February 19, 2013

Understanding Act 1 and Act 2

  Okay so I've just finished writing Act 1 and 2 in 20 small chapters.  It may be a bit confusing... I get it.  So all the main characters have been introduced: Flamestar, Ivystar, Wolfstar, Sharpfang, Grayfur, Snowfur, Darkfeather, Rosekit, Frostkit, Robinsong, Skullstar, and Mapleleaf.  Ivystar and Darkfeather haven't been woven into the main story yet (but believe me, they each play HUGE parts).  Rosekit and Frostkit have discovered these magical bones that give them the power to control cats, and have just discovered that they can read minds and communicate with each other.  Sharpfang has left FireClan with the strongest warriors at his side, and is training in the DarkForest, along with Wolfstar.  Obviously Mapleleaf and Skullstar are up to no good.  The story is just about almost halfway over, and it's also a huge mystery with many overlapping parts.  So just do your best to figure out the mysteries with the clues I've given to you.
                           Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :T

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