February 19, 2013

Act 3: Chapter 22: The Aftermath

Chapter 22: The Aftermath

  Flamestar stared at the spot his friend had once stood.  It took all his strength to fight back the tears that were fighting to break through the wall.  What have I done?  Flamestar asked silently.  "You did the right thing,"  Mapleleaf said.  "But I feel so bad!  I want Sharpfang to come back!"
"He doesn't realize how much he needs you.  He'll come crying back in no time,"
"Are you sure?"
Flamestar felt a bit better after talking to Mapleleaf.  But all my strongest warriors are gone!  Let's see... I have Grayfur and Snowfur who can't fight, but they can hunt, Darkfeather, who's a great warrior, Scarstorm, Cinderclaw, Tigerscar, Firepelt...  and so many more!  And... Raventail.  Raventail.  Raventail... Flamestar repeated the words in his mind.  No... no... I can't be falling in love... not so soon after Robinsong... no!!!!!  In so many ways life is so unfair...  He put his head on his paws in despair.  Will I need help leading the clan?  I'll need to choose a new deputy.  Flamestar slowly rose to his paws and padded up to high rock.  The remaining members of the clan stared up at him.  "Fellow clanmates,"  he began.  "I'm sorry I have been such a horrible leader.  I promise to be kinder,"  Flamestar paused.  "But we need to face the facts and move on.  I'd like Scarstorm to be the deputy until Sharpfang and his... ThisteClan... returns,"
"Scarstorm!  Scarstorm!"  the clan chanted.   Flamestar looked down at his clan.  It was huge, and missing Sharpfang and his friends hardly made a dent.  But when it came to power... his clan'd been sliced in half.  "That should be all..." Flamestar said.  The clan started to leave.  He say Grayfur and Snowfur begin to leave.  "Wait!"  he yowled.  "Darkfeather accompany Grayfur and Snowfur on their hunt,"  he said.  Darkfeather nodded.  As he watched them leave, Flamestar felt satasfied.  He knew he'd made the right choice; Darkfeather would keep the sisters company, and truthfull, they'd be more likely to find the kits with her help.  Grayfur was a medicine cat, and Snowfur had been in the nursery for over a moon.  They both were lacking skills.  "Flamestar, thank you,"  Scarstorm said.  "Ah!"  Flamestar yowled.  Scarstorm looked startled.  "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"  She said softly.  "It's me, Scarstorm.  S-C-A-R-S-T-O-R-M," 
"I know it's you,"  Flamestar laughed.  Scarstorm grinned.  "I'll arrange patrols,"  she said.  "I'll go on a hunting patrol,"  Flamestar said.  Scarstorm nodded.  She padded up to high rock and spoke with confidence to the clan.  Her speach was so smoothe, she looked like she'd been deputy for moons.  Almost as good as Sharpfang.  But not quite.

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