large stone as the cats gathered around her, amazed.
"My name is Spottedleaf," she said as soon as all the cats had gathered. "I am concerned about your way of living and how many cats are dying," she said. "I come from a land where all cats are respected and cared for, no matter how young or old they are,"
Whispers of excitement spread through the crowd.
"I live in a place where cats are bound by a code that keeps us in order where we can enjoy ourselves but have order. We live in four clans with different cats in each clan. I would like to establish this way of living among you all so that you may all live long, happy lives." Cheers began to come from the crowd. "However," Spottedleaf continued, "To do that, you must be rid of all the dangerous predators and gather your strength," she said.
"And just how do you think we can do that?" a sneer said in the crowd. A strong, fierce black cat made his way to face Spottedleaf. "My name is Rage," he said. "And I am concerned about how you plan to do that," Rage said. Rage didn't challenge Spottedleaf, he was just concerned about the group of cats he had come to love.
"You shall lead them, Rage," Spottedleaf said.
Rage stared at her.
"You shall lead the cats to victory and dispose of all the predators and dangers in this territory. As soon as your job is done, I will come and speak to you all about the clans once more," Spottedleaf said. "It will take a lot of power to lead these cats to victory. I will give you the strength to lead them," Rage felt a chill go through his body, down to the bones. Suddenly he felt powerful, and the group seemed to pay more attention to him.
"Okay Rage," Spottedleaf said. "You're ready." As soon as she finished, she vanished. All eyes looked to Rage.
"All right then," Rage said, "lets get started."
FireClan: Introduction
"Shhh, be quiet Cloudkit or she'll see us!" Berrykit warned. Cloudkit glared at her.
"If you don't be quiet then she'll spot us!" Cloudkit spat back.
"Shh she's coming!" Berrykit warned. Cloudkit and Berrykit crouched behind the bush and slowly peeked out. Petalblossom was roaming nearby, asking anyone she came across where they were hiding. As soon as she crossed the fern patch and headed into the heart of camp, the two kits emerged from their hiding place.
"That was close!" Cloudkit panted as soon as the coast was clear.
"I'll say," Berrykit replied. She looked up into the sky. "We still have a while before our ceremony," Berrykit said.
"Oh, I can hardly wait!" Cloudkit grinned. "I wonder who my mentor will be! Probably Shadefeather, the best warrior in FireClan!" Cloudkit said.
Berrykit frowned. "Shadefeather wouldn't be caught dead with you," she said to Cloudkit.
"Well-" Cloudkit was interrupted by a loud grunt and pawsteps coming in their direction. The kits whipped around to be face to face with Ivymist, the oldest elder in the forest.
"Ivymist!" Berrykit and Cloudkit squealed, forgetting all about their argument.
"Can't a cat get any rest without kits waking them up?" Ivymist grunted.
"We won't be kits for long!" Berrykit boasted. "Our apprentice ceremony'll be real soon!" Berrykit grinned. "Well you should be getting ready for it so I can get some rest," Ivymist muttered.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Ivymist!" Suddenly Petalblossom appeared in the den. "I hope they haven't been a lot of trouble," Petalblsoom said as she ducked down and began to lick Cloudkit's head. He glared at her. "You're embarassing me, mom!" he cried.
"These two need to come with me and get ready," Petalblossom said to Ivymist.
"Now now, no need to rush," Ivymist said calmly, "they can stay with me." Ivymist looked at Petalblossom. "Please??????????" Cloudkit and Berrykit begged together.
"Alright, as long as they don't cause any trouble." Petalblossom grumbled. "But I want them back awhile before the ceremony," she added.
Ivymist rolled her eyes as Petalblossom left. "Alright then, how about a story?" Ivymist asked.
Cloudkit and Berrykit nodded.
"What would you like to hear?" Ivymist asked.
"The story of FireClan!" Cloudkit and Berrykit both said at once.
"That's a long story," Ivymist began, "And your ceremony isn't far off!" Cloudkit and Berrykit exchanged a glance.
"We have plenty of time!" Cloudkit said.
"PLE-" they began.
"Enough, okay, okay!" Ivymist said, defeated.
"I'll tell that story if you promise to pay attention. Understand?" Cloudkit and Berrykit nodded. "Alright then," Ivymist said. "It all started with a strong, brave, leader named Rage..."
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